<<@kelli2842 says : This is a State issue, it's not an issue by Trump. Harris has been in power 3years , nothing done. That's on Harris if anyone!>> <<@HarveyManfrenjenfronsen says : Reproductive Healthcare? Rights? At least be honest for what it is. Get that seed "pumped and dumped" and then get rid of your careless behavior. Y'all are a bunch of 304's.>> <<@jamesparker3189 says : It's not their bodies women are making the decision to destroy,. it's the baby's body. Women are just the vessel. I am a very rare human with memories of being in my mother's womb and of being born. There is no hot, no cold, no noise in the womb, just a humming in my head. The kind you get when you plug your ears. It was wonderful. Comfort you could only imagine. As for being born, try and imagine a stuffy nose from hell. It's what made me cry and its the first time I heard my voice. There are millions of people with these memories, which proves babies in the womb are sentient beings. I am extremely grateful that I was not a victim of a woman having a surgical tool puncture the soft spot on my head.>> <<@jamesgallegos6344 says : Trump And MAGA Stripping Away Your Rights !! No freaking Way.>> <<@saidbikovich3476 says : شكراً أمريكا !! https://youtu.be/OSRCKPHt8pg?si=Okj7C-nMjqrDUvrl>> <<@debrarisdon9250 says : those embryos could have helped save and better this planet. prayers for all i got raped and ended up pregnant i also had health problems but if i leaned on my own understandings i would not have a beautify smart 11 year old girl . she saved me even tho the circumstances were bad God gave me a gift from that bad that helped me stay on the right track .>> <<@debrarisdon9250 says : Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.>> <<@Greg-x3f says : Biden says he will reinstate Roe V. Wade if he's elected president. Joe you are president now. 🤔>> <<@wau22 says : Has anyone read the Epstein files?? Why aren't you on top of this??? SHOCKING! Please inform your listeners.. 💙🫶🏿🫶🏾🫶🏽🫶🏼🫶🏻🫶>> <<@KentuckyHillbilly says : how can one justify roe vs wade federal overpowering states rights.. but yet we have states and cities overpowering our federal 2nd Amendment right? Without continuity and equal application, our laws are meaningless.>> <<@Austrialia says : How about use protection>> <<@HigherMorality says : The next step is a nationwide ban on gender affirming care. We can do it! It was hard to imagine that we'd overturn of roe v wade, but we did it!>> <<@HigherMorality says : Just a kind reminder that you don't need an abortion if you DON'T SPREAD YOUR LEGS for someone you're not ready to reproduce with. So simple, but so many females still get it wrong.>> <<@dianeowens8051 says : We the people so believe your stories NOT>> <<@b13inc says : 😢this is what depresses me. Women are afraid to be pregnant, even an old disabled me in perimenopause 😡>> <<@dr4391 says : https://youtu.be/3L5OaJNulRE?si=QuHu6dXTl87A9gf4 WHAT IS IT?>> <<@TomKarp.slomsk says : Abortion has nothing to do with health nor women's rights.>> <<@jerryminks5775 says : Folks keep voting Republican, specially white women, this is what u get.>> <<@thisisgreatt says : Killing children should never be allowed>> <<@user-kr9kd9bb9s says : If a person kills a pregnant woman why does a person get charged for killing a woman and a fetus should that apply to when you get an abortion....too... 🇺🇸>> <<@Tom.788 says : If Trump and the maga/republican party get national power, the attack on your reproductive rights will go nationwide. Voting straight blue in November.>> <<@rayralph4669 says : CNN KEEP TROUBLE GOING ....WHOS TALKING ABORT ABORTION KIDS DYING ON DRUGS>> <<@francisty139 says : For the record based on the Karma of your ancestors and relatives and the people around you, Satan Inc. forces women to have complicated pregnancies so they have an excuse to collect their souls if they do abortion. That is why there is also rape. Its not the fault of the woman. Lucifer is insanely smart and sees people as fishes. Jesus can't do anything until Armageddon. Lucifer again is the God of this Earth until Armageddon. It was set in stone before the Great Floods after Lucifer was punished for teaching stupidity to man. In other words in Eden, rape was non existent because people could have sex with who ever or whom ever they wanted and they shared responsibilities of taking care of the child since there was no Good or Evil because your God of Abraham made it that way and gave you Free Will. But because Lucifer made himself God and together with the other Watcher angels hoarded all the girls to also give to their human followers, he forced men to have sex with men because the men ran out of women while other men had sex with animals because they ran out of women. Aside from that, they were responsible for all the societal structures in place today. Its all in the Book of Enoch. Abortion should only be the last resort so you can argue that you had no choice and you have to make sure it is really in the early early stages and make sure that you have helped many people that deserved to be helped as penance and to redeem yourself from commiting the abortion so Jesus can argue for you since Lucifer rules the earth. This world is unfair. Everything is a gamble. You might lose even if you were the most decent being on the face of the Earth while you were still alive. Lucifer is your God until Armageddon. He wante to prove it so the Father allowed Lucifer to make the rules and shall be judged by Jesus only on Armageddon. This is something that most Christians don't know about that is why when they preach, they preach wrong. When they make decisions, they sometimes make the right one by accident such as in adoption regarding rape but most fail because they do not give support to the mother and the child. You know as they say, a little knowledge is already dangerous. Such is the sin of Christians who do not know about the Book of Enoch.>> <<@francisty139 says : Remember Players. There is a window when the soul of a baby prepared in your Father's workshop enters the baby. After you die and you are in Heaven, you will be surprised when a baby has a soul. But for obvious reasons, can't say it because I may have been given the wrong information because every transmission of messages is open book to Satan Inc. since human brains have no encryption. But I think your enemies who are real Satanists know it. Lucifer has been mixing souls anyway that is why some people are born gay. Think of how do you make one immortal? You can't make the person's soul immortal biologically. The soul must download itself to the body. The clue is Reincarnation and Near Death Experiences. Which means, the blank soul must be created first then you transmit it to the body so it will develop into a sentient soul. But since again Lucifer rules the Earth, I guarantee you that if you do abortion, he will say you deserve to stay in this Hell. Jesus cannot do anything about it. But abortion is wrong because the souls meant to go to those bodies will be stuck in limbo. Actually not limbo but clogging up the Factory which is the best description I can come up with. You can understand it if you make a virtual world and try to make a virtual sentient AI inhabit a virtual main body. The system in place is obviously in terms of energy since souls are energy. That's the closest you will be able to understand the process at least in basic principle.>> <<@stephaniebrooks8044 says : I had a D&C bfor I had 2 healthy kids. Abortion is HEALTHCARE!!>> <<@stephaniebrooks8044 says : Is it prolife if the woman dies???>> <<@conversationswithme8601 says : Satan doesn't want you to keep your child. Wonder Why?? 😮>> <<@Mel-be6mg says : I am in Texas. My husband and I want to have kids, and we are terrified. The wait to see a good OBGYN is months, and the conversations are difficult to have. I literally broke down crying at an OBGYN's office last week. We own a small home here and cannot afford to move. It feels like a nightmare. I am so afraid. I'm having a child a bit later in life because I thought I was doing the right thing by saving to go back to college and get my degree. Now I have a computer science degree in a tough job market, I will be a high-risk pregnancy, and I feel trapped in a state that doesn’t support women’s health. We are broke and we are trapped here. It feels like every couple of weeks there is a new case of a woman on the verge of dying here due to pregnancy complications. It is horrifying.>> <<@SUDMONEYBAGS says : Christ is king! Outlaw abortion>> <<@Buttersstock says : IDGAF about abortion nonsence>> <<@maxmustermann1206 says : After the end of Roe v. Wade, abortion was still legal in every single state - and still is. But Democrats won't tell you that.>> <<@ronkirk5099 says : The GQP and their evangelical supporter's agenda to control women and usurp their reproductive rights will go down in history as the greatest political blunder of all time. Women, and the men who support them on this issue, won't stand for it.>> <<@ralphcramden9775 says : Jake Tapper will be moderator at Thursday night debate between Trump and Biden. He called Trump another Hitler. Biased?>> <<@Xsa-z7i says : In France, with abortion rights enshrined, the issue of women's reproductive rights is no longer discussed politically.>> <<@paulaitix77 says : Roe v Wade was not about women’s rights, it was about DOCTOR’S RIGHT to perform abortions. Even R B Ginsberg stated the previous decision was unconstitutional, creates divisiveness, and should be corrected on the state level, according to the constitution. “Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.” Ginsburg actually didn’t think Roe was the best case for establishing abortion rights. She would have preferred a case she worked on as a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union in the early 1970s. Ginsburg, who died in 2020, criticized the 7-to-2 decision both before and after she joined the high court. She argued that it would have been better to take a more incremental approach to legalizing abortion, rather than the nationwide ruling in Roe that invalidated dozens of state antiabortion laws. She suggested a ruling protecting abortion rights would have been more durable if it had been based on the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution — in other words, if it had focused on gender equality rather than the right to privacy that the justices highlighted. “Roe v. Wade, in contrast, invited no dialogue with legislators. Instead, it seemed entirely to remove the ball from the legislators’ court. In 1973, when Roe v. Wade was issued, abortion law was in a state of change across the nation. As the Supreme Court itself noted, there was a marked trend in state legislatures ‘toward liberalization of abortion statutes.’ ”>> <<@raymondschmitt6764 says : Roe vs Wade was not overturned, there was NEVER a constitutional act allowing for the murder of humans while the woman carries it in her womb. The murder of babies was not given by the “We the People” to the State to give to the Federal Government. Congress has no power to pass an unconstitutional law to murder babies even if they do, it would be overturned by SCOTUS. Now, the so-called right is where it belongs, and that is in the hands of the various States where “The people” have the right to decide to murder their un-born citizens. It’s just nonsense to believe 60% of Americans want the false narritive of “abortion” being a “womens health right”. Women in America have just as much right to health care as men, abortion is not a “health” issue and can be prevented in most cases. Remember this? You shall not murder… 😢>> <<@joecurry382 says : admittedly you need a man to get pregnant so there for it's not your body anymore it's has another person inside of you that's independent from you it's not your body you're choice unless you get your tube tied ladies>> <<@robertanderson809 says : Christers needto heed Jesus, not perverse preachers. Jesus did not enter politics for the resson politics does not care, only knee-jerk react. The heretics who want religion in government fit in the Middle East, not in America. We LEFT Europe to escape non-elected power mongers both tithing and killing the people. Wake UP, sheep!!!>> <<@MM-mo2yc says : Abortions are at all time highs in the US. What’s is the big deal?>> <<@SpiritChild-zk2br says : What do they want "a coat hanger abortion in a back alley???">> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : *Pregnant women who were irresponsible with birth control should come to New York! NY is happy to kill your baby right up to the moment of birth! Democrats in the legislature (disgustingly) actually cheered then gov. Cuomo when he signed the late term abortion bill! And you can make a weekend out of it and also take in a Broadway show!*>> <<@BabyBackRibs-h3j says : KILLING AN UNBORN BABY IS NOT A REPRODUCTIVE RIGHT! I don't care how much you keep telling a civilization/society that the practice is acceptable IT"S NOT!>> <<@scottcharney1091 says : Elevated Access is an organization that, at no cost, flies women to and from states where they can get abortions. It often means that everything can be accomplished in a matter of hours. They do great work.>> <<@Jack-yf3ef says : Interesting video, but all women interviewed were WHITE, who could travel out of their state.>> <<@daisied.7770 says : This is cruelty on steroids for women and their families. It's just awful. Think of all these innocent little babies born to live in poverty and abuse. Murderedby their parents or Mommy's new boyfriend. I get so sick of news stories involving dead newborns abandoned in the most hideous places. I hope these conservative male dictators get their karma from behind. They are causing so much needless suffering. This is so cruel.>> <<@dieterradeke4612 says : stupid moderator repeating Trumps lies>> <<@MrBuddy-r8w says : Religion vs Science.....Sadly religion still has the upper hand.>> <<@jonathandnicholson says : 'So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth"' (Genesis 1:27-28).>> <<@888JesusChrist says : Abortion steals a pre-born baby's life and future.>> <<@jasenjahn says : I live in a small town in north Idaho. We no longer have any OBGYN’s because the laws are so unclear. Doctors and clinics are getting sued left and right. There is a law in place that tracks all pregnant women. If this happens, the state government will be monitoring all pregnancy monthly. My wife has to go to Washington just for normal women health. She 48 and we are not planning on having any kids. This is out of control.>>