<<@andree.b4723 says : They will say anything needed to come in...>> <<@IronCavalier says : YouTube using Wikipedia as a source. 😂😂😂 Little children run the platform.>> <<@brotherbruns2989 says : A lot of fear mongering occurs when most networks push fear narratives, not when one does it. Joy Reid is a joyless nimbcompoop.>> <<@gaylejackson9288 says : It’s about the money. Makes it worse. 🙏🧂🧂>> <<@katarascal3183 says : most breakfast tacos want ALL ILLEGALS DEPORTED>> <<@paulwelch7558 says : We all know that this is true because YouTube has an explanation under the story, so that says it all.>> <<@2002films says : The Biden administration committed Treason>> <<@samr9520 says : They are trying to install breath testers in all 2026 new cars... More govt control garbage.>> <<@sethbaker5261 says : Biden actually closed the border a couple weeks ago to try to reel in the Republicans that don't want to vote for Trump. Here's the paper of record's headline: "In Shift, Biden Issues Order Allowing Temporary Border Closure to Migrants The move shows how drastically immigration politics have shifted in the United States. The American Civil Liberties Union said it planned to challenge the order in court." - June 4, 2020>> <<@garyjonjon says : Duh, everyone with an i.q. over 80 knows what's going on. Those who get their news from youtube know nothing.>> <<@breakthechains8362 says : This guy will get pulled into congress by subpoena, evade every question and then get promoted, NOT arrested. They are pushing people to the breaking point.>> <<@daviddesantis2337 says : Always remember who voted for these demonic demonrats>> <<@patriot9112 says : ARM YOURSELVES PATRIOTS.>> <<@glynnth says : Another possibility no one ever seems to consider, is that Biden may be conspiring with the Catholic church, to bring more Catholics into the country, in order to increase the revenue & power of the church. As it's pretty well understood that a majority of the Hispanic population are Catholic, & so is Biden. And guess which organizations have been quietly assisting illegals who enter this country, to secure jobs, housing, & other resources, for many years now? The Catholic orgs, of course! Tho all the Christian orgs do it, to some extent also - thereby ignoring their own scripture's exhortations to "obey the law". If you provide assistance to someone who is breaking the law, that makes you an accessory to their crime, & a co-conspirator, doesnt it? I know they probly think they're just being kind, but they need to also think about how this influx of illegals is adversely effecting Americans, & try to remember that laws exist for good reason, (even your Bible says so), & that includes IMMIGRATION LAWS! Would they provide the same assistance to a robber or murderer, if they insisted their crime was "necessary to acquire a better life"? Every time one of their lives "gets better" (at our expense, & in violation of the laws meant to protect US), an American's quality of life suffers! If the people of Mexico or any other country want to enjoy the benefits of being AMERICAN, then they need to CEDE THEIR TERRITORY TO US, & swear their allegiance to OUR country! An allegiance which is demonstrated by paying the same taxes, fighting in the same wars, abiding by the same laws, & FULLY opening up the resources of THEIR territory for AMERICA'S use. Otherwise, it's just parasitic exploitation of our nation's resources. They reap the benefits of OUR NATIONS RESOURCES, but made none of the sacrifices to acquire them! And no, quite frankly, it doesnt matter if they come here to work, not even if they pay income taxes, because that is still taking away job opportunities from US citizens. They still only gain those opportunities for themselves, by virtue of OUR NATIONS RESOURCES, while they fail to relinquish THEIR NATIONS RESOURCES, in return! So it is still hostile exploitation, which drains and weakens our nation, while strengthening their own. And who's to say that isnt their ULTIMATE INTENTION? It is DISHONESTY & THEFT of our resources, plain & simple. Which is a HOSTILE act against our country & its citizens! And it IS a form of THEFT, because they broke the law to acquire resources they should never have had access to! They are literally STEALING jobs, housing, & many other resources from US citizens, as these are resources they were NEVER entitled to!>> <<@alanaitken1728 says : hahahaha>> <<@ryanmacmichael9950 says : Traitors..totally Evil people...>> <<@Ginx-pe4si says : Tyson Foods and Harbor Freights have been hiring illegals>> <<@traceygray7727 says : Well I see this truth everyday>> <<@trumpjr5179 says : I wonder how many questions about this they will ask him at the debate?>> <<@douglash.1268 says : This has been going on for decades in sanctuary cities.>> <<@str8up598 says : Surprise Surprise Surprise.......>> <<@VanAnon51 says : Video flagged by “fact checkers” as a “white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory”...therefore we know even more so that it’s TRUE and not a theroy! The left is obsessed with turning America into a leftist dictatorship. They ARE trying to replace us with illegal invaders.>> <<@michellejohnson6682 says : A "conspiracy" that we see actively played out every day.>> <<@navymom42 says : For heavens sake America get out and vote make sure your family and friends vote as well. Stop the insanity from the corrupt 😤 Left!>> <<@mhaas281 says : Good job democrats!>> <<@edwardwoods5977 says : The virus was andcis part of it. And now all the food and water is poisoned just enough to slowly kill and sterilize. And demoncrates and Republicans think the givernmentvis on their side while the DOJ has been weaponized against us.>> <<@doskraut says : The john and ken show said the exact same thing in 2000, south america is sending the unwanted people to the US>>> <<@SuperM1man says : I used to be in a union there plan has always been to not raise wages they just bring in new labor to replace you>> <<@rickjahndom says : this is an invasion, endorsed and enabled by people within our own government. this is treason!!>> <<@scotttousey227 says : Trump is right animals are coming in in droves millions of them>> <<@joanhuffman2166 says : So are they replacing white Americans or black Americans or both? I can't keep up.>> <<@ronaldperry says : So who was the first dude talking?>> <<@roberta4760 says : BREAKING Mike Pence slams Donald Trump for advocating for dictators and not our allies. It’s unprecedented for a former VP to not endorse their candidates nominee. Retweet so all Americans see Pence denounce Trump.>> <<@Midge1k says : The New World Order - Global Communism>> <<@TheDragogiovanni says : This is our representation? Seriously isnt that sedition?>> <<@TheDragogiovanni says : Funny how YouTube thinks that the wiki crap is going to be looked at as fact.>> <<@adriantidd3755 says : Now you know why we have GITMO and the Lake of Fire is for real!>> <<@Icastyouout says : Challenge Accepted>> <<@coolname5223 says : I was made aware of this in California in the 90's....>> <<@larryrichardson7595 says : The government has always been the biggest employer of minorities you can see the result this has made to our country>> <<@user-jk3mi2ee9z says : That may back fire on them because in other countries not allowed a gun or other rights American's have they may want them rights to>> <<@kevinjones8745 says : Kara..... You're SO HOT ❤️....... NO QUARTER ASKED, NONE GIVEN>> <<@1o1carolina53 says : THIS all is making 1930s German nationalism look good>> <<@1o1carolina53 says : F______¢k This imposter fake G0vT Est 1871 it's a foreign Corp>> <<@MiyamotoMusashi9 says : Ted Kaczynski is proven more accurate with each passing day>> <<@MiyamotoMusashi9 says : They don't know when they come They will end up the new slave>> <<@nunyabeeswax8485 says : I wonder how terrible the backlash will be against all these depraved Democrats? I fear it will be breathtaking.>> <<@tragedyturnedtriumph4180 says : Sad times>> <<@theytoobpromotescommies says : Fact checked false according to the wiki link on this video lol don't believe your eyes believe us!>> <<@2Bluzin says : So he thinks everyone that comes here is garbage because of their political views are leftist? Just how exactly does he know their political views without giving them the time of day to talk to them? So many projections and assumptions from that guy in the video. Most Mexican are very conservative because of their love of religion.>>