<<@biscuit5061 says : Oh it went down well 🫣>> <<@junoj2836 says : Notice how the name Trapper rhymes with CRAPPER plus it's all synonymous.>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : JOE THE SUCKER FISH THAT TAKES DA BAIT LOSER>> <<@jimhatfield9274 says : CNN the socialist newswork!>> <<@fmzigzag7250 says : Trump need put on bill>> <<@deadhunterparanormal7821 says : Trump2024>> <<@jorgemontefusco650 says : Tapper is the biggest sucker of them all. Bit the biggest lies and ran with them. 4 years after Biden and Tapper still drinks the democrat kool-aid.>> <<@jorgemontefusco650 says : Censorship by CNN. Trump can expect the same.>> <<@brandonwebster99 says : Just watched it. They were spot on, Biden fumbled it hard 😂😂>> <<@maynunal says : History of Western Civilization? He surely knows The Bible was almost exclusively written by Middle Eastern men about Middle Eastern men ( and a few Middle Eastern women).>> <<@JosephSeibert-d8e says : I've never understood why pork chops are so cheap but bacon is so expensive.>> <<@Master.Daddy.Wicked says : Oooh Tapper respects facts and Science😂😂say there’s only 2 genders Jake I dare you 😂😂😂😂>> <<@PTNRoofing1 says : We want our president back Trump !>> <<@maynunal says : drug test trump and Joe now!!>> <<@DEMOCRACY-pd5nk says : Watters…over the bridge. Listen to yoursrlf. Youre no different than tapper. Watters talks like a little immature kid. The entire fox network are immature children. Hypocrites.>> <<@michaelleinbach6249 says : Everyone is going to be shocked when Biden appears perfectly fine. BUT... pull on his face and prove he is a plant with CIA mask on. NO QUESTION ABOUT IT.>> <<@RichardCuppelman says : CNN is a joke! I hope they go belly up after everyone realizes what they’ve been doing!>> <<@nobody-xt3zg says : Best retiree race ever!! Hope that soon old people will just retire and let some new people in the game and stop spending taxpayers millions!>> <<@Dragonstonecrafting says : How can CNN "slap a gag order" on anybody?>> <<@vincentfreeman2593 says : Just accepting CNN as a moderator shows how brave Trump is. He knows they are incredibly bias but still accepts>> <<@leonardfriesen4172 says : GO TRUMP GO BIDEN WORLD FORUM PUPPET>> <<@leonardfriesen4172 says : Fox and cnn are corrupted people see there bought off like cbc in Canada garbage>> <<@richardalf9479 says : How do you sleep Jesse? Bullshitting and lying to the American people? Feeling good about it? Earning a lot of money for it?>> <<@justinheer9098 says : Its comical>> <<@davidschmidt6013 says : People forget something...Trump started as a youngster with a 'background in 'my dad knows all of you and knows all the dirt'...he was dealing with big labor union leaders, local politicians, cops, fire-fighters, building-material suppliers, labor contractors, insurance people, govt drones, etc etc back when these clowns were wondering how to hide a few grand in dirty donations...I sincerely think if Trump wanted to, that he could eat Joe alive, despite all the dem's cheating. MAGA!!! Get 'im, Big Don!!>> <<@colinaitken5090 says : Your welcome back on CNN as long as you agree with our narrative lol>> <<@jamesvandykes7027 says : Biden has skipped the cognitive test for his entire presidency>> <<@hollyporter1193 says : CNN is so horribly biased. I cannot stomach any of them>> <<@peteradams8096 says : Anyone who believes that the Biden years were better than the Trump years is delusional, taking the covid period out because no one knew how to handle that, around the world leaders struggled>> <<@matthewgordon9341 says : Say what yku want about either but as far as i can see trump has been non stop campaigning and actually visiting local buisness. All we see of joe biden is literally him shuffling to his plane to go debate prep. Ive never seen a president that's has been seen less by the american people than hoe biden yet so many people support him. Choose the one whos actually meeting people not the one hiding on a military base.>> <<@sea_angel7088 says : CNN is a fake news>> <<@sea_angel7088 says : Biden is a clown>> <<@henrytallent7819 says : Watters is such a weakling.>> <<@ZydecoZyd says : What the hel/!? A question was asked to a guest that you are supposedly wanting to have a conversation with about an upcoming event. This is not a person testifying to the Senate or in a court of law so the answers you receive do not need to be short and yes, or no due to time restraints and proprieties! I get it that this person did not want her colleagues verbally harassed, yet it is what it is! Don’t ask a question that you don’t really want the answer!>> <<@danhex says : Why does trump look so pale around 4 mins 10 sec and biden alive......>> <<@KwesiNGh says : CNN and Biden= Dems. This whole debate will be to bring Trump down.>> <<@thetruththewholetruth6197 says : we're not gonna see the real Biden. Trump needs to walk over to him and check for a mask>> <<@BillSmith-rx9rm says : I understand they're going to have chairs at this debate. I recommend to Donald Trump that when he first has the opportunity to speak with his microphone on, he should say this: "I don't know about you Joe, but I don't need this chair." And then he should pick the chair up and set it somewhere away from the podium, but still in camera view.>> <<@putamotorinitguy1558 says : CNN will have numbers in about ten years lol then the next day they will lose more viewers after they see how one sided debate>> <<@Friendlybeerfetcher says : Flake tapper knows that we know the science was wrong>> <<@linnardspanthar6252 says : how energized is going to be? Of course! She knows something we don’t know!! O verdose could it B ?>> <<@PraiseTheDreadFather says : CNN is the phoniest BS ever>> <<@scottscott6794 says : Why would trump shake hands with Joe Biden if Biden makes it to the debates this man put on a hit on trumps family. I'm hoping President Trump does not shake hands with his killer. Biden will call off the debate because of a bad cocktail of drugs. The old man might die on stage of a heart attack a stroke or a pure stupidity.>> <<@TheodoreBattaglia-ny7uy says : 4:43 see below>> <<@_KeepingitReal says : They should make sure both candidates are not wearing ear buds so they don't coached on what to say. I think they should remove teleprompters too. Lets make this an old fashioned debate!!!>> <<@TheodoreBattaglia-ny7uy says : 0:39 if you recall, Senator Fetterman disappeared for “Mental health issues” for a period. He was just a senator. Maybe a test case😮 we all know he came back a new man>> <<@TheodoreBattaglia-ny7uy says : 0:39 hahahaha no super serum. Our president Biden is hiding for a *week* because he is getting the same _treatment_ that Senator Fetterman received.>> <<@darlenemiller3239 says : Biden can take all the rest he wants because it doesn’t change the economy. Words are cheap no matter who is coaching them. Inflation inflation.>> <<@darlenemiller3239 says : It doesn’t matter this debate we are tapped out. We have decided already who we’re going to vote. We cannot afford being Democrats anymore. We’re living off of food banks. The end of the day we’re still suffering this terrible economy.>> <<@Dude-dq9wk says : The Trump train baby!>>