<<@Legalthccartstore0 says : *Inhale the Future: Vape with Style!*>> <<@jimijamesjowitt says : Have fun having no tourism. If people cant vape they wont visit. Encouraging people to go back to cigarettes is some real backwards crap. Did you get the advice on vaping from the same idiots you did covid?>> <<@Reptiles.fossil.dinosaurs says : Notice how most media outlets have banned comments on social media. Lol freedom of speech 🎤 okay>> <<@projectnuggetlucas4737 says : So he is basically taking all Australians right away. who the hell does he think he is to control everyone's decisions on what they choose to put in the body to defeat the cigarettes. Funny how he hasn't touched the cigarettes, the most toxic thing that has a record of all the health problems that comes with them... guess his back pocket is more important... He is a Wanker! these stores will need to close in a time where price of living is hard enough.... he has set Australians up to fail. Welcome the black market, it will blow up to a point you wont control>> <<@jackdouglass4653 says : Vaping 3 times as likely to smoke cigarettes BS misinformation>> <<@jackdouglass4653 says : Australia is a nanny state always telling us what the fck to do>> <<@mistressofstones says : If one of his biggest fears for his kids is vaping he must have a VERY easy life 😮>> <<@Conky769 says : The govt may as well hand out cigarettes in school yards as a replacement.>> <<@morningflowerB says : Government needs to get out of peoples private lives!>> <<@Anihilizm says : 4:40 is when the titled conversation begins before that is a load of government propaganda.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : Gotta keep it in house can't let anyone make a dollar. Its good for you if the group sell it but bad if anyone else sells it.>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : When Labor says it consulted widely it means the politicians, their media advisers and the press gallery. Australians? They cannot even assemble fat pack furniture, Albo says.>> <<@8beamin says : You powwow suck what a waste of time>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Dead right. Black market will flourish.>> <<@vxCOCOxv says : It’s the same in Canada. You can’t sell to a minor but our products are being changed? But no ones changing the liquor flavours… hmm? Adults do ADULT things and they’re meant for US. I’m so tired of the trope that it’s to reduce adolescent use. “Get a grip on your kids Cheryl!”>> <<@ilguitaro says : Why is it that this guy talks about EVERYTHING?! He talks about this, climate change....anything but defence! He's not even the defence minister, he's the 'assistant'! It's like the job is too tough, so now every minister needs an 'assistant minister'! That's exactly what we need; bigger government!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and this distraction is what you get from a government too busy deflecting criticism away from the cost of living debacle...>> <<@Tony-ne7hd says : Hard to know if what he did was right or wrong when none of us know exactly what he did. The “details” are very vague.>> <<@DavidBirchall-t6n says : So Labour were going to ban Vapes, then realised they were going to have to work hard to make it happen, so took the easy way out. That is the union worker coming out in them. Just like the Vic government with the flip flop on the pill testing.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Media helping the Government seem like the good Guys in the Addiction they actually allowed and Caused. Control 101.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Labor are a bunch of nanny state control freaks get the heck out of our lives>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Let's give the Dumb 🐑 Vaping and Social media. Now we control them. But Mr Government you caused this. We know 😂😂😂>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Government likes getting the People Addicted to Vaping and Social media so they can control you like a Drug Dealer. Control 101.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : The Nanny's are at us again.>>