<<@johnnewton7075 says : ❗... Hoping that the airplane doesn't crash somewhere .... (then Putin would be guilty!) ... Irony off!>> <<@MrShanker59 says : It was all too much. Punished by US..he is innocent>> <<@VK6AB- says : The reason Assange hid in the Ecuadorian embassy was as a criminal, not as a WikiLeaks activist; by seeking political asylum there he jumped bail in a bid to evade a Swedish extradition request on rape and molestation charges, a request that already had been upheld by the British supreme court. Why did he seek the Ecuadorian embassy given the nature of the Correa regime and how that regime suppressed free speech. As Judge Snow said: “His assertion that he has not had a fair hearing is laughable. And his behaviour is that of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests.”>> <<@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh says : *SHAME on all of you so called journalists'. You kept quiet because you are COWARDS.*>> <<@jamiemorrison5343 says : You fools!! Its now on gloves are off!!>> <<@jamiemorrison5343 says : Pence is DEAD! TRUMP PARDONED JULIAN ALONG TIME AGO!>> <<@jamiemorrison5343 says : For free speech and truth , government dickhead truth is coming>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : See his wife is trying monetise him. I won't invest in Assange Inc. I don't invest in any convicted activity.>> <<@tonyjames9537 says : 無論如何,阿桑奇能夠獲得自由都是一件高興的事情!👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️>> <<@alexwilson1241 says : How corrupt is this Biden keeps top secret documents in his garage,unsecured,he had no right to take them ,because he wasn’t president,then he allowed other people to see them,,,,what a joke there hypocrites and this joker in the white shirt is a C🤡N.>> <<@desiebawden61 says : He told the truth and embarrassed America. America is of course the emperor with no clothes 🤢. Australia did absolutely nothing for Assange. They are probably part of Americas harem and do what they are told .>> <<@Schiltzenberger says : He is more of a journalist than everyone in the news, the fact that he never had the full support of the media is disgusting. There shouldn't be anything illegal in reporting war crimes and lying propaganda from the governments and media.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Bradley Manning did the same thing but Obama pardoned him, i wonder why 🤔>> <<@sg-go5li says : Wikileaks is 100% truth Sky news is fake journalism>> <<@spndrtwentythree5239 says : Australia should be ashame for never protecting him or standing up for him all these years. He did his job and America cross aline and Australia just seat on their hands. We should be able to protect our people.>> <<@travstar5447 says : Assange is a criminal. Fact Again, activist Albanese has his priorities all wrong. Hes happy to get turds like Assange home and pay the GG and his Big Govt team more than any of the plebs are worth but when it comes to the people who earn Australia its money, the private sector, its crickets from far left Socialist Grifter Alblozza>> <<@grosvenorclub says : The Brits will be saying "thank god we have finally got rid of him ">> <<@misterg2269 says : This shows what a pack of outrageous liars politicians are, all across the western world, he exposed the war crimes of the USA, that no one has been held accountable for. The New York Times and the Washington Post both revealed what Wiki leaks did and yet no one from those organisations was punished, WHY? Now he has accepted a plea deal because of his failing health, brought upon him but this false imprisonment and it has made any honest jounalists anywhere in the western world, subject to the same treatment by the USA. This criminal nation is now able to persecute anyone in the west that it simply doesn't like, out in the open, whereas before, they just carried out their evil acts in the shadows. I wish my country and the simps we have for politicians could break free from what I consider to be the EVIL EMPIRE, just as Ronald Reagan once called the Soviet Union.>> <<@sg-go5li says : This guy is lying a piece of shit. There was NO EVIDENCE FOUND OF LIVES JEOPARDISED BY ASSANGES JOURNALISM IT IS ON THE OFFCIAL COURT RECORD THIS IS SKY NEWS PROPAGANDA Anyone who’s followed the Assange case day in day out for the last 14 years KNOWS THIS SEGMENT IS A LIE>> <<@JacquelineToia-ls9zv says : GOVERNMENTS dont believe in SPEAKING THE TRUTH and look at what happens there...JULIAN SPOKE THE TRUTH he gets CRUCIFIED WT ???? Hes done more than enough time ... Can't you push your head up AMERICAS ARSE FOR JULIAN instead of WAR ALBO🎉>> <<@robertharris1016 says : Peter Dutton would only condone the release of Mr assange only after considering how he could gain from it.>> <<@joehren8251 says : And there's the problem with our politicians , this turd has shit for a backbone 🤬🤬🤬>> <<@sg-go5li says : After 1901 days illegally imprisoned in a maximum security prison, 7 years hulled up in an embassy, and more than 50 obstructions of justice to his case, sky news pretend to care now with fake journalism. Assange is the greatest journalist in history. 100% truthful journalism>> <<@LisaCates-j8i says : Pence is a traitorous republican>> <<@jribeye1818 says : They don’t want us to stop smoking or they would raise the age every year. They want the revenue it covers most of Medicare.>> <<@JacquelineToia-ls9zv says : Shame on Australia,but they recently jailed their own JOURNALIST WHO SPOKE THE TRUTH ANYWAY....What diplomatic fight pfffffft please NOT HARD ENOUGH>> <<@debra97510 says : He should have never been jailed. You need to ask these questions to Julian. I don't believe any lives were put at risk. You guys are full of lies. Deceitful and typical politicians wh9 are not for free speech. Lousy reporting. Just another bunch of fake news casters.>> <<@richardcollis5576 says : Put lives at risk ??????????? Works both ways buddy>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Did Julian inform fans Rothschild fund all wars both sides??>> <<@mickandcharli9942 says : Going into wars for no reason but to enrich ppl endangers lives abit more is say>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Did Julian tell you fans of Robert Simpson Meteorologist using particulates Geoengineering in WW2?>> <<@anti-victimGenX says : Niether you, nor any of the Australian governments or members have believed anything other than, its in your own personal, best interest to continue, firmly lodged in the rectal lining of USA! Assange should have been able to have returned home AND been fully supported to have told the TRUTH, right from the beginning!>> <<@lastChang says : In a similar case, Chinese 🇨🇳 Meng Wanzhou entered guilty plea with US 🇺🇸 prosecutors in 2021, in which she acknowledged lies about Huawei's Iran business. Since she returned to China 🇨🇳, she wouldn't dare to step out.>> <<@TerenceKearns says : This guy is talking out of his arse when it comes to Assange. American deep state psyop dogma. What an authoritarian dickhead.>> <<@troothseeker7312 says : Julian Assange was just telling the TRUTH & these corporations (they call themselves the government WHAT A JOKE) they could learn a thing or two from Julian, in other words stop lying to Australians & people around the World and do ya job!>> <<@jenniferbailey5914 says : Traitors make me sick…just like Trump!>> <<@momaslilboy1781 says : He told the truth and for that he was punished.>> <<@alisterbacon3157 says : Not a vaper but why should you be 18 to buy them but any age to change gender medically?? And I as a law abiding citizen am not wanting the government to focus on cost of living I want them to focus on ending the corruption and being a truthful prosperous country as long as the weasels aren't ruining it the rest will take of itself!>> <<@luluyrufus8695 says : Justice for Julian Assange 🙏>> <<@downunda107 says : And mr ltlleproud , freedom of speech and its utterance has resulted in injury and death since time began! So be it. Perhaps We should require all media to have the givernment stazi bureau give PERMISSION BEFORE ANY PUBLISHING ?>> <<@AlexSmith-gr4hp says : “Aversion to face questions” Epstein style.>> <<@sportsfanivosevic9885 says : US troops killed citizens indiscriminately, Assange revealed the atrocities, US upset and want his ass in revenge. That's about it.>> <<@grandmasadvice3012 says : He was a Political Prisoner, because of his reporting of War Crimes. I will never forgive the US government , Mike Pence is a religious zealot, who didn’t even stand by the injustices against President Trump , but supported Hillsong Church with child abuse allegations.>> <<@nevillemignot1681 says : His 'Aversion to face Questions', there were people in the US calling for the death penalty! Give us a break here will ya!!>> <<@LouisGFranco says : Wtf are they talking about "Assange should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, he placed people at risk" as if the false pretenses under which the wars were carried can just be swept under the rug. News flash, Saudi with Saudi royal ties video has been made public by force through victims of 9/11 family members law suit shows Omar al-Bayoumi taking recon video of target sites. Bring the saudi's and Bush administration into court and hit them with the fullest extent of the law>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Good to see justice done>> <<@Woodex80085 says : Woah, another sane SKy news comment section!>> <<@doodlegassum6959 says : Seth Rich and the trail of bodies>> <<@broendbergful says : Freedom of information in a democracy is not a crime. Hope he recovers from the abuse.>> <<@wadiefaridhaddad7429 says : Je connais toutes ces "confessions ". Sweet deal with police lawyers that's what it's all about . Lawyers should fight for freedom of speech , the discovery of all that dirt .. are you real : the US IMPERIALISM AND GULAG AUSTRALIA..>>