<<@helengrim691 says : I dont think the demoRats/ bideDUMB thought PRESIDENT TRUMP would do the debate with CNN and the moderators and the other restrictions they are impleminting but PRESIDENT TRUMP called THEIR BLUFF.!!!!😂>> <<@helengrim691 says : What makes me giggle is after the debate the bideDUMBs both went and shook the hands of the CNN moderators jake, dana now a few days later they are holding the moderators as partly responsible for joe losing the debat 😂😂>> <<@pcabcab says : Wasn't Jake Tapper the sleazeball that dated Monica Lewinsky just so he can get dirt on her especially since he was Hillary Clinton's Lackey>> <<@0rchy says : CNN was professional and fair and did no favours for Biden; I'm sure Biden felt let down because CNN was his voice up to this debate. National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt was ousted from CNN for speaking the truth about Jake Tapper. It's ironic that Tapper, who has a history of attacking Trump, remained surprisingly silent during the debate. Maybe CNN is using this debate to turn sides because it knows Trump is going to win, and if they stayed on the left, they would go down with the big guy.>> <<@nedrane297 says : I'm sorry but JB doesn't ask for anything except his pudding, his handlers are testing to see if he can still follow instructions or if they need to bail>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : Tapper is a bigot and should be kept as far away from this debate as possible!>> <<@joyceoffman6248 says : Jake tapper is a washed up journalist . He is completely worthless . A pure example of Hitler is Joe numbskull Biden.>> <<@Greg_Gatsby says : When Sean Spicer vilifies Assange, he’s reading from a CIA script. Assange is a journalist who didn’t burglarize anyone’s office to get a salacious story but merely illuminated the information he was able to verify, as real journalists tend to do. If your ox is gored in the process, well that’s called transparency.>> <<@rayledbetter3391 says : CNN is a lefty….. and lefties like to shut things up when they don’t agree.>> <<@unitedwestand5100 says : Watch how many questions will begin with lies Democrats are using as talking points lately. Like the one about the 9% inflation rate when Biden took office. And, the one about Trump stopping the Democrats comprehensive immigration bill, that did nothing to close the borders, and only made the rate allowed in under Bidens failed policy a norm. And, when Trump points out the lie, CNN will mute his mic, and repeat the Democrat lie.>> <<@morningdew2594 says : Then Trump should bring this out.>> <<@colindavies802 says : CNN HATES THE TRUTH, CNN IS A PROPERGANDA CHANNEL FOR BIDEN>> <<@tangels says : Who is going to give Biden the shot in the asse. I was thinking obama.>> <<@RatTerminator says : Briben has been studying leaked questions All week!!>> <<@RatTerminator says : Cnn has No business holding a debate Fake jake>> <<@dlm2212 says : Resting doesn't help dementia. And anything they're repeating over and over doesn't matter. He WILL forget!!!>> <<@pardewski6364 says : These clowns need to be punished for their blatant lies.>> <<@anderwsa says : Bring it. People will see the same cheap behavior from Democrats in the debate that they have displayed through Trumps trials, and it will be over for them.>> <<@LoireValleyChateaux says : Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy revealed JAKE TAPPER worked for HOOTERS before joining CNN! 🎪🤡🎪>> <<@RaymondCore-ts5jl says : At a photo op with EU leaders, Joe Biden wandered off and Giorgia Meloni had to go bring him back to the business at hand. At the Junetheenth celebration, while everyone else is dancing, Joe Biden froze for more than 13+ seconds and only George Floyd's brother putting his arm around Joe's shoulder brought him around. At the end of a Hollywood fundraiser where Obama is waving to the attendees, Joe Biden froze for 7+ seconds until Obama took Joe's arm and led him off the stage. If Joe wanders off during the debate or if he freezes, who is going to go on stage and bring Joe back to the debate or unfreeze him? Jill? If Joe Biden wanders off or has a freeze up or can't stand for 90 minutes, all the 'spin' in the world won't save him. Watching this debate is going to be like attending a car race to see a crash.>> <<@ottovongrubner3194 says : Unfortunately, what Spicer says about Trump staying on point about the issues is Trump’s weak spot. He can’t take the bait from Biden on the convicted felon stuff as it will just be to get him off point and on his heels. He just needs to keep hammering the issues and keep Biden on the defense.>> <<@richardpowell6096 says : Tapper is a COMMUNIST>> <<@barneycoffman6663 says : Wonder how long until Snopes comes clean about all the other BS accusations the left has made about Trump?>> <<@chrisd_man2156 says : Commi news network,....becoming a factual statement, right before our eyes.>> <<@c.sharifranklin2900 says : I’ve already made up my mind. So, I don’t even need to watch the debate. Joe Biden allowed criminals in to America unvetted. Those criminals then went and committed horrific crimes. Joe Biden has run America into the ground. Inflation is at its highest in decades. When a person is terrified to walk down the street, it’s time to vote him out of office. IMO I believe Joe Biden has Dementia. I’ve seen several family members and older friends with dementia. If he is unable to run America, then who is running it now! 🤔🧐>> <<@robertmann7277 says : At the very beginning DT should say something like, " Jake, I know you're going to cut off, my mic but don't you think the American people want to hear what I want to say?">> <<@mickeyray3793 says : Jake Crapper is just a clinton stooge. Everybody KNOWS that. 😮😮😮>> <<@tseganehhailu-dt3eu says : Training to stand for 90 minuted? Ambushing for one week with 16 advisors to be directed how to talk at the debate about his record of his past achievements? WONDERFUL!! But at the end Biden even can't remember even the name of one of hid advisors.>> <<@kyliefan7 says : They aren’t letting him OFF THE HOOK! HE PLEADED guilty and served 5 years in prison.>> <<@TRUTH-4U-NOW says : How many people Googled Jake Tapper?>> <<@gt7446 says : DJT with both hands tied behind his back. Let's Gooooo DJT 2024🇺🇲>> <<@ronnyhill3828 says : So what happens if we go to war with Biden being president, does Biden call the country we are at war with and say time out I’m tired and need to take a week off , then we can get back to it>> <<@janemaroni6974 says : Biden has all the questions already>> <<@LarryMay-j5r says : I love all the laws sues coming to CNN>> <<@rorydaddy says : The debate will be three against one>> <<@kevinbratcher2221 says : Mike Wallace was bad enough, the fact that it’s on CNN is as bad as it gets, it’s like entering the gates of hell.>> <<@ericjohnson9431 says : Everybody knows that the only reason Joe Biden isn't labeled a felon is because they said he's too old to stand trial and go to jail>> <<@willhall640 says : The only way this debate is going to be remembered is as a political hit job by the Biden campaign and CNN. All it will do is push more people to the right when they see this.>> <<@ericjohnson9431 says : First of all Trump should remind him that America is a constitutional republic>> <<@robertoviana514 says : The Truth is NOT CNNs objective, Propaganda is......>> <<@jeffreyhansen2806 says : Thanks to Jake CNN is now being sued for defamation by a former U.S. sailor.>> <<@davidyare8465 says : Fake Trapper and CNN = Communist Network News.>> <<@jackboone6794 says : C'mon man.Know Blinken and the 51 disinformants are CCP assets. All Biden has to do at the debate is point to the same criminal letter again. That will get him 81 million votes. Worked in 2020. Why not in 2024? hahaha Bye bye Biden>> <<@happyman9113 says : Trump should cancel the CNN debate !!! It’s biased Debate 😂>> <<@jacksonmarshallkramer5087 says : Chelsea Clinton is actually Chelsea Hubbell.>> <<@Chasing-Red says : Once the debate is over and Joe shakes hands with DJT, Trump should kick his podium and reveal who or what’s inside the podium. LOL>> <<@dust921 says : RFK jr gets my vote F the 2party monopoly & F CNN for letting trump & biden rigg it so RFK jr cant debate.... i dont vote for cheating cowards to be leaders🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔>> <<@chucklou7216 says : Communists are always afraid of the truth!>> <<@tonytony1971 says : We gonna need @jomboymedia on this one.>> <<@zekeonstormpeak4186 says : It’s a total clown show, how any US voting citizen takes this seriously, is beyond comprehension. The democrats are in total denial if they think fjb can come out and be effective. They’re using cnn to sway it, and cheat, to make fjb look good, and OMB look bad.>>