<<@ThickBanana says : It's better to have some form of defense in schools then no defense if a tragic situation starts.>> <<@sunnyla2835 says : Oh, ffs, just STOP! It’s sooooo freaking unlikely. Dems are nutz>> <<@HappyMomma412 says : People underestimate children too much.>> <<@terenceconnors9627 says : It's sad our children need similar training to what we give Soldiers and Marines.>> <<@64Pete says : 'murica!>> <<@gangstarapmademedoit1 says : Abdullah Pratt MD, Chicago, has been teaching kids to pack and treat gunshot wounds for years. But with a name like Abdullah, I can understand why CNN doesn’t lift him up… 🙄 a white women vs a black man - with a foreign name!>> <<@thepsyentwist8452 says : God bless America. Life saving skills like that are priceless but you thijk4 5 6 year olds after seeing the person sat on one side has their head blown off and the person on the other side has a melon sized hole in their chest is thinking about packing wounds? God bless america because the rest of the world laughs at you.>> <<@robertanderson809 says : Fear of normal people causes this cowardly gun-toting, gets guns all OVER the place. Cowards own guns, not Christians. For real.>> <<@hermawan8840 says : You think the country will experience development and progress if it happens continuously, China laughs and develops 😂😂Just because of the arrival of immigrants>> <<@spvillano says : Odd that the military never trained us to pack bullet wounds. That was for doctor at a collection point or field hospital. We'd apply pressure dressings and tourniquets and when appropriate, start a normal saline IV. We'd split fractures, just like we trained infantry to split fractures and apply the same tourniquets and dressings. We would perform advance airway management, but then we were medics. Just blindly jamming a rag into a wound opens the wound more and potentially dislodges clots and possibly fragments. This is why basic first aid has an established curricula and this sure as hell isn't it, what was shown is nothing short of malpractice.>> <<@lds9117 says : This is so scary that this country has come to this! Not even grown adults would be able to handle an emergency without passing out!>> <<@leonardodalongisland says : Plugging a bleeding wound ain't nothing!. When I was in school we could stop radiation with our bare hands...and a school desk.>> <<@mvvpro8688 says : Because gun violence is a fact of life for children. But only in America. And it's a choice made for you by the NRA and the Republican party. Sponsored by Vlad Putin.>> <<@brendasmart553 says : This is certainly needed in classerooms everywhere... in our own country, unfortunately.😮>> <<@sherrimccartymcmillen5124 says : As long as NRA keeps pushing absolutely no gun control. These innocents blood is on their hands>> <<@doricetimko5403 says : In todays world, these are valuable skills for all. Kudos to those providing this skill training.>> <<@bunsdad4530 says : Americans do understand that this trump trans MAGA, women in Men’s sports and abortion garbage is just a soros/carnegie psy-opp to trick people into believing that there is a difference between the two main parties but when it comes to stealing the futures of working class kids and handing it to the elite there is no difference. Also trump just took a hundred million from Miriam adelson in support of another country. And this fall 200,000 cold hungry Palestinians will be loaded onto ships for Mexico to be diluted into the us border crisis’. Then your tax dollars will go to NGOS to build affordable housing for settlers on the med. You are being duped just like the gulf of Tonkin, Iraqs wmds and many more. Except this time you are getting nothing out of it..>> <<@dreadfuldonkey says : Yeah, it’s sad that a kid might have to save your life. What a douche.>> <<@8bit_paul says : Headline correction: A trauma nurse is teaching kindergarteners to ***DEAL WITH*** the unthinkable The unthinkable has already been done at that point.>> <<@ZOIZENWRITER says : America has a VIOLENCE issue>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : As serious as this is it's better than having their minds polluted by the trans activists in schools who tell little boys they are girls - and little girls they are boys - destroying their minds for a lifetime!>> <<@kmarks97236 says : What kind of a country are we when we have to do this?>> <<@anniehills3580 says : TOO MUCH WORK FOR US SYATE GOVT TO KEEP GUNS FROM CHILDREN IN AMERICA. THEY ARE BRINGING GUNS INTO SCHOOLS NOW. HOW DOES IT MAKE SENSE? GET METAL DETECTORS AND SCHOOL GUARDS READY SO NO GUNS ARE BROUGHT INTO SCHOOLS!! THIS IS A BAD IDEA.>> <<@eliasl332 says : Pointless, it would be much better to fix USA’s mental health so “the unthinkable” never happens.>> <<@eliasl332 says : Shit, that’s dangerous. Every day trained nurses make mistakes that put peoples lives in danger. The last thing we need is a generation of people that thinks that it knows what they do while in reality have no idea.>> <<@talamontez8784 says : Absolutely amazing of her to think of teaching the children …. It will help for the rest of their lives ❤❤❤❤>> <<@ytzpilot says : I am grateful to live in a country where our police don’t even carry a gun 😂>> <<@Dragonmist1 says : Back in the 70s, I was in scouts and started learning first aid by the time I was 7...any age is a good age to learn it😊>> <<@dahliablue3911 says : Saddest thing I’ve seen ever. Teaching babies to be adults because adults are too childish to back common sense gun control legislation.>> <<@suomynona4607 says : Don the Con proudly says. "We did nothing on guns".>> <<@johnward43 says : Stop letting Democrats own guns!>> <<@helifanodobezanozi7689 says : Prior to the 20th century, the average kid had basic survival skills, like lighting fires and hunting small game, that could keep them alive. In addition, while only a small percentage of kids will actually be part of a mass shooting, far many WILL AT SOME POINT BE INVOLVED IN A CAR OR OTHER INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT!!! THE REAL SHAME IS THIS TOPIC OF TRAUMA MEDICINE ISN'T A REGULAR PART OF EVERY AMERICAN KIDS EDUCATION!!!!>> <<@AlixZin says : I'm a kindergarten teacher and I have gone through this training after school with all staff members at my school. It was upsetting but I'm glad all elementary staff at my school know what to do. It's not a training I would want my kindergarteners going through- focus should instead be on teaching adults in schools and older kids who are interested.>> <<@hadiaBasharmal says : Oh my god thy are just kinds😞>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : Supreme court has blood on their hands>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : This is maga America...>> <<@cheretodd9949 says : This is horrific! I can't believe we're doing this to our children! 😢>> <<@1lorijb says : Keep stressing them out😮>> <<@oldcrowtj4937 says : US DEATHS Per Year 48,000 Guns 43,000 Cars 83,000 Mexican Fentanyl.>> <<@JohnDoe-pk2hs says : America should stop pretending it cares when very clearly it does not.>> <<@elamanecera says : this is so ghetto……. just keep schools safe and fix the fucked up society wtf….. pathetic. taking the emotion out of it??? they are CHILDREN!!! this is not even necessary in real life. wtf is america>> <<@t.r.campbell6585 says : We cannot lose side of the fact that the school shootings happened in, Gun Free Zones. if we take a serious look at the location of most mass shootings in the USA we will see that they have occurred in gun free zones. These gun free zones could include schools, college campuses, grocery stores, movie, theaters, shopping centers, or any other place with the gun, free zone decal or sign on their property. Most recently a mass shooting occurred in Russia, which has strict and draconian firearms control. We are also seeing numerous mass stabbings in which knives have been used. Rather than focus on guns, we need to focus on violence that is spreading around the world.>> <<@run_juan_run says : Why is CNN blocking independent media from streaming the debates on thier platforms? This is why your ratings have faced challenges, hitting a three-decade low recently, particularly in the key 25-54 demographic, with only 83,000 viewers during the week of May 13-19, 2024. This period was one of CNN's lowest-rated weeks since 1991. The overall prime-time audience was around 494,000, significantly lower than competitors. If you work at CNN keep your resume polished. You will be out looking for a job very soon.>> <<@cyndimoring9389 says : I sat in lockdown with 25 8 year olds. They were terrified and I was angry at the way adults have let this happen>> <<@bamfbabybamf says : Let other channels comment on the presidential debate>> <<@loranv3435 says : We've changed so much, life saving skills go along way. So young 😊>> <<@MntThomason says : Amen this is amazing>> <<@miket591 says : Why do American children need to be educated as if they were living in a war zone? Isn't the second amendment awesome? Living in a country where your child might not comeback from school?>> <<@taketrumpdown24 says : MADE IN AMERICA baby!!>> <<@Dogman580 says : The fact that our schools have come down to this means we have failed as a country. An individuals right to own a gun over a childs right to go to school without worring about getting shot. Thats where we are at thanks to the GOP and MAGA nuts.>>