<<@operator9858 says : russian generals getting arrest warrants while isreali generals do not huh? might as well just admit the whole things a scam right now.>> <<@brentjamescollins9731 says : There are many obvious pro russian false propogandists making and leaving their comments and replies here in connection with this video concerning the current Russia/Ukraine war that as always do not stand up to any objective scrutiny whatsoever! Brent Collins.>> <<@Lilian-fh2ve says : Thanks The LORD for taking ACTION..LORD ALWAYS LOVE UKRAINE AND DO EVERYTHING THE BEST FOR UKRAINE AND U.S.❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@ELLOGANT says : Kudos to the ICC judges! Henry, a great combination of information and presentation style.>> <<@krisshivrattan11 says : Thankyou>> <<@rubenpascual1142 says : It would be spectacular to see Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Sinwar, Netanyahu and Duterte in the same Prison cell together. They may become great friends sharing the same punishment.>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@antoniobassi101 says : Biden va arrestato con zelensky e tutta la nato>> <<@nvt6781 says : ICC( International Camping Corporation) announced two winners of this year 2024 free Camping trip to Netherlands All Fees paid: Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, both of Russia. Congratulations! Their 1st class hotel of Hague is provided (free room and board). PS: Smoking is encouraged…>> <<@stanadams5541 says : Highly likely Shoigu organized Prigozhins death too before he could talk more to Putin although almost certain Putin would have been aware of Prigozhins demise ?>> <<@Zoomerland says : pootin must answer to his crimes.>> <<@united_europe says : They will face the consequences of their actions some day.>> <<@marinero9553 says : Don't be ridiculous, if that were to be implemented then every (alive) US president would be in prison for the crimes that the US has caused on this planet for the past 70 years and many European leaders who supported those crimes.>> <<@shimshonmelamed2888 says : Because "one person" is sick, half the world suffers !!>> <<@johnconner8218 says : You give me a giggle with your comments and snark "Pigeons" 🤣😂🤣😂>> <<@lawrencealger3812 says : Thanks for the news Henry!>> <<@2gointruth says : “The disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ He called a child, set him in front of them, and said, ‘I tell you this: unless you turn round and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Let a man humble himself till he is like this child, and he will be the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me. But if a man is a cause of stumbling to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung round his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. Alas for the world that such causes of stumbling arise! Come they must, but woe betide the man through whom they come!’” – (at Matthew 18: 1-7) –>> <<@golokavrndavana says : Ти справжній друг. Я вірю в тебе і ти мені подобаєшся.>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : ✅️✅️😎🚬>> <<@golokavrndavana says : Я вірю, що ти за мене. Так, добре, що їм пред'явлено звинувачення.>> <<@rubiconklbrutorowman7577 says : Excellent news indeed for Ukraine and for the free world and for Rule based world order indeed! SUPER well done ICC judges!>> <<@Sebastianroman4791 says : Hay muchos q seran encarcelados en rusia. Y uno de elos es el.embajador larov q dijo q no invaderian ucrania y lo hicieron yvelnanda tranquilo por wl mundo pero deben dar la orden de captura y de sus familiares tambien.>> <<@deecee1522 says : Putin has unvailed his new homosexual tank and its covered in chains>> <<@ruthwolfer4154 says : Always standing with and, for Ukraine not only untill victory >> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : Is there a warrant against Prez. Victor Youtchenko who joined with Ukraine the USA illegal coalition invading Irak in 2003 are war criminal only guilty on one side: Youtchenko should be jailed>> <<@agh6250 says : So let's get this straight, Ukrainian suddenly had this cultural heritage that's so great we never heard of it..... Ukrainian stolen cultural items demand to be returned( think India, Africa, Asia cultural heritage stolen) ... Why doesn't Ukraine ever talk about Western hypocrisy.....>> <<@robertbrooks6167 says : Bounty hunters were part of the U.S. law enforcement system in the Old Wild Wild West - Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards - print up the cards>> <<@markh3376 says : When arrests????>> <<@CyberBeep_kenshi says : They'll probably never see a prison, but it makes life even more dangerous for them everywhere. putin might not want them to defect.....>> <<@JohnDoe-jd7oc says : Tks Henry. Resect. Ahh, think you could punch a little stronger, politely. Something in the water in russia ? Yikes Eh. Tks. "Loose the don". Cda.>> <<@martinklanecky7281 says : .>> <<@plentyofnothing says : "I was only obeying orders">> <<@marlenfras5490 says : Great reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine.>>