<<@liamkuntz1302 says : I am going to end this sh*t, people being killed is not okay. what is also not okay is vandalism, desruction of property, treason and propoganda. Trying to save people is fine but hijacking a vehicle while on drugs does not help, and makesyou seem worse. On a side note you root for wrong doing w/o realizing it. It is okay to have sympathy but it isnt to be a criminal. Find a way to spread your cause w/o criminal activity and more people will help. And those who do help still get shut down by ya'll. So take the help youre given and quit crying. And everyone else, people are dying so if you could, please look into it and choose what you think is right.>> <<@ThunderGod9182 says : This is disgusting.>> <<@Davik.N says : Lying propaganda is a common feature of Western media. Jews and students protesting against Zionists, what do you think about them?>> <<@Davik.N says : fake news>> <<@kenlawhon-vf7bt says : Deport immediately>> <<@michaeldriskell2038 says : These fools are now under a CURSE from Almighty GOD!! And they will soon see what I mean if they don't repent their evil actions !! His WORD and promises are TRUTH!! BOTH the blessings and the CURSES !!! JESUS IS COMING SOON!!!>> <<@Eagledocstew says : Ok Jewish Democrats, you got us into this….can you help get us out??>> <<@paulknight5300 says : That same thing didn't work out too well for Hitler and the Nazis>> <<@IslandBuzzy says : Israel is our ally. In rhe event of a world war (which seems imminent) they would physically defend us. They have the same ideology as we do. Hamas run Palestine, in the other hand, hate us. They shout "Death to America" a gay person would not survive under Hamas rule. The good people in Palestine who do not support Hamas, depend on Israel to free them. These students are absolutely clueless!!>> <<@ThomasRogan-gc5pi says : Everything is completely twisted 🥨 Anywhere Democrats are in charge it's always a complete MESS 😞>> <<@franklinallen2435 says : You vote for what you get.>> <<@user-dw4qt4ce3s says : Thanks obummer, you did this! The worst racist in 100 years was the obummers.>> <<@floydzoglman703 says : Who the F cares.>> <<@ivabiggin5964 says : Time to stop looking at the solitaire games and do something about it. Any American in the USA should always be able to fly the American flag..>> <<@basedbane787 says : How ? Any anti Israel protest gets shut down immediately>> <<@eleanordefreitas979 says : Biden and Kamala are to blame for this situation.>> <<@richardkev3077 says : And now, all charges have been dropped. It’s clear what side the government is on.>> <<@lealea7329 says : Same BLM people just a different march now... All the same>> <<@indianoutlaw1313 says : Sounds like what the democrats call a mostly peaceful protest>> <<@usatrooper5045 says : Bring back the trucking boycott, stop hauling goods into the communist State of NY........🤪🇺🇲>> <<@scottrayburn1264 says : Biden in the Front and Obama in the Rear with Michael doing a reach around. Woke leadership on display.>> <<@christinecarey9238 says : I have an issue with these cops ! How do you follow these corrupt officials. Strip visas of these students.>> <<@jamessandlin4406 says : you cannot and never will live in peace alongside muslims unless you submit end of story interesting how muslims and blacks are so very protected against anybody who disagrees with them we are being held hostage by the obama disciples in government who absolutely are domestic enemies of this republic>> <<@user-uk8vg3yw8s says : And the MSM portrays the protesters as peaceful. What hypocrisy.>> <<@veclubby says : Sheer madness>> <<@mrs.c5471 says : those cops are cowards and traitors, they swore an oath to uphold the constitution AGAINST people who would issue such a "mandate">> <<@Damien-fy5qg says : I know times are changing. This is what you have with the democracy rather than a constitutional Republic.>> <<@kaynefryday6637 says : All under Bidens watch>> <<@russellgay5337 says : Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks. Guardian aware of sexual assaults for which multiple corroborating pieces of evidence exist. In videos from 7 October, the body of a young woman is lying face down in the back of a pickup truck, stripped to her underwear, one leg bent at an unnatural angle. One of the men sitting next to her pulls her long hair as armed men around him shout praises to God. Footage of the lifeless corpse of Shani Louk, a 22-year-old Israeli-German national, paraded around the streets of Gaza was some of the first to surface on 7 October, as the scale of the horror visited on sleeping families in kibbutzim neighbouring the strip and people partying at a nearby rave started to become clear.>> <<@robertmayer6696 says : NY voters, it is time to wake up and get these Democrat politicians out of office!!!>> <<@troyyey4353 says : source : trust me bro>> <<@robertbagley7813 says : You get the government you absolutely deserve>> <<@BBBBB78 says : Why does the government let this happen??>> <<@Intel8Agent says : Cause NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT ....ALL THE CRISTIAN CRUSADERS ARE ON THE INTERNET INSTEAD OF AT THE UNIVERSITYS TEACHING THESE TRAITORS A LESSON.>> <<@irinaemelianov8344 says : Definitely paid and organized by the government structures>> <<@stephanlazarz1921 says : Viva Israel.>> <<@GunnyRichard-jm5jr says : I live in a Red State. No free stuff. No tents on city or public or sidewalks. We run a tigh ship. Highjack a car 1st time. 5 8 years.>> <<@Unhyphenated says : I can no longer in goid conscious say i "Back the blue" as we've seen since Wuflu that they will absolutely serve at the whim of the electrd rather than upholding their oaths.>> <<@Weg-tx7jb says : Worse thing for Palestinians are propalestinians.>> <<@DAGisr says : Those students that support Hamas, are they forgetting that their country was also established through war? Or are they protesting against killing? Therefore there's countries who are killing hundreds of thousands if not a million of civilians a year. Or are they just protesting against a small country that is trying to defend itself and prevent future attacks?>> <<@BudzMckenzy93 says : When did Seinfeld get into politics?>> <<@gameday9863 says : NY, the only city in America that thinks they are better.>> <<@hvyduty1220 says : When the left hates the very country they live in.....>> <<@terrydow3452 says : Attacks against Jews in the Mandate for Palestine were happening 50 years before Israel existed.>> <<@leejorgensen7606 says : People have no backbone when it comes to confrontation these days. These protestors act physical and tough and violent but as soon as you give it back they immediately become the victim and cry abuse. I guess I grew up in a different out dated time. Not there if they push you push them back, or the if they start it you finish it BS I’m from the I’ll start it and I’ll finish it time! If there were more still like that these immature whiney like babies would think twice>> <<@THORIONONE says : are this new pogroms ?>> <<@tonymonxana992 says : Supporting palestine is supporting hamas. They are two heads to the same body>> <<@TJMotionPictures says : Liar>> <<@laurent90210 says : is it open season on the jewish mafia?>> <<@marceld6094 says : What the previous commentator says pro Palestinian = pro Hamas is absolutely true. No 2 way about it. They brought too many of them into the States. Wait till they transform the US and Europe and Canada to an Islamic Caliphate!>>