<<@haroldwhite5761 says : Yikes Sky news, I thought you were better journalists than here in the U.S. What a disappointment you're not going to explain what really happened and what's really happening right now with this case. How do you sleep at night, lying to your fellow citizens? $$$>> <<@caiuscosades1791 says : Welcome home Julian. May you finally have peace surrounded with your family. You didn't deserve any of this. You're not a criminal>> <<@jacquelinebutters1201 says : Thought he was at deaths door not long ago, more lies.????>> <<@Rbassantable says : After 15 years the Aus Govt stick up for him, should have been sooner. Well, a price for everything>> <<@themoreyouknqw3555 says : Anyone and everyone who has said bad things about JA will soon see the wrath of EO13818 and EO13848.. Gitmo awaits all dirty media scum>> <<@donaldbremner8925 says : Has people forgot he was a hacker and a criminal now he is being touted as a hero crap>> <<@alreadybanned-pe6se says : Assange did nothing wrong Wikileaks is still online and exposing crimes>> <<@rawgasmiclove says : My God politicians & the media are so fckng irrelevant.>> <<@LovingEarthlings says : The whole Australian parliament sits in treason so this is a complete joke to have these criminal puppets making judgment.>> <<@_Only_Zuul says : lol 😂 is that woman on meth or something?>> <<@Blinkybills says : This is the problem with this country, we welcome home a traitor and call him a hero, but we lock up a father of six in a cage for the crime of teaching people how to fly. Meanwhile in Sydney islamists get away with public Jew hatred and home invasions.. go figure.>> <<@jamesstanley11 says : Long live Julian "The Truth" Assange>> <<@gregorylumpkin2128 says : The rulers of the empire will crush you without even thinking twice about it. And every time they tell OZ to bend over, OZ says how far.>> <<@Abcdefg-xl8te says : He should remain locked up. Lefty scumbag traitor.>> <<@indoaussie9144 says : If he has any brains - which he doesn’t - do a Corby. Disappear and we’ll see you on a shitty realty show in 5 years>> <<@indoaussie9144 says : He’s also a self confessed convicted felon>> <<@bitpri05 says : Much like Lehrmann and Higgins, Assange is just another name people lost interest in long ago but keeps getting regurgitated by media over and over. Just wait……..Assange tells all exclusively.>> <<@aloysiusjones3985 says : Of course useless Labor would. His leaks had the potential to risk the lives of allied service personnel. Hope he enjoyed his time in solitude. 🇦🇺👍🍺>> <<@charlesstubbs385 says : He is a criminal and not a journalist. He's a coward after breaking the law. You break the law and take the consequences.>> <<@user-mm6cn7tr2d says : Stop LIES AU GOV did nothing same as rest of "big" news paper on Planet. Julian is 4 ever HONEST THE MAN who show US CRIME. Same our AU man who show AU Army genocide in Afghanistan. World now is in problem truth is forbidden.Until we all stand up for truth and better for all humans. Free Palestine Respect to Julian Assange 4 ever.Oh yes Au GOV is just small puppet.>> <<@joyfuldays596 says : Told the world the nsa was spying on our countries citizens - sounds like our national interest to me>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Is Charlton saying Australians should not be jailed when they commit crimes?>> <<@Randale-Joe says : The Biden administration agreed to the release of Assange so the Democrats can get hold of all the damaging information he holds before Trump gets into office and he does that.. the Australian government only supported it because the're upcoming elections and the sinking Albanese government tries everything to gain brownie-points. It's all a political game and strategy, not done in good faith, or else they would have done this already AGES ago!>> <<@GarryMercer-tq5uo says : Lets be clear. while the political diplomacy to set him free was super skilful and well calibrated by everyone, the main reason he was released is because America has two journalists in Russian prisons in similar situations to Assange. When America complained to Russia that the proceedings were nothing more than a show trial, Russia pointed to Julien Assange and called America out as hypocrites>> <<@steeldragon5867 says : Stay out of the public eye mate, the yanks let you go, take that opportunity and get on with your life>> <<@missapippin9020 says : He pleaded guilty. He has a criminal record and yet he has been welcomed back to Australia like a hero.>> <<@gary53 says : An Australian who broke the law and is guilty…>> <<@barryfalco8727 says : Assange is a convicted criminal who pleaded guilty to charges in the US. He is not a hero, and despite his Australian citizenship, he should never have been released early or celebrated as a hero.>> <<@aaronklemm9269 says : The Day we dumped the pond and introduce in 1966 Australian Dollar 💵 is based on the USA 🇺🇸 we are owned currency is USA even our Air“ Citizens are Cattle Prices like commodities “ Politician are puppets to there cooperation Elite “ even our Australian royal Airforce is owned by USA 🇺🇸 cooperation all under cooperation “ Study it for Years even the speeding fine Councils all Cooperation that owns you Citizens “>> <<@francescostello1377 says : Really, one of your own, shame on you Australia, for not defending this wonderful man,.Julian Assange, one of the best journalists, publishers in the world, imprisoned tortured for 15 years, for journalism, and telling the irrefutable truths, then having to admit to a crime he never committed to obtain his freedom, speaks volumes about Australian being a vassal state of the US, and the US corrupt political system. How can an Australian citizen be charged with espionage in the US?? so much for democracy, freedom of speech and press? Let this be a lesson people, we have no democracy, no freedom of speech or religion, just fascism.>> <<@aaronklemm9269 says : The Day we dumped the pond and introduce in 1966 Australian Dollar 💵 is based on the USA 🇺🇸 we are owned currency is USA even our Air“ Citizens are Cattle Prices like commodities “ Politician are puppets to there cooperation Elite “ even our Australian royal Airforce is owned by USA 🇺🇸 cooperation all under cooperation “ Study it for Years even the speeding fine Councils all Cooperation that owns you Citizens “>> <<@BillRen-nl5mx says : labor =lying wa..kers They will jump on any perceived bandwagon yet they try and attack musk for simply allowing people to tell the truth>> <<@dash5879 says : Its great that all Australians can come together and support this hero.>> <<@weblightstudio8215 says : And the media return to their subtle denial and retain their status as jerk offs, Any wonder so many Australians quote nonsense as though its real>> <<@hmasyarra says : Assange is an uneducated opportunist. A scam artist, a turd, the Australian Lord Haw Haw.>> <<@jamesjames8174 says : This guy is a fool who new exactly what he was doing and got what he deserved. Many far more deserving Australian citizens were abandoned and trapped overseas during covid and given no help. Worse than no help they had their government deliberately limit flights, pushing up prices. And if they did manage to get back by their own means they were welcomed home with a quarine bill in the 1000s. All this while giving millions to quantas who put up prices 5 fold and cut flights. That should be the real story not this fool.>> <<@dalecoad4794 says : Should have been sent to the US...>> <<@bobbyboy7480 says : This bloke is no hero, so why is labor trying to make him out as one? And why did he land at a RAAF base? His admirers have no clue to the damage he caused! The people who support him are admirable in their beliefs but sadly out of touch with realty. And hovering in the background is one of the top three most useless prime ministers Australia's ever had, Kevin Rudd.>> <<@anna32268 says : He's a computer hacker nothing more. setting him free basically says "Hack government computers and you can get away with it" Yes i get he wanted free speech, but he went the wrong way about it.>> <<@johncameron6864 says : The government didn't help him much>> <<@dechenkezangchoden says : I remember studying about him in my college five years ago, I thought he was executed, glad he's out and about!>> <<@stavford says : I didn't know Julian assange was married, what does his wife think about Pamela Anderson visiting him ?>> <<@thomaskettleton8552 says : Now the Americans have set the bar for sharing secrets of the government than jail trump now for fourteen years for the same offence!>> <<@christopherharrold3045 says : Put Julian in jail.>> <<@maureen-rn3pv says : This man revealed serious dangerous information concerning many people across many countries, this wasn’t about which politician is doling out millions to his constituency. He does not deserve the privileged secrecy he was given. THE SAME SECRECY HE DENIED MANY. We will never know the consequences of his betrayal.>> <<@blip98 says : He's just a hacker who got too big for his boots and everyone knows it! #Guilty If he had any balls it would have been over years ago!>> <<@mrc2205 says : I think this guy deserved what the U.S said about him. Anybody who did what he did would have been locked up, he has been very lucky. What if he had opened his mouth about secret stuff about Australian spy’s and so on. Would people say that he should be let out.>> <<@Imagineering100 says : Wow I really don't care.>> <<@ameliamclarnon5365 says : Well spoken>> <<@RickHarris-ou7qv says : Wasn't it held without charge for all that time?? Pleading guilty to what exactly? Its bloody shameful how other so called journo's ignored his plight for years!!>>