<<@Whereareyouthen says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@dancepro67 says : Labor did a great job freeing assange from the uk and keeping him away from the u.s. Albo and Rudd working hard behind the scenes!!>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : I reckon.. if he has settled in.. he should continue to do journalist work but more harmless like Flora and Fauna .. Food and travels or the Climate Change matters that is favourite subject and happening lots 🤭>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Of Course Freeing Assange, had Nothing to do with 'Trump' saying He Would Pardon Assange, if He won the Upcoming Election ? Albo did Sweet F.All !>> <<@mk1479 says : He's done absolutely nothing about this. Too yellow-bellied to confront the US, or any other for that matter.. What a weasel.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Given he wasn't involved I'd say yes he kept his mouth shut>> <<@DaveX11 says : Now we just need Assange to uncover our corrupt labor government. He's welcomed back, but he has work to do.>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : Anyone who thinks it's Wright to waste tax payers money on people that committed a crime as a traitor and very dangerous one at that is beyond me>> <<@GLEN-ys7qt says : What's the bet there is a joint press conference in the next day or so, Assange, Albo and Rudd? I'll put money on it that was part of the deal!>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Albonobo just shows what an absolute stooge he is …… every day>>