<<@barristanselmy2758 says : Why doesn't she just apologize to Tucker. She just needed to stop lying and say sorry. it really wasn't a hard thing to do. We all make mistakes.>> <<@user-il7jr9xb5k says : Its great that Tucker called her out for her biased and idiotic questions, unfortunately so called 'journalists' like her are mainly unchallenged in Australia>> <<@grjones520 says : The Democrats are like Comcast and Verizon and AT&T. They only offer good deals to new customers.>> <<@doomedbirth says : Send him back to America on the next plane we don't need their sh it here>> <<@Area51Corsair says : Great job Tucker !!!>> <<@YouTubeArePedos says : Ever since Covid women have been going nuts at higher rates… just what I’ve noticed>> <<@user-fx8qf2hc7r says : The reporter made herself look stupid, Tucker just gave the platform to spiel her carp>> <<@jass7899 says : show the pissy reporters face!!! what a stupid clown>> <<@zenalibertana says : "Astrayded robots reading scripts of their boss” - super.>> <<@jasperkensington2644 says : Why didn’t they show her face? Who is this brilliant “journalist”??>> <<@changnoiboi says : Tucker, what a great bloke!!!!>> <<@alexcheremisin3596 says : After his Putin interview and absolutely ridiculous supermarket video it doesn't redeem him. Tuker Carlson is a useful idiot if I ever seen one>> <<@mas7937 says : It’s always a leftist white woman or a white leftist gay man. Go Tucker!>> <<@marlonestrella5054 says : People don't seem to remember, there's a famous person that said this and I quote. "It is OUR JOB to CONTROL how people THINK" - Minkah Biziinski MSNBC We all understood the fallacies used by this "journalist" is the same dribble media use to spread propaganda. No 9ne trusts media... no one>> <<@ThatTempesTGuy says : Sendin no homo love from the US to Australians 🇺🇸❤🇦🇺 We always got your backs, you guys are badass!>> <<@alexv108 says : Tucker was too soft on the so-called journalist>> <<@user-du6oz7lo4s says : Молодые девушки любят проявлять агрессию как метод привлечения внимания взрослых, очень успешных мужчин>> <<@daveredfern8258 says : What a dumb woman, to make up lies just to make someone look bad. She should be fired. She is an embarrassment to Australia in my book . We need to see this woman so she can be publicly shamed. As disgrace to Australia.>> <<@L4M858 says : The leftists, democrats, spit stains....whatever you want to call them... They just can't help it in always validating their stupidity and total incompetence, amazing.>> <<@cbpaxton00 says : GOAT>> <<@StreetsDisciple01 says : Who is the activist?>> <<@Trenasist says : She shouldn't be trying to argue about another country's problems using political propaganda material as her main topic points. It requires no brain to do that.>> <<@justinbriggs1636 says : Tucker Carlson is a Russian cuck.>> <<@joankostka6381 says : I love Tucker!!>> <<@marcosrissi says : What is the name of this appalling 'journalist' that was fooled by Tucker?>> <<@lizzy9975 says : It's been mentioned on Tucker Carlson's show 4000. She wouldn't be able to find her way to his channel. 😂 Let alone count the number of times he said or didn't say something.>> <<@DRONEVIDEOGRAPHYMALLORCA says : what is this gossip?>> <<@mickcameron821 says : Journo's are becoming more and more becoming like a leftist retard activist. Makes you wonder just how long before they all turn out the same.......>> <<@stephengamber6233 says : "I'm don't mean to call you stupid, maybe you're just pretending to be">> <<@stephengamber6233 says : I"m betting this is a LEFTIST "journalist", so I click to watch>> <<@jeffpliskin says : Yes however their is no solution from rightwingers point of view they dont control the curricula in Uni's or liberal media so there is nothing TC or Murdoch or Sky diehards can do about it. TC can't deal with that sentiment in UsA let alone Australia. The Unis and liberal just keep churning out more of the same woke Journalists, enjoy what paasses for western capitalism is stupid.>> <<@econ6610 says : Tucker was being a bully>> <<@aussibob8652 says : yes tucker was correct on all counts . he says Assange is a hero and anyone thinking otherwise is your enemy , damn that hurts. Wasn't it Murdoch who fired him ?>> <<@dominicmassaconi6160 says : Operation Mockingbird>> <<@Stirling5 says : she need to be sacked and work in factory and learn to be a normal person. what a sad person>> <<@dionysusy says : It doesn't pay well.>> <<@bjg3474 says : “Maybe you’re just pretending to be (stupid)” 😂 nah bro, she’s not pretending, she’s a typical leftist>> <<@jasonc1817 says : She is an absolute fool>> <<@paulokabulevu3304 says : She needs to be fired fired fired fired>> <<@EliPiezan-kt3em says : Any shootings were done by the FBI>> <<@matthewwolff3729 says : The default setting for people on the left is stupid!>> <<@michaeljames8408 says : She said 4000 times,,, and she cant site one quote???>> <<@_Hamish says : They only hear what they want to hear. Race is at the forefront of the lefts mind because they are racists in denial.>> <<@jframe-os2zi says : I do agree with a lot of what he says, but... Having children in another's country - having NEVER - contributed and then claiming all the welfare, health care, medical care, education... Etc., is fundamentally wrong. If you have not earned Citizenship - you have no rights to receive. We should not be shamed into supporting non-citizens. They are responsible for themselves and their Country is also responsible for them. Economic cue-jumpers especially, they are not refugees!>> <<@thinkbig5941 says : Tucker is a real Hero! ❤>> <<@SarabjeetSanghera says : Imagine being married to this woman>> <<@thebull3206 says : now you know why he was fired from phony FOX>> <<@mrsteve555 says : "castrated robots">> <<@ElectricityTaster says : She should have countered: Had you lived 400 years ago you would have said the blacks are replacing us native-born Americans. So why is is going to be different now? Aren't we seeing the migration of those who will be natives in 400 years? ***mic drop***>> <<@novaleephillips4480 says : Tucker you have cojones… and it’s great.. we need more people like you.. 😁>>