<<@lucaramundi3687 says : same rubbish bin as abc............. keep supporting terrorist in ucrain and middle east also>> <<@kenbehrens5778 says : "When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden. Assange committed no crime.>> <<@richardsmith6633 says : If you need an example of someone lip syncing out of somebody else’s arse, this is it>> <<@imhere8380 says : TO ALL THE HYPOCROTCAL CHRISTIANS...................JESUS WOULD HAVE DONE EXACTLY THE SAME, AS JULIAN.>> <<@junktex says : What a disgusting little prawn political dweeb.Assange is a hero.Downer is a good moniker for this bottom dweller.>> <<@franktully3065 says : The irony of claiming Assange is a defender of "free speech" when many of his supporters would probably fight like hell to preserve anti-democratic, anti-free speech laws like RDA18c or Vic's RRTA 2001. Dumping thousands of hacked files is allegedly "free speech", but saying or doing anything that (might) insult, offend or humiliate members of a certain "race", culture or ideology is verboten? Most of Assange's supporters seem to have little understanding of what genuinely free speech is, or why it's so crucial for democracy.>> <<@HenriHattar says : Alexader Downer always found something truthful extraordinary as he was pretty ordinary and considered a serious buuffon, then and now. Just watched a movie alled, Guilty until proven Innocnet - suggest A.D and this dimwtted presenter watch it, it is they and people like them that need to say sorry. J. A has been nominated ten years in a row for the Nobel Peace prize, what does that tell a person with a brain the sort of man he is and the sort of person Down, this guy presenting this and the US ' hahaha JUSTICE? system to be?>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : Chris Kenny seems to be making it a regular habit of being out of touch with how the majority think. First supporting the disaster that eas the voice, now constantly bashing Julian Assange.>> <<@Bluesky-g9s says : Spill the beans now be full of beans>> <<@estella8371 says : Embarrassed America 😂 Joe Biden doing that too>> <<@microsoftbighard says : I think Alexander is giving Albo too much credit to the Albo who is the antithesis of free speech. It’s more like an authoritarian Elbow in the face of Australians. I’d like to think a Man like Alexander who speaks so articulately and behaves so politely could be a better example of forgiveness than the Elbow. 😂>> <<@sg-go5li says : Assamge didn’t expose secrets. He exposed CRIMES>> <<@sg-go5li says : Assange. Truth teller. Hero.>> <<@sg-go5li says : Australians who are uninformed about his case or believe the 14 year media narrative and lies. Wouldn’t see Asante as the hero he is>> <<@sg-go5li says : Embarrassed and humiliated- should be held accountable for war crimes and had them charged for their crimes>> <<@secretgoldfish says : BOTH sides of the political (mental) spectrum are shameless and only spoke out once they were 'late to the party' with the winds of change that they eventually HAVE to wake up to. If it were the Liberals in power when they finally stood up for Assange the Labor party would be the ones calling him a criminal like the Liberals are now doing as the release happens under Labor. Both parties have such fragile ego's that they can NEVER give the other credit (whether deserved or not while late to the party) for doing the right common-sense thing, where the longer the fiasco carried on the more desperate, worse and embarrassing ALL the powers look. The news media will never support Assange when his acts ultimately made them look like far too easily-bought/compliant amateurs in the same way that his acts expose-embarrassed the shameless powers. Youtube/Google appears to be shameless themselves again today in randomly deleting comments (alongside the usual passive-aggressive shadow banning of them).>> <<@horsefootrot5654 says : Hmmm you are aware that it was Downer that partly kicked off " Ru$$1@g@te" and the F1s@ investigation into T®ump$ campaign.>> <<@willbusn5683 says : I lived a war.mistakes can be made by both sides.assange put many lives in danger.>> <<@rhyno1740 says : Good on him. Let the truth be known.>> <<@christophergame7977 says : Dear Alexander, they needed embarrassment and humiliation, a job for a journalist. It is worrying that you find it hard to understand. Your complacent view puts you worryingly near the Deep State. Dear Chris, it was to the national interest of the United States, though not to the interest of the miscreant warmonger Administration/Deep State, which was acting against the national interest. Dear Chris, didn't you learn from your 'Voice' mistake when you supported Marxist Albo? Whoopi Goldberg is a Marxist nut. Dear Alexander, how shocking that Trump might go "feral" !! Particularly when you were sucked in by the Clinton Russiagate scam; didn't you learn from your mistake there?>> <<@carolyn3093 says : Downer = 🐂💩>> <<@stefanbach7652 says : Alexander Downer is/was a disgrace to Australia. Any opinion he has is null and void.>> <<@user-km3hv8qo9p says : 73% of Australian support Julian Assange being free from survey results. Downer faking “most Australians consider him a rogue” is false. What do journalists do? (1) Protezt anonymity of source, (2) ensure factual, (3) ensue in public interest and (4) cause no harm. Assange was meticulous in following this resulting in only a small fraction (less than a thousandth) of what he received being published. He is not only a pure publisher but one of the few left. Others always ignore half those filters, and add a fifth (5) censor the release of it embarrasses power. He didn’t add this clause which is the only reason he was smeared and jailed.>> <<@basimfaraj1982 says : Mr Downer. Your views are outdated. 19th century colonial BS. The USA IS A CRIMINAL TERRORIST EMPIRE and Julian exposed them. Who was prosecuted for killing millions of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan? You are a has been Mr Downer. Go and play some golf. It’s good for you.>> <<@Ditchy says : Alexanda downer What have you got to hide from the wiki leaks>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : Indeed he is..😌>> <<@simplybibi6043 says : Whoopy spit's! And that is all allowed? Off course....well I spitt also!>> <<@divingduck9 says : he didnt embarrass most americans, just some crooked military folks, who almost nobody likes anyway... it was an american congresswoman, marjorie taylor, who sponsored a bill to get him out>> <<@Stand4Liberty says : When will Australia will say no your wrong to America, will never see that happening.>> <<@StellarJones says : Albo: I'm taking credit on this one. Another win on my political career🎉>> <<@garethhiggon3971 says : George Papadopoulos says Hi Alex>> <<@AussieEvil88 says : humiliated America? they should have been humiliated!, he blew the whistle on them committing war crimes and killing unarmed pregnant women and children and even 2 journalists, in a country we were all lied to about weapons of mass destruction and should have never set foot on in the first place. , the political persecution of this man was unforgiveable and anyone defending it is not a proponent of free speech and holding the powers that be to account. Lastly, the way Sky news has covered this is a huge red flag on their credibility in my book ill be taking all stories from this network with a grain of salt from now on.>> <<@tracygeddes5867 says : Undermined security……he told the truth….he is a hero and this man in the glasses I think it is downer is totally wrong does he not know that sucking up to a bully never gets the outcome you want, be honest, he is a hero stand your ground and you can hold your head up high. the prime minister was correct.>> <<@rosemariepauly3725 says : We lost our last bit of consideration for sky news as a serious news channel.>> <<@zaravr says : I hate The View just garbage>> <<@willfiala1859 says : Downer’s name says it all. This Australian is not enamoured of our US embrace as it just brings us closer to being a target.>> <<@Jammies944 says : Leave the poor bastard alone. He’s been locked in a tiny cell for longer than any of us could tolerate. He will most likely never recover fully and die of some already established disease because of it. Give him a break and stop flailing Julian alive. This is, when I last checked, no longer a penal colony.>> <<@Drunkenduck109 says : Matt miller usa state department could not give one example of any person harmed by leaked information as has been previously claimed. After several questions he couldnt answer he rambled on about how a drunk driver is a threat to other road users. Thats all he could come up with>> <<@patriciadunmore9767 says : We all know that some in Australia don’t want war crimes or pedophillia circles revealed. Julian is a hero for revealing the nasty things that our supposed Democratic politicians want covered up. Free David McBride.>> <<@Lyle-fv9mm says : Couple of Biden level senior citizens>> <<@bluedog9601 says : Plus WHY DOES HE HAVE TO PAID FOR A FLIGHT...520,000 DOLLAR BILL FROM THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT....OMG ARE WE KIDDING...AUSTRALIA IS TURNING QUICKLEY INTO A ASS HOLE....>> <<@Haromicprocesser says : Just remember Alexander downer is a traitor>> <<@bluedog9601 says : Hey SKYNEWS, he was never charged. He was held for 12years....>> <<@totsmini3105 says : 🏆G R E A T Job Julian Assange🥇 - - He EXPOSED American WAR-Crimes!! - - Where's the "embarrassing" part SKY News!!>> <<@scottt7517 says : The left and their emotional responses... after being butt hurt about Assange for 5 minutes 😂>> <<@angelinarosina2727 says : Alexander pantsDownEr … what a joke! Assange did his job and he exposed the despicable and unacceptable actions of those exactly who APD was describing! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Those who are calling Assange a criminal are more than likely those who fear exposure … as the quote goes ‘some people can’t handle truth’>> <<@Kazeemi2810 says : I’m confused as to why Sky News is being so anti Assange & anti journalism!? I’m really disappointed 😡. Downer is part of the elite pack. He deserves no opinion.>> <<@kathcochrane3862 says : war crimes are war crimes, and we the people are the victims of our iwn governments, you are so, so out of touch with the peoples tolerance of government treasonus misconduct>> <<@bluedog9601 says : Again, why do you get people like this in for BS comments. He was telling the truth, he was indicating the war crimes.>> <<@johnarmstrong3452 says : Typical tight wing bs from Sky again.>>