<<@garyselders7388 says : It makes me sad to hear people almost begging for abortions unlimited so very sad>> <<@london1514 says : The Acosta lying channel>> <<@user-wv9yz3ix2k says : Supreme Court don’t have a clue what are their responsibilities>> <<@Sunday_Swagger says : If you don’t like a state’s laws…you have the right to move. Why keep complaining?>> <<@Geneva8181 says : What a disaster for American women and girls! How dare these courts or any other person impose their personal ideologies about another females’ health requirements! These decisions should be solely between the woman and her health providers, given that they know the history of the woman and the consequences of any actions Vote Joe for Roe ! 🌊💙🌊💙🌊💙>> <<@QuantumOfSolace1 says : Its completely Legal in my State!>> <<@skwkwqkehr101 says : Age limit 60 years old, Two term limits for the Supreme Court too>> <<@ceyhunquliyev7865 says : The Beznau nuclear power plant in Switzerland, Меtsamor Plant in Armenia and Fessenheim Plant in France was chosen as the most dangerous reactors in the world due to its design in the 1960s and 1970s. The nuclear reactor should have been shut down a long time ago. Because it spreads radiation to Europe and other continents. Radioactive and chemical wastes of the Меtsamor NucIear Power Plant enter the Саspian Sea through rivers and then into the oceans through other rivers. The NPP is located in a seismic country and a strong earthquake can oćcur at any time. Armenia should be sanctioned and embargoed to close this reactor. This environmental terrorism must be stopped. The number of cancer patients in the world is increasing rapidly due to nuclear power plants. The Аrmenian government, which is a military-econоmic ally of the invading Russia and receives financial and military support from it, should think about the health of the peoples of Europe. The Prime Minister of Japan said that the chemical and radioactive waste of nuclear power plants in Japan will be discharged into the ocean. As a result of water circulation and rainfall, plants will absorb toxic water. There will be radiation in drinking water and cancer patients will increase. Russia's political and military leadership is planning armed sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Mines are buried in the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from all sides. Explosives are placed inside the reactors. World leaders must stop this ecological disaster>> <<@raisal8241 says : Surprised this as a reportage as a representation.>> <<@raisal8241 says : Analizar que? Quien es el.q tiene 2? Biden? El es Biden?>> <<@raisal8241 says : La esencia!!!!>> <<@raisal8241 says : Unbelievable>> <<@Mur76ad70 says : Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏God promised us that we would liberate Palestine, our land, from you, diaspora. They came from Russia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Britain, France, America and the West to occupy our land that we have cherished for thousands of years, but what was taken by force cannot be restored. Except by force. This is the forest we live in. Truth only comes with strength and power. We have understood that, and we will work on that. Palestine is Arab and Islamic forever, from the river to the sea, with our respect to the Arab Christians. They are with us the owners of the land, but the Arab Arabs are the owners of the land, not the racist blond European who is condescending to everyone. Yes, we will pay the bill for freedom and liberation, but less than the bill for slavery and submission. We are a nation that submits only to our Lord and nothing else. America will not remain forever, sons of Jews, and the puppet Arab rulers will also not remain on the thrones.❤️🇵🇸💚🙏☝️🔻❤>> <<@raisal8241 says : Is my question too.>> <<@uzoma112 says : Why do Democrats want to Supreme Court to make laws regarding abortion? That is the job of the congress and not the supreme court. If the Supreme court can approve on Roe vs Wade, they can also remove it. It needs an amendment enshrined in the constitution so that nobody cannot stop it. But these people will keep trying to go through the back door to beg the SC that is very conservative to change their mind.>> <<@danielgaspar1992 says : Put an End to CNN they have been pretending Biden was a 30 year old when he is totally demented. Who is running our country. I HATE CNN Liiieeesessss by them. CNN destroys America to protect their Democratic JOBS.>> <<@Boomer-Dude says : I don't see why abortion is such a big issue in America when contraception is so cheap, of coarse if a women's life is danger then doctors should decide on that.>> <<@williamgorden6390 says : I’ll never watch CNN again! Never ever,ever! Journalistic malpractice. CNN let trump LIE! You said he wouldn’t get to lie about Jan. 6th — THEN YOU LET HIM LIE ABOUT IT! If Trump wins, CNN will be partly responsible for what follows.>> <<@josephinepang448 says : This is not debating. Just let Trump says whatever he wants to say. Wasting time to watch.>> <<@josephinepang448 says : The anchors suck. Don’t stop Trump from not answering the question.>> <<@ruby7741 says : THE FACT THAT CNN TURNED OFF ALL COMMENTS FOR THE Presidential Debate TODAY JUNE 27th 2024 with FJB and TRUMP SHOWS they ARE SCARED @s H@LL TRUMP will WIN.>> <<@metatechnocrat says : This crooked, religiously fanatic Supreme Court has made a mess of this country in such a short span of time. This is why separation of church and state is in the constitution.>> <<@dougblack3966 says : Well well well cnn is dropping the ball again. So far in this presidential debate trump gets to rumble on while biden gets shut down after only very short comments. Hope this changes>> <<@lorraineperez1845 says : So...In WHAT SITUATION WILL IT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE MEN " If Their Life Is In Danger"??>> <<@laurie113 says : Getting worried are they. They SHOULD BE>> <<@brandonatwood8409 says : Censoring the presidential debate is election interference. Fair use lawsuits will be coming for you. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥>> <<@dspirit444 says : Women and those who love women better WAKE UP, this is not a rehearsal 😳 The GOP is bound n determined to ban women's right to their bodies!!! VOTE BLUE 💙>> <<@buddyhorowitz4562 says : Trump 2024>> <<@Pyladin says : They want to keep being relevant, so they throw it around instead of doing their job and be done with it.>> <<@user-rg7uh9se4c says : ATTENTION!! Masks cause horrendous pollution that hurts our environment very much. Google : Face mask litter increased almost 9000 percent!>> <<@SCOTTSMITH957 says : I thought Supreme Court bad? Why are we celebrate this?>> <<@GuruChaz says : https://youtu.be/MphDRrcVY-4?si=s72s20MLfOyvZaH1>> <<@RebeccaCanales-th9wx says : I don't see an actual dispute/conflict. ???? what is the point? The law exempts medical emergencies such as life of the mother and ectopic. The federal law requires treatment to save the life of the woman and for ectopic abortions. Looks like the state and feds actually agree. On freedom conscience they also seem to be in agreement so what's the controversy?>> <<@posterlion says : On a side note, in almost all cases, abortion is the result of misguided promiscuity. This is so obvious that anyone with a two digit IQ or higher IQ should know and understand it. But it's normal to be a fur baby now, so, the rabbits are doing the deed and then heading to the clinic afterwards. Meanwhile, we are still trying to figure out how the universe began. I'm doubtful there will be a meaningful answer in my lifetime.>> <<@posterlion says : Government should not be involved in people's personal lives period. Abortion is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, abortion is no where near the top of the list with regard to how the government has systematically dismantled our personal freedoms.>> <<@webmediafactors4 says : Sounds like exactly what the Conservative Right Wing wants to assist their global allies seeking instability and regime change in America.>> <<@cheri2213 says : Blahahhaaaaa>> <<@cheri2213 says : Babies lives matter❤>> <<@tmfilpansick says : CNN sucks>> <<@martinlopez9639 says : The supreme court is a joke and no longer needed waste of time and money. We all have cell phone and can vote online. No reason to have 7 judges deciding for millions of people, their a bunch of worthless fucks that are only good at taking bribes and hand outs. Worthless court and they all need to get fired instead of having a life time job, then they should do their fucking and stop fucking with our rights and country!😊>> <<@kwaki-serpi-niku says : These circumstances that this particular case referred to are the exception. The overwhelming majority of abortions do not occur for any sort of medical reason or for reasons of sexual assault. The overwhelming majority of abortions occur due to reasons of convenience or birth control. That's what we are concerned about as pro-lifers. It is the wholesale killing of innocent children simply because of laziness or lack of character or any sort of moral code. But the pro-choice people can't get any traction in their debate when they talk about abortion as a form of birth control. Most people find that behavior disgusting. So all they focus on is situations like this. It just is another point of evidence as to why people who are pro-choice are piece of trash human beings.>> <<@V1brationCanine says : Legitimising the opinions of zealots and the corrupt is the reason these problems still exist. They will persist until society stops tolerating intolerance and controlling behaviour.>> <<@matthewlindstrom8728 says : Are you guys ready for July 11 that will be funny>> <<@lunhil12 says : What happens to governments that trample the rights of the people? Look at Kenya republicans, that's where you're taking us all. You might fool some but even they will wake up when it affects their families.>> <<@3mountains307 says : I bet the Supreme Court rules obstruction of justice does not apply to the insurrectionist...because it would also apply to trump. Just watch. It will be a 6-3 decision.>> <<@maryford650 says : SCOTUS did this to try to make pro-choice voters at ease before the election. They'll just except a similar case after the election and say red states can do what ever they want about abortions.>> <<@rayekoehler7764 says : Women should not have to wait until their lives are in danger to have medical intervention. Doctors should be allowed to step in before that. This makes being a woman more dangerous because each pregnancy is different and requires different types of care.>> <<@TC1TheOrginal says : The only winner is Durex.>> <<@therocket280z7 says : I think if the amount of abortions that are done each year significantly outweighs those that need them for for medical reasons, we should be considering making it more difficult. The average per year for the 2010s was a little over 600k total per year. It's hard to imagine that anywhere near that number are ones that fall under the reasons given in this video for having it be a no reason right for the people. I'm all for less people, but if that's the case, we probably should be doing more to slow down that average, IMO... We need more data for sure. Opinions don't matter much without them. We should be talking about more specific numbers of why so many are done each year. It would make it a lot easier to come to an agreement...>> <<@charkpin3197 says : Can you please stop saying pregnant person? Jim says “women’s health”. She says “women’s health” but then says a zillion times “pregnant person”.>>