<<@user-cs2en4wl4f says : The biggest drug dealers of all time just get billions on the backs of millions suffering.>> <<@chriscam876 says : Started an epidemic and got away with it.>> <<@HarleyLuna31 says : Is this a new way to get people to use fentanyl?šŸ¤Ø>> <<@JCFG-fh5jv says : It's unbelievable but sadly it's true because of the current supreme Court that we have somebody's getting a payoff somewhere because the Court's already decided this and then they chose to overturn it and a big huge slap in the face of the people that have lost their family members>> <<@davidtaliaferro says : Evidently the Sackler family didnt contribute enough to the Trump campaign.>> <<@WinnieTingal says : Many drugs are way more powerful than oxy cotton the doctors are the guilty ones>> <<@WinnieTingal says : You know something the oxycontin is not even that strong of a drug>> <<@WinnieTingal says : Once the product isn't available people will run to fentanyl. You will see lots of overdoses!!>> <<@209bornandbred says : This story didn't mention that the Sackler family basically handpicked the judge in this case who gave them this unheard of lawsuit settlement deal where they waive all future personal liability... and theres also the fact that they siphoned billions of dollars out of the company into their family accounts right before these lawsuits kicked off>> <<@old_pilot says : Take responsibility for yourselves. Down with the billion dollar lawsuit business.>> <<@waitaminute2015 says : I agree with the court on this one. Nobody sues Budweiser for alcoholics because that would be ridiculous. Where is personal responsibility?>> <<@user-vy5nd2fe9o says : I wonder if Tje Supreme Court could do anything to this manufacturer that sold so many many many many many pills and killed so many many many many people and made many many many many many BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars and and are still walking the streetsā€¦šŸ¤” I think I might be in jail for that? šŸ˜¢>> <<@juggaloprofessorknowbodyim3215 says : The money was not for the families. You said so in your reporting. The money was intended for the most lucrative tax scam: NPO rehab centers. Industry creates the problem, seeds a bit of its profits from creating the problem to create rehab programs that then apply for tax funded grants to continue. When the program looses funding....well, you get the point...>> <<@relewis55 says : The Sattler family have got to be the most despicable people on the planet. What doctor believe that OxyContin was not addicting. I want them to pay up billions and billions and billions their creeps.>> <<@vernonbrisley7110 says : Woopie fascism rules America! The fascist supreme court has ruined America. If we get to vote again VOTE BLUE, no matter who or never vote again!>> <<@milesgodin4417 says : Any parents whos children died due to starting on oxycotin should give them a piece of your mind face to face.>> <<@christieannice2859 says : And the trade off is tRump gets free slate by SCOTUS again>> <<@jamesbroady3604 says : Good day for America. Sue, sue and keep suing. Should be held criminally liable as well. Now lets get Reaganā€™s Vaccine Act overturned.>> <<@mtngrammy6953 says : SCOTUS finally did something right!>> <<@brucesnow454 says : The Sacklers made the mistake of not bribing the Court.>> <<@justsayineh3447 says : The Sacklers and their minions should have been charged under the R.I.C.O. statute and stripped of all profits gained from their crimes, just like any other criminal organisation.>> <<@user-fi2ni8xj1z says : CNN MSNBC ROTH IN JAIL NOV FJB>> <<@philcortens5214 says : Gloria Borger is just as trashy as I remember her, not having seen her for it seems like decades.>> <<@user-go3tc3ke2d says : Pretty soon there won't be any meds left because they are going to say i don't know you make take it the way we say not to on the side of the bottle and or you might enjoy the way it makes you feel so just stay in pain because some people have misused our medication thats bs>> <<@wmentzer58 says : Sorry. Do not pass, Do not collect $200, Go to Jail. - "We" can't go to jail because we're above the law and we have too much money to spend. - "We" only made the drug, we didn't make them use it. - Sounds like "Breaking Bad"...>> <<@LeechyKun says : This is why America is the best place to make money. Capitalism is king, profits is king, lives, not so much.>> <<@suzyfarnham3165 says : Perdue must NOT have paid Thomas enough! Another million might change his mind! Maybe a yacht? THAT is how filthy SCOTUS is. Give Thomas time......another house, a boat or just hidden cash "DONATION" ???>> <<@Borsia says : I don't really know that much about the Pharma manufacturers but opioids are legitimate pain relief drugs that are very much needed by those who suffer from pain. They aren't the ones writing prescriptions they just make the drugs. Personally I think suing manufacturers is misguided they should be going after whoever is distributing them with wild abandon to people who shouldn't be getting them. A better use of money would be a national system that records prescriptions so that people can't Dr. shop and get 10 or 20 different prescriptions for these drugs and fill them at different pharmacies. Just MHO>> <<@elysse3653 says : the lady in the middle has no idea what sheā€™s talking about. no one ā€œwantsā€ to sue someone>> <<@Schaneification says : CCN Loss all credibly when the let Trump lie over and over !>> <<@tphvictims5101 says : biden šŸ¤£>> <<@user-ll1hr4dp9p says : 4ish billion dollars is a drop in the bucket for big pharma - the bottom line big pharmaceutical companies knew and counted on the level of addiction to increase profits - only in america could you legally promote a drug of addiction in such a way. In the EU regulation reduced the impact and legislation has held them accountable as evidenced by no real opioid crisis in EU, in Russia or China there is no crisisā€™ similar to the US because there is no health system per se, in Africa, the ME, pacific and South America there are cheaper recreational options and limited profit incentive for legal sales>> <<@epjc93 says : I now have life long pain that the Oxy brothers were to help in my back ended up in my legs trying to get of those drugs. This drug needs to be abandoned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@interstellarM81 says : Capitalism is such evil. All in name of $ profits over everything. Get caught doing criminal activities get slap on the hand, pay a tiny winnie 6 million fine, payout to those affected. While on the other hand your profits astronomical that those 6 million doesnā€™t do a dent. Then still get shielded from prison time and lawsuits? Then turn around and do it all again with another pharmaceutical company. I swear unchecked capitalism is rotten to the core. Profits over lifeā€™s. Yes your life, you reading this. Get in line get your c.vid vaxx and pay your taxes so you keep the wheels turning and nothing changes. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”>> <<@RodneySlinger says : Good. Very good.>> <<@phriedokra6158 says : Hmmm...its like one of the conservative judges seems to.get they can be impeached huh?>> <<@phriedokra6158 says : Guess thosed 5 custom RVs AND a bronze nude statue of Ginni Thomas ( since Harlan already got Clarence a RV) paid for to GIFT to the SC helped decide that HUH?>> <<@NoelBarry-om9ms says : Under the Environmental Act , the Sackler family should be declared a toxic waste dump and be prosecuted.>> <<@Citadel97501 says : Good as it was an illegal agreement by shielding them. You CAN NOT be shielded from law suits from the future.>> <<@WooWooGirl says : This is 6/28. SCOTUS apparently decided to side with Jan 6 ers. They have ruled that not all convicted deserved to be convicted of OBSTRUCTION...or something similar to that. Those who believed that some Jan 6'ers deserve to face harsh consequences for their actions...like Myself are disappointed. Those affected...are gettin' out of prison or charges modified, lessened or dropped all together. We cannot apparently put CONSEQUENCES ON INSURRECTIONISTS LIKE DONALD AND HIS MAGAS. There is NEVER ADEQUATE JUSTICE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO DESERVE IT. I AM TRULY HATIN' ON SCOTUS RIGHT NOW...AND EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED IN KETANJI JACKSON BROWN...THE CLOSETED CONSERVATIVE! I am fairly positive she voted with THE A-HOLES...at least TWICE.>> <<@denardine6062 says : Good. But the sad thing is people like me. Who was a part of the initial trial of this medication. I used this drug for 2 and 1/2 years paying $200 per month and then switched on to other medications. When I could not get it had my world turned upside down will never see one dime from them. I don't know who will get anything but I know it won't be me one if the people who became damage by them>> <<@sharebear7235 says : Awful and disgusting protection of the rich people responsible for hundreds of thousands deaths. Sad Add to the Supreme Court now>> <<@emancify says : How is this a victory for people who were addicted to Oxycontin? 12%-24% of these addicts are likely dying or dead already !! By the SCOTUS taking this long to deliver some logic... there's been no justice since 2013. That's 11 years of "high-risk drug consumption" that's been untreated and the offenders are still unpunished. This reminds me of Jan. 6, 2021 and that legal quagmire created by a crooked Federal Judge... Aileen Mercedes Cannon. Justice delayed is justice denied. The rich stay rich and are only looking to limit their liabilities to millions of Americans.>> <<@jamesclark26 says : Hard to imagine that this Supreme Court did something right!>> <<@louieuow says : Sue these drug dealers into poverty so all they have is a tent to live in!>> <<@russelldavis2456 says : Y DIDN'T YA'LL FACT CHECK LAST NIGHT. Its almost like you are trying to attract MAGA. Greed not journalism.>> <<@robertalkemade989 says : orange jesus>> <<@user-gb8fl4hk9x says : Supreme court conservatives justices are corrupted>> <<@kenhoughton5476 says : SORRY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PAST BILLS TO ALLOW THIS NARCOTIC TO BE SOLD THROUGH PHARMACIES. DOCTORS WHERE WARNING THE GOVERNMENT IT WAS A DANGEROUS IDEA. THEY WERE JUST TO BE USED IN HOSPITALS OR CANCER PATIENTS THAT WERE DYING. YOU WERE ALLOWED TO PERSCRIBE ONE OR TWO PILLS FOR PATIENTS WITH SEVERE MIGRAINES. VERY VERY LIMITED USE. THE GOVERNMENT CHANGED THE LAW TO ALLOW HILLBILLY HEROINE TO BE PERSCRIBED WILLY NILLY TO THE POPULATION. I IMAGINE THERE WAS BRIBERY ON THE PART OF PHARMASUTICAL CORPORATIONS. SO THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD FACE PRISON TIME( WHOM EVER WAS IN POWER AT THE TIME) AND WHOEVER RECEIVED BRIBES. YOU CAN'T JUST HOLD ONE FAMILY ACOUNTABLE. THE SACLAIERS SHOULD FACE JAIL TIME FOR LIEING ABOUT THE ADDICTION PART. THE DEATHS ARE A DIRECT RESULT OF THE GOVERNMENT BANNING AND ARRESTING DOCTORS WHO PERSCRIBED IT FOR LEGITIMATE REASONS. OUT LINED IN THE BILL.. CUTTING OFF PATIENTS WHO LEGITIMATELY NEEDED PAIN RELIEF FORCING THEM TO GO TO THE STREETS FOR THE DRUGS. FENTENAL IS THE KILLER A DIRECT RESULT OF THE GOVERNMENT BANNING OCY CONTIN AND THE LIKE.. TYPICAL UNITED STATES OVER REACTION TO THE PROBLEM.>> <<@vectorfox4782 says : How much is the bounty on the Sacklers?>>