<<@tca666 says : I can still stand and watch Jake i think hes fine. Dana is alwayssss annnoying 🤪🤮>> <<@rhyno1740 says : Trump took 2 tests before the debate to see if he was cognitive, Biden, none.>> <<@georgestevetorres4909 says : Kelly should never be moderator again she was a partisan hack before trump destroyed her>> <<@jiminverness says : You don't think they'll do a Chris Wallace then?>> <<@a4c01 says : She asked how you are bro.>> <<@bryanthomas7022 says : I call BS on Megan Kelly claiming she was fair and balanced. She wasn't exactly a Trump fan then either and most of her night was spent being spiteful and bitchy about what Trump had supposedly said about women in the Past, but she never questioned Hillary about what she said about men in the past. Who has" That's how women like her think. They can do and say what they want and Men aren't allowed to say anything. See how they try to ignore body counts? Megan may think no one noticed or remembers, but she's wrong.>> <<@AlanRoehrich9651 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes. They will "behave", just like the loyal little Trump hating democrat operatives they are.>> <<@tonypearman says : If Joe doesn't fart or crap himself it'll be too high a bar for Trump to jump>> <<@ricklannis6244 says : Biden had to negociate just the right position on the debate stage so they can dart him with drugs every 30 seconds just so he can make it through the debate without malfunctioning.>> <<@Shineon83 says : The LAST THING Judge MERCHAN is going to do is sentence Trump to prison—the WH doesn’t want Trump getting any more sympathy ….>> <<@Shineon83 says : ***Megyn kills me—TRUMP HATED HER (and vice-versa)…. Her sudden turnaround is….interesting 😂>> <<@Dennis-ff2pf says : Trump to Dana didn't your husband lie about the hunter laptop.>> <<@Shineon83 says : ….AND….BIDEN will have been handed the debate questions prior to the debate ***>> <<@UhaniNaluSurf says : Imagine an Administration with a leader his lackeys have to prep for over a week for a debate, then get the two most despicable woketard Libtards to moderate. A warrior like Trump walking in that CNN s-hole and hope to hear Tapper squeal louder than normal. No doubt, Biden got the test ahead of time.>> <<@Redroom66 says : Basically saying yes we know we are and have been one sided but this time we’re not 😂 what a joke, how are we allowing this nonsense.>> <<@TheFrogfeeder says : Everybody is an expert on how Trump should perform tonight, but folks, I think he is perfectly capable of doing this on his own.>> <<@ddduva4440 says : Trump practices in his rally.>> <<@coleriedel751 says : sure they will *wink*>> <<@carlcort7721 says : No matter what happen in this "debate", Trump wlll win. FJB is insane. And CNN too!!>> <<@MrRonaldl128 says : Can't believe she is 52 years old...still beautiful>> <<@Vllencia says : Megyn K., this is not 2016, not the same situation! Mr. Trump should not go there to play comedy, or speaking too often over his opponent, or insulting people for no relevant reason. Now that he has had a term done already, people expect more than a comedy show, especially in these dangerous times. So her advice is not good. Doing comedy would not help him; unless exceptions. But Mr. Trump is smart and wise, and he will know how to handle himself in this debate for these present times so that he looks strong and very smart. People are not looking for a comedian. President Trump should not listen to Megyn Kelly! She seems to often have strange advice.>> <<@ronsmith8434 says : Cnn shouldn't be moderating anything, anywhere, anytime, ever. Done with FAKE NEWS>> <<@rahkinrah1963 says : If Trump goes behind bars - The "judges" should be in the same cell.>> <<@WarlanderTV says : Megyn Kelly is a loser who sold Trump out. Don't shove this grifter down my throat.>> <<@HOLMES-B221 says : This is not Trump / Biden debate, it's Trump/CNN debate with Biden as a bystander.>> <<@adancdego6339 says : The issue is the questions have already been given to CNN by sloppy joe's campaign as he's been prepped with the answers already.>> <<@ClarkKent-pz4wj says : How did the Corrupt News Network, or was it the Crybaby News Network, get this debate?>> <<@SeanLynch-wl9te says : The original trump hater Megan Kelly....we will not forget........nice try at redefining yourself you shill>> <<@reh7164 says : If Trump gets the upper hand the moderators will help Biden as much as they possible can by piling on Trump. If Trump makes an error the moderators will pile on him to help Biden.>> <<@ayabokti161 says : When megan talks blah blah blah blah she's so 2 faced. Can't stand her 🙄 only stink I smell is you meg kelly>> <<@ayabokti161 says : Megan Kelly likes killiary. She's so fake 🙄🤮>> <<@donfraser6465 says : I like Megyn but when she says moderators are "adversarial" I believe she and others have lost the mission. It should be about hearing and learning where the candidates stand. Of course, there should be some challenging questions but it shouldn't be to see who can dodge and weave. How about thoughtful statements about policy.>> <<@fredwilliams6047 says : Most sterile debate setup ever, and not the American way.>> <<@pathtopeaceministry6777 says : Megan Kelly is nothing but a three dollar bill always has been and never will be anything different, they picked the best too what a crock of nonsense, as Tucker would say, maybe you’re not pretending maybe you really are that st pid>> <<@philochristos says : "Behave" probably means something different to conservatives and liberals.>> <<@pathtopeaceministry6777 says : There’s only one reason you wouldn’t want integrity and that’s if you’re Democrat, no, I’m not a Republican and I didn’t vote for Trump last time , but now I’m behind him>> <<@Lucifurion says : You’re an idiot Megyn. CNN are going to be the biggest kvnts to Trump that they possibly can. You’re dumber than a sack of dog sht.>> <<@randybennett5417 says : The Communist News Network will laup side the debate in Biden"s favor.>> <<@cas3837 says : WHO believes they will behave? NOT a chance! I guarantee there are many measures in place and planned to help Biden and screw Trump! They may be more careful about it but Biden has a well rehearsed plan! ABSOLUTE NO DOUBT BIDEN WILL BE CODDLED! He NEEDED a certain side so is that where Obama and Hillary will be? WHY IS CNN INVOLVED, knowing they have proven to be the MOST CORRUPT NETWORK EVER??? The blatant bias is overwhelming!! Anyone can watch any time they report anything Trump and observe the negative behavior. You do not even need to hear the words to know the truth. It is disgraceful! After people watch the behaviors, listen to the words and then check truths. CNN WILL NOT report ANY news that he looks favorable. The WILL, however twist the story and LIE to be certain Trump is always looked at in contempt and Biden is looked at favorably. CNN is 100% biased and PROVEN to be over and over!! The last episode with Kacie should have immediately cancelled the debate and find a noncorrupt one!!>> <<@silviavoss6411 says : Really off kilter to accuse Trump of rambling, his 4 years were glorious, now we are in chaos, I'll never ever vote dem again, what an unethical horrific party they've become! RFK only independent to get in, total democrat how frightening. Hello gag orders have been removed,>> <<@liryan5312 says : What time does CNN show its fairness and justice ?>> <<@sharksbreath7 says : Once they get Trump in front of them they'll attack like rabid dogs, they can't help themselves.>> <<@Josh-oc2wd says : That was not an insurrection. Megyn is showing what we have known all along, she is a charlatan. Nobody should feed that narrative that J6 was an insurrection. You are stupid, Megyn, by playing into that. Trump should push back on that J6 BS that the demoncrats, and Megyn, are still trying to use against him.>> <<@FreeSpeechest1776 says : Hilarious!!! She's trying to give a successful real estate celebrity multibillionaire business man that was the greatest president ever in the history of the world, advice on a debate against an old lying dementia puppet. Get a life Megan. You're not relevant anymore. Infact. You never were.>> <<@jim1125-cv6yg says : When the age ?'s come up. It I were Trump I would say " Joe I'm 78 and you are 81 which the Grimm Reaper could be at our door at anytime. Who are you going to leave to run the country?" ( Harris ) Trump wins>> <<@user-qz4ib5hm3w says : On the topic of immigration, Trump must clarify that he does not have concerns about immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for more than a decade without a criminal background. His primary worry centers on undocumented immigrants brought into the country illegally, which has caused the Democrats to face declining popularity after he relocated their children from school to accommodate criminals who are harming and murdering young girls with bright futures under a secure government. It is clear that these individuals receive protection even when they engage in criminal activities, as Democrats expect them to vote without revealing their identities. Otherwise, why push for individuals lacking proper identification to have voting rights?>> <<@SkibidiRunner123 says : Trump 2024>> <<@ninarines588 says : I hope she's right❤>> <<@lucashudson4942 says : Donald should cancel the debate-its a set-up with a hostile CNN and too many restrictions and rules.>> <<@user-he3pq5fi3k says : So you think CCN will treat Trump fairly? What planet do you live on?>>