<<@server1ok says : Putin died 5 min ago !!>> <<@MultiMyNickName says : The EU is still buying Russian gas and is funding both sides of the war. Perhaps Russia should just close the valve to all of Europe?>> <<@boopathib7551 says : EU getting itself sanctioned....Rip to west people,,they will feel heat in coming soon>> <<@_Tony.Montana says : Those sanctions are meaningless to Russia. NATO started that Ukrainian war.>> <<@_Tony.Montana says : The EU/US was importing great deal of Russian commodities Sanctions is hurting the EU the most.>> <<@BGK531 says : Russia should forget to live with you stop trading gas the Eu real enemies and closed their embassies.>> <<@petervojcek7043 says : Living in EU feels like being in some sci-fi movie.>> <<@BasudhaibKutumbakam says : Why eu support to deploy arms at the border of rusia The result now these double minded eu and west r presenting as victim>> <<@Cyburr420 says : China is so happy now they can build the LNG ships and supply them with the components they need>> <<@wsamples says : It's good news! слава україні>> <<@vladimiremerichsmejkal5525 says : Wow, yet another package of sanctions (14th) that will this time definitely devastate Russian economy and perhaps reverse EU countries' economic decline. Perfect plan, Putin is about to through in a towel and hide in his dacha. When something works 13 times why wouldn't it work on the 14th try, right?>> <<@gmoney9042 says : Your propaganda machine is failing BBC CNN no one listened to that garbage>> <<@gmoney9042 says : Germany is finished Europe is done no more cheap gas uranium from Russia ya"ll my freez>> <<@Justme58891 says : NICE JOB ! GOD BLESS THE ALLIANCE>> <<@tiinaaaltonen9202 says : EU and the west should stop co-operating with Russia for everything.>> <<@maxhugen says : Good to hear. 🇺🇦🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine 💪>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@joseluisarroyo4547 says : Why not cut off all trading instead of picking a bit here and a bit there?. Do it now!>> <<@boomerhgt says : Russia launching a War like this in Europe is unforgivable>> <<@patmcstuff671 says : Russia is a gangster state ran by criminals>> <<@madhulikasaran6164 says : Good luck. Slava Ukraini 🌻🌻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦>> <<@mnblkjh6757 says : 🇪🇺👍🙂>> <<@ChadLuciano says : These are just the defensive movements that will ultimately pave way for a positive offensive campaign...some countries are about to feel the fury of the EU, US, JN, UK... China is currently facing economic devastation, territorial disputes, trade disputes...the CLEAR message and moral of all of this is simple...communism 180 years, democracy 2600 years...easy math>> <<@robertheisterbergii8655 says : I noticed Putins Sleeves on his jacket protrudes several inches past his thumbs, never mind his white shirt is not shown!>> <<@ehawolczecki8759 says : Excellent.>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Great news Ukraine a great thank you to the EU for stepping up time now to deliver military support to the front line!>> <<@ululponco says : saya rasa EU melakukan sesuatu yg keliru!... misalkan tiba saat nya nanti kalau pada akhir nya Russia benar-benar terdesak saya harap semua yg tertawa di pertemuan EU tdi,agar "membuka mata mereka lebar2 saat PESTA KEMBANG API DIMULAI!" sebagai mana saat negara jepang mendapat paket dari Amerika di 2tempat diwilayah negara mereka.pada saat itu tiba,smua penyesalan datang terlambat. lebih dari 5000,membayangkan 1kembang api saja sudah menakjubkan...apalagi 5/10/15/20 kembang api?😂🤣🤔😌😒😩😖>> <<@AriesBoy2372 says : Wonderful. Thanks EU ❤❤❤❤!>> <<@bangersnmash4856 says : These are gonna sting>> <<@Rattler808 says : nice dress @ 1:04>> <<@jim2376 says : Dribble out sanctions are as ill-advised as the dribble out military aid that has hampered Ukraine for over two years. Two great ways to help the enemy. But better late than never.>> <<@patay168 says : Good news>> <<@user-fi6xy1ji8l says : We need Switzerland onboard just to be sure.>> <<@tabithan2978 says : Xi is watching these sanctions and losing his enthusiasm for invading Taiwan. 🤷‍♀️>> <<@tabithan2978 says : Make Russia pay, siezure of their frozen reserves is the only MORAL option. Give the $300b to UKR!>> <<@MunterPunter says : That oil fleet should all be taken away and scrapped.>> <<@786otto says : Finaly? Should be done 2 years ago ,just shows how woke are they.>> <<@stanadams5541 says : I think a very important point is that the West has been holding back on Sanctions ever since the start of the War and it could be argued that the West has not issued enough sanctions. There is much more the World can do to deter Putin and no doubt will if Putin continues his agression.>> <<@Mika-fi6gm says : Sanna Marin got the power. Who’s that blonde?😂>> <<@deecee1522 says : Regime change for russia>> <<@STEVEB8927 says : Gaza showed us the true meaning of "Western values." Sorry, Ukraine, you won't see me dying on your battlefield. 😢...>> <<@Cody38Super says : When we're these parts sold to them? They claim parts from. America wee sold to Sukhoi....WHEN....Sukhoi hasn't built 10 new planes in 10 fucking years! Who knows how old the parts are and how long they've been on a shelf and how long ago they were sold and installed on the aircraft. Plus, they are all Consumer level parts, meaning any asshole can go online and order them! They're not militarily sensitive parts! The sights in Russian tanks like the T-90 and T-14 came out of French Leclerc tanks after they were decommissioned, cause you can buy them online!>> <<@vasilijevasictrob2048 says : Bruh, how proud they are and then they gonna buy it from India and India gonna buy from Russia to sell more to EU like they was alredy doing...>> <<@CanCJen says : Slava Ukraini! ❤️💙💛>> <<@jc20012 says : The United States needs to ban all business with Russia. 65% of components in Russian planes are from the United States that is crazy and should stop now. The Biden administration also provides waivers to Russian banks helping them bypass sanctions and funding their aggressive war against Ukraine. Biden attended and celebrated with putin at their victory party for annexing Crimea. One will never convince me that this fact is not linked to the waivers and the components. It seems Biden owes putin some favors. I wonder why? Perhaps he or someone he trusts, like his son for example receive something from Russia in exchange. Three guesses anyone?>> <<@GeoPoliticsCommentry says : FUNFACT EU: When you need a 14th sanction package, you are proving how Impotent you are, not how Important you are.>> <<@ruruguada9714 says : Lot of good theories.Now into the real world.>> <<@GeoPoliticsCommentry says : EU nations spent more than $630 billion on non-Russian gas imports in the three years through 2023.“The sum also equals the EU’s total gas spending over the previous eight years,” Its Ok its only EU money. I applaud Joe Biden for raising dementia awareness worldwide.>> <<@sujitray7405 says : EU will never able to destroy Russia....Dream on... All the best.. but nobody wants to stop the war. Because it pays everybody's salary in EU and USA.>> <<@lizardlizardliz says : It's about time? It only took 2 years>>