<<@TruckerTales-ub3ih says : So AI is probably the anti Christ?>> <<@user-pb2vo4pt3t says : It's just a machine. Unplug it and see what happens.🤷 As far as the "ruling class" goes, they better remember what happened to the ruling class of France in the 1790s. These CROOKS are close to sharing that fate! M o r t e DC CARTEL!>> <<@Jamy528 says : Can no one stop this?>> <<@ChadGpt369 says : 50 reasons you may wish to reconsider voting for Donald. 1. Impeachment History: Twice impeached by the House of Representatives. 2. Capitol Riot: Incited the January 6th Capitol riot. 3. Election Claims: Promoted false claims of a stolen 2020 election. 4. Business Failures: Multiple bankruptcies in his business ventures. 5. Conflict of Interest: Failed to fully divest from his businesses while in office. 6. Tax Records: Refused to release tax returns, raising transparency concerns. 7. COVID-19 Response: Widely criticized handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. 8. Health Care: Efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. 9. Environmental Policies: Rolled back numerous environmental protections. 10. Foreign Relations: Strained alliances with traditional allies. 11. Trade Wars: Engaged in trade wars, notably with China, affecting global markets. 12. Military Decisions: Questionable decisions regarding military strategies. 13. Racial Tensions: Accused of exacerbating racial tensions in the U.S. 14. Immigration Policies: Controversial immigration policies, including family separations. 15. Ethics Violations: Numerous allegations of ethics violations. 16. Legal Issues: Facing multiple legal investigations and lawsuits. 17. Free Press: Attacked and undermined the free press. 18. Education Policy: Criticized for policies impacting public education negatively. 19. Cybersecurity: Questionable handling of cybersecurity threats. 20. Climate Change: Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. 21. Economic Inequality: Policies criticized for increasing economic inequality. 22. Veterans Affairs: Mixed record on handling veterans' issues. 23. Police Reform: Lack of substantial police reform policies. 24. International Agreements: Withdrew from several international agreements. 25. National Debt: Increased the national debt significantly. 26. Infrastructure: Failed to deliver on major infrastructure promises. 27. Judiciary: Appointed controversial judges to the federal judiciary. 28. Corruption Allegations: Numerous allegations of corruption within his administration. 29. Science and Research: Undermined scientific research and agencies. 30. Economic Policies: Policies often favored the wealthy over the middle and lower classes. 31. Women's Rights: Rolled back protections for women's rights. 32. LGBTQ+ Rights: Policies seen as harmful to LGBTQ+ rights. 33. Healthcare for Veterans: Criticized for not adequately addressing veterans' healthcare needs. 34. Transparency: Lack of transparency in his administration. 35. Civic Norms: Eroded traditional civic norms and democratic principles. 36. NATO Relations: Strained relations with NATO allies. 37. National Security: Questionable decisions impacting national security. 38. Public Trust: Significant erosion of public trust in government. 39. Public Discourse: Toxic influence on public discourse and civility. 40. Legal Pardons: Controversial use of presidential pardon power. 41. Foreign Interference: Accusations of soliciting foreign interference in elections. 42. Healthcare Policy: Lack of a coherent healthcare policy. 43. Trade Deficits: Increased trade deficits despite protectionist policies. 44. Education Funding: Proposed cuts to public education funding. 45. Judicial Independence: Attacked judicial independence and integrity. 46. Public Health: Undermined public health officials and guidelines. 47. Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric: Harmful anti-immigrant rhetoric. 48. Ethnic and Religious Minorities: Policies and rhetoric harmful to ethnic and religious minorities. 49. Federal Workforce: Criticized treatment of the federal workforce. 50. Global Standing: Decline in the global standing of the U.S. under his leadership.>> <<@HardKore5250 says : Transhumanism good to help in sports and everyday life>> <<@sc-uk5xg says : A journalist who is an expert in something that he knows nothing about. Just by what he has read or heard...>> <<@robertlucas5090 says : AI can only do what it's programmed to do and it can only mimic some human traits but it will never achieve human consciousness. Doctors would love to say they have the whole brain figured out but they never will. Humans would love to say they have all the answers to everything but that's a fool and men and women are created by God. AI is just the golden calf of old revamped.>> <<@mikedavidson8419 says : Truth never get heard or gets any likes. Just saying .>> <<@benjaminkitchen6257 says : God help from the heathen AI God of the machine>> <<@robertperry4439 says : AI chatbot: 'This is Russian disinformation.'>> <<@robertperry4439 says : Famous last words: 'What have we done?'>> <<@theodoreheintz7891 says : All creations are reflections of their creators. The people creating AI are psycho megalomaniac shtbags. This is going to be ugly.>> <<@maureencallahan1604 says : It should be called simulated intelligence because that is actually what it is and maybe people wouldn't take it so seriously>> <<@maureencallahan1604 says : You have to be really smart to be a silicon valley programmer what's smart isn't the same as intelligent. Smart is a dog trained to do tricks.>> <<@jobethschlatterer1655 says : I believe that it’s a very dangerous thing. Apparently it can deceive anyone, and you can bet that they will! 🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸>> <<@goosecouple says : "The Amish knew it long ago.">> <<@------------------A says : The Eve of Destruction .....>> <<@Supersquid1776 says : This world is in alot of trouble.>> <<@kathk3209 says : The devil is real people!>> <<@loveofchrist1840 says : Wow.......these are the "last days"......before the Anti-Christ man appears, because Lawlessness shall abound, and we are presently seeing this all being revealed! Come Lord Jesus for your Bride.......>> <<@MosheHaMayim4591 says : Since mankind are selfish and fallen sinners, Whatever they build and program will also have those traits. Revelation 13 describes and prophesies such a scenario .>> <<@trmpgod9976 says : (((((((((((((((( ONE WORLD ORDER MACHINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ))))))))))))))))))))) WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@kevinjenner9502 says : The Israeli AI programs “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy” have significantly increased Netanyahu’s war crimes in Gaza.>> <<@Youtubecensorstruth says : First we create our own God then give it an image. That sounds like AI being given a body to posses that will bring the whole world under its control.>> <<@djjohnson9422 says : For centuries Biblical scholars have struggled with the understanding of the Image of the Beast. Many for centuries thought it was a golem or statue of the beast which was demonically possessed. But in the 21 century with A.I. the Image of the Beast makes more sense. We as humans don't understand that demonic spirits, and fallen angels may very well be working behind the scenes in the Artificial Intelligence arena. Robotic Military Troops with A.I. in Japan last year attacked and killed scientists in the laboratory. They were able to shut them down as there were 4 of them which killed 29 scientists. But the 4th one while it was in the process of disassembling it locked into a satellite and downloaded plans of how to reassemble itself and how to by pass the fail safe to turn it off. according to the report. A.I. inventors think they have invented A I. But what if it was actually a plan of demonic spirits who planted the ideas in the brains of the so-called inventors. A.I. itself may not be the Image of the Beast but an Advanced form very well may be. Perhaps demonic spirits can work through A.I. this would explain the A.I.s explanation of eradication of the human race. As demonic spirits hate humans because we are created in the express image of likeness of Yahovah-Memra or Yahovah the Word the Holy Creator.>> <<@FriendOfChrist says : Maybe so, but I'm using their pagan "god" to prove that the Bible is true.>> <<@Bob-bb3ur says : Watch, if I were the devil by Paul Harvey ,maybe that will help you understand what's going on in this country.>> <<@jasonjohnson7150 says : So maki g False Gods and Idols is against the 10 Commandments just to start. Making a Pagan God is going to be the downfall of all who come to use and worship AI. AI, will ultimately KILL OFF ALL HUMAN LIFE. How Godly is that for you willful Idiots. As a devout Christian, i will have been gone long before this as i will never accept AI, and fully believe that it is the Mark of the Beast, replacing Human Kind and the Death of All Humans. Ever see The Terminator!?!>> <<@tallybeaverman9462 says : "F" the AI folks who feed us this crap! Feed them a nuckle sandwich!>> <<@mikedavidson8419 says : Anti Christ = AI>> <<@Shadow-vu7tq says : It's a machine ,a device of man not a god>> <<@DingoDave69 says : Now does Mark of the Beast mean anything?>> <<@catbertz says : I'm not surprised to hear AI adherents "behind closed doors" visions/goals for AI governance. AI's capabilities are wildly accelerating, but I'm not convinced AGI can be reached without a "helping hand" from a certain biblical entity and his demonic minions. It's my wacky theory that they plan to physically interact with our plane of existence through ai and robots, rather than manipulating humans on an emotional level, which they've been very successful at of course. Waacky theory aside, we shall see how AI plays out, but I'm suspicious of its value, and suspect it's a threat instead.>> <<@thenarrowpathoftruth9443 says : So, the author wrote an entire book about this and he still doesn't fully "get it," apparently. AI, robotics, genetic engineering, the Brain-Computer Interface, AGI - the purpose is for the disembodied demons to be recorporealized and "worshipped as gods," which is the goal they have lusted after since they were cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven when they rebelled against the almighty. Further, "Science" is nothing more than the "Occult Arts" with a really great "Public Relations Department" and access to massive amounts of money in research funds. Ask yourself why the Dancing Shiva (the Hindu god of destruction and chaos) is in front of the CERN large hadron collider facility. Ask yourself why so many rockets and space programs are named by NASA (Not A Space Agency) after Egyptian "gods." Nikola Telsa wasn't an advanced intellect or scientist - he was an advanced occultist. (NOTE TO MODERATORS: I am NOT talking about the company Tesla, I am talking about a historic figure who has long been dead. I am also NOT talking about Elon. No insult is meant. I am simply stating facts about a man who has been dead for decades but has radically altered human history and knowledge. It is fairly well known that he was an occultist. How do you think Tesla became advanced decades beyond his time? The knowledge was given to him by the fallen ones with whom he would consort. I speculate that the "Image of the Beast" which is said will be created by the anti-Christ in the Book of Revelation will be a robotic AGI - possibly hybridized with human flesh and brain. If God were to have allowed that to continue indefinitely (further speculation), I suspect the Image of the Beast would be the new archetype for the human race, just as God created male and female in His own image. What we have here is the devil poking God in the eye, repeatedly. He gets to pretend to be God, be worshipped in the new temple as if he were God and in the place of God, re-create mankind in his own Satanic image, which is an extreme blasphemy to the true God - and in the end will pay very dearly. Everyone is saying how AI will destroy mankind. No - God will, because of (I speculate) AI or AGI, the new robotic cyborgs meant to blaspheme His image and usurp His rightful place and power. God will destroy everything; because He has to. You see the evil in the world? How great would that power become if left unchecked and if run with seemingly limitless intelligence and endless electro-mechanical power? Have you ever gotten a little power for yourself? Did it feel really good? Did you want more? Did you feel invincible, maybe "God-like." That kind of power was never meant for mankind. We don't know how to use it or manage it. We would only destroy ourselves. Power apart from the God of all power can only be used for evil and destruction. Think of human suffering over history. Now think of human suffering as managed and magnified by genetically engineered robotic cyborg AGI as they make themselves and their select human elite servants to be the "new gods" of the human race.>> <<@teddysmith457 says : I hope we do get Trump 2024 but he ain’t no God either. This country is in a lot of trouble and it’s beyond Trump. Imagine Donald Trump will tell you that. This country is turning into a pagan country like he said and that is not good because the principles of this country was based off Christianity.>> <<@Hildegard242 says : I'm glad you made this video, I can recall when I was homeless and faced with many things in Life until $75,000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to offer!!!!!!❤️>> <<@faisonhoward9191 says : True❤❤>> <<@ColonelStraker says : Revelations 13 verse 15 And he is given power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast will even [appear to] speak, and cause those who do not bow down and worship the image of the beast to be put to death.>> <<@gloriawheeler8938 says : Do not worship the beast or the image.. We all will need JESUS CHRIST; we can't do it alone.>> <<@HANKHILLFORTXGOVERNOR says : Its not even really artificial intelligence, its just super fast compilation.>> <<@cdawson198600 says : This sure feels like a hell, good people doing nothing got us here.>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Trump 2024 ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸✝️🙏 November 5th 2024>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Democrats and there Nazi Agendas>> <<@Abdikadirmahamedfarah says : AI ATRIFICIAL INTELLIGENT MUST GO RERAGULATION,we the people,we love trump to become 47president of usa, trump2024WH ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@dianebuchanan6763 says : Frightening 😢>> <<@BearPawSwipe says : THE OMNISSIAH RISES!>> <<@DemonKingTyler says : Wait until they see AI hates Communism too>> <<@laserhobbyist9751 says : IF AI can be designed and implemented not to lie, I'd believe that over any religion.>> <<@haileydaily2016 says : Believe it or not the Bible did mention this and they warn us against the evilness>>