<<@susansmith3896 says : Biden's economic agenda got us to where we are...our economy is failing>> <<@user-mj4zk3bo8v says : Why haven't u charged those 50 people>> <<@tomthum7020 says : And that puts Biden right in the crosshairs because he committed real treasonous crimes>> <<@tomthum7020 says : The judges are talking about real crime not made up fake ones>> <<@tomcampbell8903 says : These are the kind of women every man would be proud to take home to Mama.>> <<@ronharding8959 says : There is no such thing as a expert!!!>> <<@mjgonzalez8293 says : The 51 Lied just like all Democrats>> <<@walterrau3724 says : Democrat Playbook: Worked in the 80s and 90s !! Anybody remember Senator Heart, COLO ??? His campaign got cut short amid allegations of an affair!!! Allegations, Rumors, Intelligence Reports!!!! ALL FAKE!!!>> <<@lilpinksliplee7310 says : AOC has an economics degree, too. I don't trust anything she says either. Anyone who knows anything about fallacies is that is a fallacy to authority.>> <<@Paul-zf8ob says : They should all be prosecuted for election interference!>> <<@rick3592 says : Hunter and Jill wrote it.>> <<@alfonsecoppola5938 says : love harris,so smart,right to the point>> <<@jorgemontefusco650 says : Only 6 out of 10 disapprove of Biden’s economic policy? What is wrong with the other 4?>> <<@jorgemontefusco650 says : Another scam job of these 16 “experts.”>> <<@amidazad4832 says : Just a correction. This not Biden’s failure. He has practically nothing to do with running this country. It’s Obama and Clinton in charge of the country. Pelosi, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell and Dirty Politicians like them are helping to push their agendas.>> <<@user-ve4ig6pw1s says : Looks like Axios was wrong...again.>> <<@S01DATT says : Selling fear works>> <<@MalleusDei275 says : Who's been leading this administration.... It hasn't been biden.>> <<@aah_124 says : The experts weren't wrong. They are Deep State operatives carrying out their agenda.>> <<@kathyc00per2 says : Biden is the worse president in united states history.>> <<@richardlahan7068 says : These economists do know that Trump was president once before and the economy improved during the Trump Administration. right?>> <<@MrElapid says : The gaslighting never ends...>> <<@puddintayne9254 says : Fire those economists right now>> <<@suetipping4841 says : The real problem here is that our "betters', both liberals and conservatives, construct castles in the air and expect Americans to move into their idiot palaces of living forgery. Forget it. We know fake when we see it and hear it. It's over, gang. We will be god damned if we will own nothing and be happy. It's your turn.>> <<@deja699 says : Its not that they were "wrong"... THEY STRAIGHT UP LIED!!!>> <<@christopherkelly577 says : Seems legitimate 😂>> <<@robertnunn3015 says : What planet are they living on !!>> <<@whytebearconcepts says : I wonder how long they had to look to find those 16. Did they put an ad on Craigslist? "Looking for a Nobel winner willing to compromise their integrity...".>> <<@peterrichards931 says : These 'economists' are nothing more than elites who wish to control us. Do not trust any 'expert' today related to politics, since their 'expertise' has shown to be biased.>> <<@ThatMichaelTGuy says : People are reminded of the Trump - Biden difference every time they shop. These economic experts are putting the American People last and their own politics first.>> <<@scottschmidt4872 says : Trump is businessman. He has made money. He can manage money. Biden and his people have never done anything except lie and buy votes.>> <<@2Dcmbr7 says : This is one of the many logical fallacies used to manipulate people. It is a bandwagon + appeal to authority attack used to push a narrative. 15 (bandwagon) “experts” (appeal to authority) say (euphemism for “have the opinion that”) this is true. Well, 15 opinions does not make something a fact. Just keep paying attention to how all the real evidence keeps getting deleted or winding up missing. Also lots of ad hominem (attacking the person not the argument), strawman (manipulating a person’s statements so they can be attacked) and loaded questions (questions with built in assumptions which any answer is forced to legitimize.) All of this works best on captive audiences - hence the fight over the relationship between the government and social media companies.>> <<@2Dcmbr7 says : This is one of the many logical fallacies used to manipulate people. It is a bandwagon + appeal to authority attack used to push a narrative. 15 (bandwagon) “experts” (appeal to authority) say (euphemism for “have the opinion that”) this is true. Well, 15 opinions does not make something a fact. Just keep paying attention to how all the real evidence keeps getting deleted or winding up missing. Also lots of ad hominem (attacking the person not the argument), strawman (manipulating a person’s statements so they can be attacked) and loaded questions (questions with built in assumptions which any answer is forced to legitimize.) All of this works best on captive audiences - hence the fight over the relationship between the government and social media companies.>> <<@williammills2852 says : not Biden's failures, but his "puppet-master" handler's failures. Biden WAS, a useful idiot.>> <<@kerryddepew674 says : The web of (D)eceit, has no bounds.>> <<@douglasbrinkman5937 says : "experts say".....>> <<@generalinformation4386 says : As soon as you see a group of so called experts signing a letter you know this is a Democrat disinformation exerciser.>> <<@markluke8447 says : Democrats have proven time and time again they will lie, cheat and steel in order to remain in power. They are not fit to serve the public good.>> <<@juliemanderewicz3579 says : That's not what Wall Street Executives are saying and he's not who they're voting for...just sayin 😊>> <<@michaelfranklin4276 says : The American Hydra in The White House. You cut off one head of lies, it grows two back. At least you can feel sorry for the Lernaean Hydra.>> <<@MK-gv8bu says : FJB.>> <<@timothyproksch2915 says : Fake news fake science fake global warming>> <<@logan5824 says : DEMS ARE DOOMED>> <<@Man_Cave says : Why does the FBI want to be instrumental in destroying the Nation?>> <<@billb412 says : What has he done he promised? More Biden lies? Oh, he forgot!!!!>> <<@robertmossberger3385 says : Don didn't answer questions , didn't talk about policies, lied his orange head off and the outcome for Toxic Fox was already decided days before the verbal exchanges called a "debate" FURTHERMORE Nancy Pelosi DID NOT BLOCK THE NATIONAL GUARD. 34 Felon Trump refused to call them out for over 3 hours. He was enjoying his riot at the Capitol SAFE in the White House.>> <<@sevennotes8940 says : If China owns a product and or company, it will cost more. Is old uncle joe still your favorite uncle.>> <<@MackDaddy69 says : The Dems have something big planned!😮Could they be paving the way for Newscum to be the first female president?😅>> <<@user-nm9xb7nv6i says : Little Joeys #1 failure his administration and policies 🤪>> <<@barrykennedy9947 says : These are probably the same people running Bidenonmics.>>