<<@dral9657 says : Kayleigh, remember when you called trump the worst pathological liar in politics on air in 2015 ! πŸ˜‚>> <<@rolandgraff414 says : Your king said you are the enemy πŸ€‘πŸ‘‹>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : JOES HANDLERS ARE RE BRAIN WASHING JOE AND BOOTING HIM UP WITH SOMETHING THAT RESTART THIS BRAIN>> <<@tnewland4571 says : I remember how bad interest rates, and bank failures. How many people have to loose what's left?>> <<@danguest5379 says : A reminder....this little girl built her career by promoting lies !>> <<@onewelegion says : Kayleigh>> <<@onewelegion says : Was looking for her forever>> <<@tmill2001 says : This debate won't matter... all the civil war vets will be voting Biden...and they will steal this one 2 and what r u gonna do about it? Nothing just like last time.>> <<@user-uv3mc6cl9x says : Joe Biden is the one who has the clearest plan of action of the Democrats and their accomplices in the armed forces, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, that plan is the total destruction of the United States>> <<@joykeebler1916 says : - remember the Clinton Chronicles (?)>> <<@carlmar6027 says : Trump is always in enemy territory so not to worry>> <<@RedDeadGunslingerOutlaw says : One guy needed 10 minutes the other needs 10 days>> <<@hartunstart says : Securing the border would have been easy for Biden. He did not want to. A bad choice.>> <<@stevennguyen-fz5xt says : Alls of you happy πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ 😁😁πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°>> <<@benjaminwilliams3568 says : McAneny In Moch Trump debate talking points Advisory, She lays down Excellent points to bring up. She is very well thought out in her comments. I wish I could verbally be as sharp in conversations as she is. My issue verbal confrontation scares me, because I know I'm a hot head.>> <<@davidherron9151 says : also I love the way the US is freaking out about a typical grocery bill going from $100 to $125 try the UK ! its more in your money it is $252.98>> <<@davidherron9151 says : an A.E.I. Bush speech writer......wow I could not sit that close to creature like that>> <<@CocoKoi321 says : theyre gonna try and prop up mark hamill cause hes famous and old and hates trump, he met with biden too months ago theyre gonna try and see if cause the woke star wars destroyer can use being the star wars guy can make him win the 2024 election>> <<@thejoeni says : Biden should resign now or his team should invoke the 25th Amendment. He’s absolutely not fit to serve, period !!!>> <<@Mike-dq8iv says : Australian owned FOX MEDIA IS CONSTANTLY UNDERMINING OUR DEMOCRACY. SHOULD BE FOREIGHN INTERFERENCE IN OUR ELECTIONS.>> <<@Mike-dq8iv says : Crooked kaliegh and traitors at trump election headquarters talking trump lies>> <<@juanamora9513 says : Bid3n apparently was one of the most outspoken politicians. Speaking up against communism, drugs, and the enemy trying to invade the country and take control! So what happened? Did the enemy spy on him and his family? Did they infiltrate and corrupt his family and then use it to blackmail, own or control him? Did they manage to brainwash him? And they do the same to any politicians whether left or right if they let down their guard. They'll try to corrupt you and then use it to blackmail and control you. They'll do it thru your children, and other close family members who don't realize what's going on.>> <<@juanamora9513 says : The moronic right don't seem to understand this is no longer elections between democrats and Republicans. The democratic party is no longer democratic. It's under the control of leftist communist people who no longer follow rule of law and want to and are gradually taking away your freedoms, bill of rights, trying to disarm you and working for the enemy based on the decision being made for a few decades but most noticeable during the last 4 yrs. You have to decide based on reality, not what you'd like things to be or what you want to think, but on the reality of what's been happening for decades, gradually leading to this that you're dealing with today!!! WAKE UP>> <<@juanamora9513 says : Who's been making all the decision which have favored the enemy and depleted your military, economy, turned your kids to drugged up, confused, sexualized, 50 shades of freaks and demons. The communist B. Is saying truth for once. If biden is replaced the moronic demoncraps will vote for the commie demon who'll replace him!! Do you morons on the right understand? The blind fanatics left will vote for Satan! And. Trump will be dismissed. Or they'll steal things and say it's just that the left voted for tge demon in disguise! People, morons! This is it! Trump isn't perfect and doesn't seem to understand the evil he's up against! But either you choose him! Or it's over for you!!!>> <<@juanamora9513 says : Do you really believe the left will bring someone better? Someone democratic? Someone who's nor a communist? Do you think they'll let go now? How stupid can you be???>> <<@juanamora9513 says : And the alleged democrats are so ignorant and fanatic and only care about maintaining control and power that they'll vote for Satan if the commies place Satan as their leader. You seem to be so ignorant to what communism is and how they work and manipulate you mentally and how they confuse and lie, deny, use reversed psychology etc. And are falling for what your previous generations used to criticize when it happened in Russia, China, cuba etc.>> <<@juanamora9513 says : Are u really falling for the crap? To put you on the right to sleep? The commies already achieved their desires. They took control, gifted themselves your bases, military armament, money, have 2 fake wars going on to totally deplete your resources and making fools out of the now moronic 3rd world socialist communist invaded american people. They control your government, Intel, doj, education, congress, WH, military, they hold the red button, they have all your classified info, they control your puppets and if they want to remove boden and place a real communist wolf in sheep's clothing that you think you know but don't know at all, they will. Those who heard yuri bezmenovs warning know the commie takeover is AR it's 5th and last stage before the total communist takeover. The right is totally stupid and still trusting on your constitution saving you. But as you've seen the left doesn't give a crap about the rule of law, constitution or bill ofvrights, so wake up morons. If they want to remove biden or anyone they'll arkanside them or just make them pull aside period! You still don't seem to understand how communism works and how evil the BEAST is!!!>> <<@dh5380 says : Ask the dumb blond>> <<@dh5380 says : Fox News lies to America! Trump lies and Biden stutters. Same as 2020 Trump lies and Biden stutters. Same as 2020>> <<@user-eb3gg6ll3g says : ❀>> <<@user-zl4mx4ec5f says : Biden kept saying first, than Second than third whats up with that joe, all hot air and lies. Trump swept this chinese spy under one could see the affect on Biden.>> <<@user-zl4mx4ec5f says : I have not seen s single Post for biden. Great biden seemed really feeble. What a shame to bring up his son being in Iraq. Foolish move. I'm a Vietnam veteran, hello.>> <<@jimmymac1272 says : Biden weaponizing the department of justice>> <<@jimmymac1272 says : Biden stuttering...meals on wheels>> <<@jimmymac1272 says : Biden needed a week of rest....in a rest home>> <<@jimmymac1272 says : Watching the debate...Biden lost>> <<@dannyds7620 says : FOX NEWS IS A DISHONESTY CHANNEL NEWS>> <<@Gertjan_A says : I don't have time to watch you anymore 😭I watched the debate from the beginning and I have to go to work soon. And the debate really went perfectly for President Trump πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ₯‡β€πŸ’™ πŸ₯‡πŸ™πŸ™greetings from the Netherlands πŸ§‘πŸ”±πŸ§‘>> <<@stevenwendellnelson8861 says : Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,Β  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen." Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them>> <<@robertsweeney5635 says : I won't be watching. There's no reason to watch the theater when the facts are forefront.>> <<@RonaldColeman-ef2rc says : The democrats will do everything they can to cheat and there is no one watching.>> <<@maryroman4911 says : BETTER YET, DOES JOES PODIUM HAVE HIS ANSWERS BUILT IN WITH A SCREEN UNDER HIS NOTE PAD?>> <<@JesseMongia says : Trump is smart enough to know he is walking into a lions den , yet he still is willing to go into it . Shame on Trump if he comes out looking bad .>> <<@007ElSenor says : Trump hasn’t answered one question, just spews out one lie after another.>> <<@ensignj3242 says : I refuse to watch CNN for the debate. I will wait and watch it on a different channel.>> <<@Urbicide says : Will they give Biden an enema to render him safer so as to not poop in his pants?>> <<@charliesbunker1 says : Biden will have deep ear buds in his ears so they can school him .>> <<@jamesmatheson5115 says : You have to love how everyone makes excuses for Biden, he's old, well Trump is only 3 years younger, Biden doing this Debate is a total waste of time, Biden wont be running for President in November, the Democrats will put another nominee in before that.>> <<@jbiz292 says : How about bringing up the names of the injured that haven't been played on the news!?>> <<@jamesmatheson5115 says : I hope Trump doesnt go in weak, they should demand a drug test, the questions might be set in concrete so Biden can answer them in Parrot fashion, yet if Trump has any sense Trump himself should answer a wayward question then ask Biden for comment.>>