<<@aaron5203 says : Poor Audio quality>> <<@WorkingHard2-hz7ii says : Denise McNeff my sister is supposed to be banned from social media. Dan Sideen. PS. I ask the Republicans in both Houses of Congress to please circulate this comment immediately through the YouTube platform. Thanks, Dan Sideen.>> <<@Billynayshere says : DONT FORGET KILMEADE CALLED TRUMP AN INNSURECTIONIST! πŸ–•πŸΌBrian Kilmeade>> <<@theRealDonaldTrump666 says : every election since the 2000 election the msm has gotten the winner wrong. trump allegedly lead in 2020 and hillary in 2016 and romney in 2012 and they even said hillary was winning the primary in 2008 they said kery and algore were beating g.w bush. now they proclaim trump is winning again>> <<@MKK520 says : Getting 81 M votes from dead and Illegal migrants!>> <<@CocoKoi321 says : theyre gonna try and prop up mark hamill cause hes famous and old and hates trump, he met with biden too months ago theyre gonna try and see if cause the woke star wars destroyer can use being the star wars guy can make him win the 2024 election>> <<@williamestep4623 says : Hey ben Shepro? U wouldnt have gotten ahold of my jewish inheritance that my grandmother left for me back when i was in the hospital in pain when u hacked my phone and stole my personal information did u? If i find out that u did itll be the worst mistake u had ever made. Idc how good of a person u perceive yourself to be. U will pay back what u stole from me tenfold. I promise u that.>> <<@TheHoodVoice2024 says : Until ben the new woke righ debate Candace Owens I don't want to hear nothing he has to say. ..>> <<@rogerhinton3814 says : Lying and cheating are perfectly acceptable if your a democrat and your names Brandon πŸ˜‚>> <<@allauddin732 says : There is nothing much for repeat for both.>> <<@harryflashman3141 says : Having seen the debate all the rules to protect Biden helped Trump. He just stood there grinning while Biden mumbled.>> <<@pennyhancock5197 says : TRUMP 2024!>> <<@stevenwendellnelson8861 says : Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,Β  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen." πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember themπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™>> <<@loistessendorf8064 says : Tapper is a blowhard!!! Even without TrumpπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@loistessendorf8064 says : Being a great-grandmother I think even though DOnald Trump does not have to drag his family publicly into this nasty mess but because they want to be there & his family seem extremely grounded with HEART & set goid examples while making money whlie in power to keep power & my child was a drug addict but enabling that habit instead of tough love I DO NOT WANT IN CHARGE OF ANY COUNTRY LET ALONE MY OWN!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€β€β€>> <<@eddiefay4363 says : No matter who! Never vote Blue!>> <<@hush___gaming5598 says : Fake news>> <<@michaeldeering5907 says : tulsi for vp!!!>> <<@masonhunter2921 says : In football, you keep running the play that overwhelmed your opponent until it doesn’t work. Why wouldn’t Biden try to embarrass Trump again.>> <<@johncamp-sk4ys says : FJB.................DJT 2024>> <<@ke9988 says : Whe isn't Melania campaigning for trump? Why isn't Ivanka campaigning for trump?>> <<@PatrickBiggsOBevur says : Pardon Jan 6th political prisoners.>> <<@populustremula7496 says : Biden’s campaign of 2020 won him the election by a RECORD seven million votes so a repeat seems logical. Except that Trump has proven himself a traitor and a convicted felon since then. I would pound on ALL of those truths if I was Joe.>> <<@eddie_alabama7997 says : Dumpy Trump: Bleach Blonde Burger Built Orange Body 🍊>> <<@joeriveracomedy says : Ben Shapiro doing LEGIT media for once>> <<@oldmantex374 says : Well he WON so would a person of any sense not try to do the same thing??? I predict Trump will be Trump which will be detrimental to his cause. An egomaniac and narcissist to the core......would you expect anything else.>> <<@user-rm9fe7mb3m says : Will President Biden is the laptop real Well Mr President Biden what have you done for the country Well Mr President Biden the women that you're illegal immigrants killed vote Trump 2024 come on>> <<@SkillandChillParenting says : Trump listen to Ben>> <<@jerroldrieger5345 says : Isn't it called biden 0.0>> <<@MyPrettyPinkCameltoe says : I sure miss Rush>> <<@catherineverporter3094 says : FJB>> <<@catherineverporter3094 says : Jan 6 was people standing up for us all God bless them all God bless us all>> <<@ruthlessdelinquent says : Small hat liar. His favorite country is Israel.>> <<@robertlong7466 says : Lol, how many times can you cry, wolf? Probably four or five times if the people have something to loose!>> <<@nancynutt7632 says : Trump wins… we go to bed. Wake up and Biden is president. 81 million. The most ever.>> <<@annabarone8727 says : I understand Trump i am from NY, and im a fighter i understand Trump when ur get unfairly attacked ur first instict is to fight back>> <<@annabarone8727 says : I agree Brian>> <<@eclipticpeak8452 says : I always listen when Ben Shapiro has something to say.>> <<@charlesyates6743 says : obidon going to be cracked out.πŸ˜‚>> <<@user-xy8dd4ok4z says : Jake Tapper should apologise for spreading the Hunter Biden lie>> <<@mcrsthekiller says : Ben is compromised>> <<@janetcaldwell7200 says : Joe and his policies are a threat to democracy!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ>> <<@janetcaldwell7200 says : WE THE REAL AMERICANS WANT TO SEE JOES DRUGSCREEN BEFORE AND AFTER THE DEBATE!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ>> <<@jaysonj9327 says : Why wouldn't they run a repeat of 2020? It worked for them. They won.>> <<@lasersbee says : Can't wait to see Mumbling Stumbling Buffoon Biden fall of the Debate Stage...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ No need to bring a Mop to the Debate... Trump will wipe the floor with the Senile Old Mumbling Buffoon Biden.... The only way to fix this 3+ year Anti-American Corrupt Criminal Biden Train Wreck----> TRUMP 2024>> <<@stablenut2627 says : WILL JOE SH1T HIS PANTS ON STAGE 1=YES 2=NO>> <<@FrankRigsby-tl5zw says : We already expecred that..how are we going to have a fair election. I made the mistake of mail in ballot so itll be stolen or not counted at all>> <<@robertogomez2932 says : Ben has zero credibility.>> <<@Bidenisacriminal-ch2dp says : Who believes that Biden is going to get any hard questions about anything. I believe biden's going to get softball questions and President Trump is going to get questions that they know he can't legally answer just to get a small spot stating c he won't even answer a simple question>> <<@reutlior9600 says : Ben you are the brst !!!>>