<<@user-mg7uk8tw2m says : The United States Government has patrols with kids to learn to fight crimes. Sounds terrific . Except no girls allowed because girls will tell they say. These expiditions are the most sickened acts youd ever imagine .>> <<@user-mg7uk8tw2m says : The America gov creates murders and suicides for whistle blowers and snitches . we watch them on the news . Its v2k mkultra americas secret gov>> <<@AussieAdventures77 says : How can anyone take this country seriously anymore?>> <<@willieboy3011 says : Regardless of your politics, Trump is so sharp, and Biden is so lost.>> <<@lisagardner903 says : Joe Biden has dementia and the whole world knows it now! So who has been running the country and who is in charge of the nuclear codes?>> <<@user-yu2ek1el4y says : CNN Where are Tapper and Bash? They need to express their opinions about this debate. Are they (CNN) so embarrassed that you (CNN) are trying to find a way out and to down play (LIE) your position and CNN's Savior (FJB)>> <<@Sr.Galaxy.S23-FE says : How do I run for President? The United States needs a President in his 30s. A younger president may offer a more intelligent intellect.>> <<@chevchell4244 says : Yall the biggest losers for telling another 4 year lie to the people ....last time it was trump lie about collusion with russia now biden cognitive level is ok yall some dunce>> <<@ecatarina7915 says : Hi.mast.be.24 Tramp.hi.tell.the.truth>> <<@ecatarina7915 says : Tramp24>> <<@ecatarina7915 says : Tramp.24>> <<@eaglesnest1940 says : Trump mopped the floor with sleepy joe>> <<@claudiojoseantunes says : Circo do horror?os americanos só tem opção desses dois?>> <<@engenhariaDvo says : Trump definitely has the mentality of a child, he lies a lot, he is prejudiced, he hates the poor and distorts the facts!!!! There are immigrants, there are good and honest people and also bad ones, like everywhere, they are people looking for a better life, Trump treats them like trash, like pests!! How can a sociopath like this, with serious character defects and a long criminal record, be running in the American elections?!?! The USA is unrecognizable!>> <<@robertcooper8939 says : Well done cnn for dragging biden the bafoon through his presidency.. time to cancel cnn>> <<@user-qd2qx1fl4g says : Lügen machen schläfrig. Ich habe schon von Richtern gehört, die während Gerichtsverhandlungen eingeschlafen sind.>> <<@user-qd2qx1fl4g says : Biden muss gar nicht mehr 4 Jahre fit für das Amt sein, denn das amerikanische Volk freut sich bereits auf den Generationenwechsel in einer Amtszeit. 2 Jahre reichen und für zwei Jahre ist er fit genug und vor allen Dingen ein Gegner auf Augenhöhe für Putin.>> <<@diogenestheshadow-banned2322 says : While are y'all crying for your Orwellian fact checkers so much? Joe Biden just said he could beat Trump in golf. You dont want fact checkers involved with that claim.>> <<@dalkaab1436 says : Trump will win>> <<@joseruiz6847 says : if you are democrat ,,,, just don't vote,,,,, you do not want to be known 4 years from now as a "Biden Voter" who put our country into a BIGGER MESS>> <<@ceecee212 says : Did you get a laugh when moderator stated that a grocery bill that was once $100 is costing atleast $120 now..lmao..what used to cost $100 is costing more like $220..>> <<@ceecee212 says : Biden couldn't even get anything right even though we know CNN favored him and most likely prepped him for his first question as he most likely stood in the mirror and practiced for 8 days... however he still sounded like crap>> <<@KellsSmith1244 says : Watch for trump’s lies and non answers. Giant fail tonight, CNN.>> <<@darleneullah8201 says : CNN did a terrible job with this debate>> <<@gwebocelestron9194 says : I'm a vet. For the record, BIDEN IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN MY LIFETIME. I've been around since Kennedy. BTW, tired of hearing the same old lies democrates say about Trump ad nausea. The lies are old, they've been debunked, and it's just retarded to keep repeating them. Biden is old, he's weak, he's doing his creepy whisper showing he's a wuss, he's screwing up words, numbers, facts. He has dementia. It's time for him to go. And, CNN, groceries haven't gone up by just $20.>> <<@mikespalaceofdowntime4773 says : They can say Biden had a poor showing, but I say this, what does Biden really have to prove against that idiot? He was a terrifying dictator from day one and we all held our breath until the day he was finally gone and like a rat he squirmed in order to keep the office. Biden has nothing to prove because he did a good job. There is nothing 45 could do or say to convince back in 2016, or 2020, and there isn’t a damn thing he could do or say now.>> <<@user-sx9hu2nl8t says : After a lifetime of voting for the Democrat Party, I'm switching to the Republican Party because I now clearly see that President Trump is the only man who has done more for America than any other US President since President Lincoln. The Democrats have done nothing for me after voting for them for 50 years. What have they done for you? BTW I am from MASSACHUSETTS!>> <<@susanvo6277 says : CNN its fake news every body on the worlds know CNN back off son off a picts>> <<@brightlord-ov7cm says : Biden looked lost and sounded like he was abusing drugs all debate and still lost.>> <<@susanvo6277 says : Trump 2024 i votes for Trump. He's smart resident>> <<@ShiningLight76 says : Trump didn't lose, been proven there was fraud on bidens side. FJB>> <<@danielgaspar1992 says : Put an End to CNN they have been pretending Biden was a 30 year old when he is totally demented. Who is running our country. I HATE CNN Liiieeesessss by them. CNN destroys America to protect their Democratic JOBS.>> <<@Toohot2handle758 says : Bye bye Biden>> <<@williamgorden6390 says : I’ll never watch CNN again EVER. Not ever. What a terrible production — WORSE than the town hall where Trump steamrolled the moderator. What kind of debate lets someone lie without any restraint? Journalistic malpractice was on display.>> <<@ChiefManny1 says : "We have a thousand trillionares in America!" ~ Joseph Biden 🤪>> <<@SantosMartinez-gn3fo says : Trump destroys Biden democra and fate nuws>> <<@towanahenderson says : TRUMP 2024❤>> <<@towanahenderson says : We're done with the DemonCrat 😂😂😂😂>> <<@SantosMartinez-gn3fo says : Trump win debate tump best Biden and cnn fate nuws Biden need to go he ware pampers>> <<@honahwikeepa2115 says : Clear winner Trump aided by CNN questions. Biden never stood a chance against CNN. Trump merely had to turn up.>> <<@BLEACH500 says : Commie News Network !>> <<@daysend1341 says : Lololol this wasn't that long ago and it didn't age well😂 ja ja ja joe bidd dd ddddd ddden>> <<@ChristopherHedum-js8eg says : Bye bye Biden. Trump24.>> <<@hubster4477 says : Oh please, cnn after the debate is trashing biden. Wheres the partisan support?😂>> <<@Chicapia says : Trump,👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼>> <<@Cheech-gk8bd says : JOE BIDEN GOT CRUSHED WITH A WEEK TO PREPARE😂😂😂😂JOE IS WEAK!!!>> <<@mariahbrickley8075 says : Trump cant answer the question or hes plans as president>> <<@mattspehar8320 says : NOT LIVING AT THE WHITE HOUSE>> <<@joegutshall4321 says : Love Brandon....his last 2 minutes to finish the debate. I'm glad he addressed the AUDIENCE....which wasn't there the whole time.>> <<@mattspehar8320 says : UM...PRESIDENT BIDEN WAS NOT IN THE OVAL OFFICE ON JANUARY 6TH! HE WAS NOT LOVING AT THE WHOTE HOUSE YET...THAT IS JUST A LIE 100%>>