<<@jayburn00 says : I can't help thinking some of these rulings are shallow attempts to conceal the bias in court these days. "See we made a ruling favorable to you guys this time.". After much more egregious, biased and corrupt rulings>> <<@markhernandez6317 says : Trumps coming back. Stop everything before FJB F’s it up even more!>> <<@dr.rakshitstark274 says : Abortion is not a Human right.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²>> <<@davedon260 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Scotus playing games with Americans. They know it’s election time so they want to tell Americans voters what they want to hear. You know who they are. I will not believe anything that comes out of there. They are hoping that Trump wins the presidency before they unleash fire πŸ”₯ storm verdicts on Americans.>> <<@MikeHuckleberry88 says : Remember when biden embarrassed our country a few minutes ago? I remember. I also remember who CNN works for. πŸ˜… Part of the big plan? Anyone but Trump right? Just tell us your script for the next week... just say Obama out loud... we know you want to. πŸ˜…>> <<@jackwagner547 says : Thank you CNN for hosting the debate and solidifying a TRUMP VICTORY!!!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@Jacksonkrout says : REMOVE THE 2 min DELAY TIME, ADD AUDIENCE FOR PROOF YOU SRENT CUTTING THE CLIPS. YOU COULD EASILY CLIP HIM AND NO ONE WOULD NOTICE ITS SK STUPID YOU JUST WANT JOE BIDEN TO WIN THAT BAD! ( if I go missing you know why)>> <<@billyminihan901 says : The fact that in 2024 this is even a topic is insane. Get into this century AmericaπŸ™„πŸ€· ... Woman can make their own minds up it's their body. Everyone else can mind their own business. I live in Ireland for reference. ❀>> <<@jieli3313 says : Ecology is a system! Because the Chinese government has destroyed a large amount of urban forest area and emitted excessive carbon dioxide! Causing frequent extreme weather disasters in China! The flood disaster was actually caused by the Chinese government itself! This is the consequence of disrupting ecological balance!>> <<@3XComics-fr9km says : F the Censorship News Network.>> <<@JussieSmollettMugShot says : No one cares, as a side note: F J B>> <<@JussieSmollettMugShot says : CNN is going bankrupt>> <<@j.7701 says : Free and safe abortions for all irresponsible women! Vote blue!>> <<@cyndybutler7330 says : Most of Americans will be boycotting lying cnn>> <<@josefelixaranda9002 says : I believe in the State of Idaho and the will of the People there.I also believe in the Supreme Court and the will of the american People.>> <<@laneta6860 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@htuttle1 says : 1.5 million none e.ergent>> <<@rickplieth9028 says : To little to late. If you don't want an abortion. Don't have one. Nobody forcing you. Outside of that. Mind your own freaking business.>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : HAS DUMEECRATIC JUSTICE KATANGIE FINALLY FIGURED OUT THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD "WOMAN" YET? 🀣>> <<@danielkingery2894 says : Funny....Jackson knows she likes killing babies...but cant define the word "woman"...a REAL intellectual powerhouse right there.>> <<@DigDug_The1975 says : 🍿 What is Lauren Boebert’s favorite state??? I-da-HOE!!! 🀠>> <<@krismaggard says : Makes no sense. SCOTUS overturns Roe on basis of returning abortion to the states then says, hold up, states, that’s too radical?>> <<@edwinnakamura1726 says : Court only threw Americans a bone cause Clarence pissed he didn’t get paid enough!!>> <<@wirehyperspace says : Isn't nothing like have to point your finger out and say didididididi you as hole, you do everybody wrong with your stick up as pictorials>> <<@thecavemandynamic2685 says : Good>> <<@wirehyperspace says : Well the supreme court should be learning life lessons if want to teach them ( one the young don't always listen) ( two your not evolving on kardashev scale wasting everybody time with your particulars) (three your new investment is in animal sperm embryo bank's so can grow food and save species )( four your going to learn pemmican scrapple types of ways so don't waste life and time playing god over everybody by feeding them poop like a Jim Jones Salem witch trial religious persecution tea tax collection plates) five could keep going on but you waste to much of my time with you cry baby whaling wall want a pony bull poop ,when your killing off Buffalo so can't eat like us army did before and had to clean up their mess )>> <<@vitalsigns2679 says : Did they figure out what a woman is?>> <<@Check.Your.Sources says : The Conservative majority is basically just leaving the door open for a β€œstronger case” so they can eventually lock the door on women in Idaho *forever.* We can’t let it happen.>> <<@vickiewhite8302 says : DO NOT KILL>> <<@emanuelbalica2702 says : What the sigma>> <<@RossanaGarcias says : This conversation is a testament to the power of women's voices in shaping meaningful discourse.✨>> <<@Arthur-ke9vz says : Lame. Ban abortions except for rape and incest.>> <<@realDonaldMcElvy says : Remember when this ruling was leaked a couple of days ago? Remember exactly this happening right before Roe v Wade was overturned? *Pepperidge Farms Remembers*>> <<@760HorsePower says : I love Trump and Putin>> <<@mattdies3208 says : Well as adults we all know how pregnancy happens so it’s your own fault and should deal with the actions you did>> <<@omarfierros4973 says : Don't Not for Donald J Trump vote Maga 2024>>