<<@sandrabowne5407 says : Employers take note>> <<@jujoe9092 says : Europe has fallen to the hand of desert lizards....>> <<@Zysyshwjs says : Hamas teroris>> <<@watchinglistening says : HARVARD ALONG WITH OTHER AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS ARE BEING HIGHJACKED BY THE PROGRESSIVE LEFTISTS AGENDA! THE PROGRESSIVE LEFTISTS AGENDA IS NO MORE THAN SOCIALISTIC COMMUNISTIC INDOCTRINATION BY ANOTHER NAME!>> <<@3DL1 says : Palestinians were holding some of the hostages in Gaza.>> <<@extanegautham8950 says : Volatile??? Seriosly. Its a fully Germany 1936 Nazi Antisemitic Environment....#Trump2024ToSaveUSAFromIslamIranQatar>> <<@thomasallina2014 says : What do they study at this university?>> <<@victorpete6418 says : If the word „genocide“ is abused this way, nobody will take it seriously>> <<@algo7096 says : 🙏🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱>> <<@LilibethPabatao says : Go israel GOD always with you all the time❤❤❤ 🇵🇭>> <<@user-vi1uy7dy5e says : there is no genocide arabs started a war arabs took hostages arabs are the belligerent force....>> <<@Navya420 says : To anyone reading this in the future, if you come across someone who went to Harvard, it does not mean they are educated!>> <<@user-xo7oz1nw5j says : Мусульманское население надо гнать жить только в мусульманские страны. Иди живите и качайте свои права там, к вам такое же отношение, как у вас к другим.>> <<@user-yr3vg2cu9i says : What the f… happened to law & order and why are the authorities collaborating with these Jew hating islamists and their bed bodies woke lefty idiots? I’m out of here! ❤🇮🇱>> <<@marksinger3067 says : Necessary wake up call for the woke Jewish population that helped create the destructive mentality of the American Left..>> <<@user-de8ju8ev1m says : I absolutely agree, let's end apartheid, colonialization, genocide...GET RID OF HAMAD>> <<@user-km5zx6kw7l says : CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY HAS GIVEN BILLIONS TO IVY LEAGUE HARVARD UNIVERSITY. A BASTION OF ELITE SNOBS WHO HAVE UTTER CONTEMPT FOR AMERICANS THE ADMINISTRATION IS FULL OF FASCIST COMMUNIST SOCIALIST AND NAZIS.>> <<@PetratenCaat-gj4bt says : I wonder if it would help if you put bigscreens up at the places these morons protest , at schools and in london on saturdays and play oct 7th footage and pictures of people in israel showing every religion and skincolour live there. These people just never get the truth in other ways so maybe force it on them?>> <<@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500 says : Send them back, deport.>> <<@cheshbon2 says : I watched lectures on the Arab-Israeli conflict online by lecturers from Harvard, Columbia and Austin Texas, these people are simply teaching lies – the degrees issued by these universities have no academic value.>> <<@backgroundMASCAL says : truth hurts>> <<@LeahFriedman-gj9qo says : Hi baca>> <<@gkappa4085 says : ❤ 40, 0000 people have been slaughtered by the IDF...but yeah...the issue is the feelings of Jewish snowflakes on American campuses.>> <<@willielee5253 says : 🇮🇱💜🇮🇱>> <<@JoaoSoares-rs6ec says : How about, what's happening in sudan, congo, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tibet, they don't protest that do they.>> <<@jamesjameson4303 says : Are we supposed to be surprised? They are Jew haters plain and simple. All these protesters are all about hatred and hatred of Jews is first. Puppets of Islam agitators and their Islamic and Post Modernist and Marxist professors. Jew hatred is the litmus test of the moral and freedom of a society. They are the canary in the coal mine. Wherever Islam goes destruction and hate follow.>> <<@user-xw2lz1ls1i says : King reza pahlavi ✌️ 👑>> <<@user-xw2lz1ls1i says : Javid Shah Payandeh of Iran>> <<@user-xw2lz1ls1i says : Hassan Nasrallah, the Lebanese terrorist, came to Tehran in 1979 with the Palestinians to kill Iranians, and her reward was to become the leader of the terrorist Hezbollah.>> <<@user-xw2lz1ls1i says : Lebanon, a French colony, Hassan Nasrallah, a Lebanese, and Khomeini, a criminal, Noufel Lochato, France, Maryam Rajavi, a mujahid terrorist, an organization that fought alongside Saddam against the Iranian people. Then the news agencies of the world say with propaganda that the people of Iran made a revolution>> <<@beesinthegardens says : Don’t they have to ummmm work?>> <<@professormcclaine5738 says : Harvard is a dump.>> <<@samfurman8432 says : Make Harvard University pay income tax they are the super rich and pay on income tax.>> <<@user-uq5db4rk1c says : Harvard found high and disturbing levels of democracy and free speech among students, so much so, and so disturbing to their big donors who can't abide such a level of democracy, that they decided to label all of it hate speech, thereby rationalizing the use of coercion and force to silence it.>> <<@anitamwd says : I absolutely HATE these stupid students. These muslin women who protest in favour of a cause that would blindfold their eyes and shut their mouths…..disgusting>> <<@acqueenarkpyanne721 says : Yeah its sad Christians are so quiet n not standing up to Jew Hate>> <<@enton9422 says : Harvard University, established in 1636, is rooted in the principles of academic excellence, diversity, and mutual respect. Though its origins lie in the Puritan Christian tradition, the institution has long since evolved into a secular, inclusive environment that values the contributions of individuals from all backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim communities. Jewish students, like all students, deserve to feel safe and respected within the university community. Any form of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination undermines the core values of Harvard and disrupts the educational environment. Radical behavior that targets or threatens Jewish students, or any group, is antithetical to the university's mission. Such actions not only violate Harvard's policies but also betray the foundational principles of respect and inclusivity upon which the university was built. In cases where students, including those who may hold radical Islamic views, engage in behavior that threatens or harasses others, the university must take decisive action to uphold its standards. Expelling students who engage in such conduct is a necessary measure to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all. This ensures that the community remains true to the vision of its founders, fostering a place where individuals can pursue knowledge and personal growth without fear of discrimination or violence. In doing so, Harvard not only protects its students but also honors the legacy of its founders by promoting a just and inclusive academic community.>> <<@paulm8885 says : 20th Century Palestine Hist 101; The Ottomans lost WWI. The winners took control of Palestine and made way for the State of Israel. Why is that so hard to accept?>> <<@user-bn1wj3lk5g says : Defund all American universities who allow this antisemitic rhetoric on campus.>> <<@markhuebner7580 says : The surprising part is the lack of Cbristian outrage at the treatment of Jews by Moslems, given the popular Moslem maxim, '1st the Saturday people, then the Sunday people'!>> <<@popsy5676 says : עם ישראל חי 🙏🏽🇳🇱❤️🇮🇱>> <<@ellietobe says : The Ivy League schools of the USA began embracing and promoting communism and Marxism during the early 20th century. For the first 100 years they went after the Constitution and incited rioting but now they are still about all of that but they are also totally anti western civilization. Anything to divide and destroy they will promote. They should have all taxpayer support removed from them!>> <<@growthzack9542 says : How much longer are they going to allow this? Why won’t they stop this now?!>> <<@JewBarbie says : Make a Jewish university (not exclusive for Jews but a Jew friendly school) and when all the Jews leave these Ivy League universities, we can watch the average GPA plummet.>> <<@Nathan.5midnight says : Everything documented and verifiable! In the past, Hamas has shown self-produced and published Mickey Mouse cartoons depicting the genocide of Jews called for by the Hamas Charta and played these videos to 4-year-old children. Such videos were also shown in UNRWA schools or just private homes?. 🇮🇱 There was no occupation, that is called responsible efforts to prevent terrorist organizations and ideologies from spreading. the Bill 🇮🇱>> <<@lindacrist6736 says : Jews have freedom of speech to start reading the bible starting at genisis. The ithers won't stay long give sermon on love thy neighbor etc. be smarter than protestors. They are not to smart>> <<@deja699 says : The World is going to be a pile of ashes for Harvard grads... nobody wants your degree in nepotistic social unrest terror simp...>> <<@ninelspassionforfashion9289 says : Horrible situation!! Unbelievable!!! Am Israel chai!!🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱>> <<@SichanguOyate says : Disgusting! Defund Harvard!>> <<@bluebabydahlgmail says : I’ve known this about US universities since the early 70s. Why would no one ever listen??>>