<<@666huntufireman2 says : Its time to rid the country of the 2 horse race liberal labor system we have in our parliament, its craaap. Its also a western world wide problem>> <<@bethlehemeisenhour8352 says : GOD judges the greedy!>> <<@TheHealthLife says : when the fk are people going to wake up to the fact, the politicians do not give a fk about you or I, and it is all part of the bigger plan.>> <<@ptkettlehatsandthegang says : 0:44 Look I bet this comment won't get pinned or liked, reply and I'll do absolutely NOTHING.>> <<@JaseC80 says : Well done ALP / Greens well done !!! If people don’t wake up and realise the Socialist agenda of the ALP / Greens we haven’t even seen the worst of it yet. Look at the last budget where 36% went into Social Security / Welfare - they want high interest rates, high unemployment and high financial stress to take control you everyone’s lives.>> <<@barrysmith9411 says : Yes!!❤>> <<@leonie563 says : If I were in Govt now I'd be looking at:- 1) Bank mergers 2) Banks as developers And see what that brings as options.>> <<@studio12archive60 says : Another money grab>> <<@tgreen6077 says : Disgusting 💯>> <<@merlingeikie says : Labor... Get out! Bring in sanity please ✅🇦🇺❤️>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Yeah why not, there are still a few people managing to hold it together.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : They will be break you.>> <<@markbarrett174 says : Of course there will be rate hikes, it's a worthless Labor " government">> <<@motorsportfreak1 says : Get ready for a lot rent rises.>> <<@rustykilt says : Inflation is due to the rising cost of FUEL, POWER, FOOD and INTEREST RATES, all of which Australians have no control. So the RESERVE BANK punishes Australians by raising interest rates and the cost of living. When a huge bureaucracy like THE RESERVE BANK, with all its overpaid fat cats, has only ONE tool to deal with inflation, it begs the question, what is the point of the RESERVE BANK. The Government IS responsible for dealing with economic management but washes its hands of any responsibility for our current crisis, leaving the RESERVE BANK to punish Australians for Government mismanagement, and in the meantime the Government instigates paltry tax concessions and useless handouts while giving its cronies massive salary increases.>> <<@alanw8552 says : This is good news because it means bye bye Albo the liar.>> <<@martinnewcombe6088 says : OI LucienBlack! You still shilling for this mob?>> <<@MrPopo-nn7kp says : This is albo and scomos fault. 2 sides of the same wef coin>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Not enough living on the streets yet??>> <<@prancer4743 says : Yes up up and away we go 🫣👀😳💰💰💰>> <<@kanehills4280 says : Albo must go>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Great news considering how regular sky's opinionists are wrong with their predictions... 😆😆😆...👻 When nothing changes Nothing changes.....boo !>> <<@lappo2534 says : Word jumble: HEADS, WITH, OFF, THEIRS.>> <<@Father-Grandfather says : Thanks for nothing AnAl. Thankfully you and your band of misfits are gone next year>> <<@lauran1212 says : "You will own nothing"....unless we retaliate!!!>> <<@evanangel2022 says : This won’t be good for many Aussies>> <<@lj3276 says : Australians predict multiple suicides in the reserve bank>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : One of the biggest factors driving up the cost of our living is the insane move to replace baseload power with intermittent renewables. Go ahead, continue down that road and one day you will all see that there is a cliff at the end of the road, and at that point, Australia falls over the cliff into oblivion. Meanwhile, much of the rest of the world is building hundreds of new coal-fired power stations and dozens of nuclear ones to augment them to keep growing their economies. Their road does not end at the same cliff as ours and instead is a road that leads to prosperity. They might come to another cliff later on but that's a separate issue. Some in Australia are already noticing the cliff ahead for us. Time will tell if enough will wake up in time and eject the ALP+Greens, preferably forever until they change their policies. Otherwise, enjoy what time we have left before we enter the hell phase.>> <<@Deano00777 says : Don’t have to be an economist to predict this. Christ. We have the lowest cash rate in the western world, coupled with the highest inflation and inflations going up.>> <<@lonepineX says : immigration = inflation, supply & demand, well done WEF, I mean Labor>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : What ???? You mean bringing in 1+ million people may have caused a problem. 😆😅🤣😂>> <<@Chad.H. says : Recent date from finder : over 4 million Australians have avoided the GP because they could not afford the extra charge on the albanesse Medicare . Add to them 16% Australians =over 3 millions cancelled appointments because it was too expensive! THIS IS THE ALBOSLEAZY GOVERNMENT BIG HELP TO MEDICARE..ITS NOTHING BUT A BIG LIE>> <<@jamestinning8900 says : Economist singular 🤷🏻‍♂️>> <<@bvon5630 says : Albo said, ’I have a plan’. This is the plan.>> <<@frangipanihaven914 says : It was obvious that there will only be rate hicks over the rest to the year. If you thought otherwise, then I really don’t know what to say! 😳😳>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Albanomics working a treat.>> <<@cuzzywuzzyfuzzy says : So the people who have borrowed the most money they are the ones that are still spending too much ? It sounds suss. I would say surely the vast majority have curbed spending by now>> <<@benedettosalerno5324 says : All I know is Biden Sucks>> <<@CorrineMazzillo-my2cu says : L’empathie et la compréhension échangées ici réchauffent le cœur et favorisent un sentiment de connexion.🍓>>