<<@mrkarlos6536 says : This nothing !>> <<@ptkettlehatsandthegang says : 0:56 Look I bet this comment won't get pinned or liked, reply and I'll do absolutely NOTHING.>> <<@leejamieson8571 says : Lost a lot or rare video gaming history.>> <<@trappedinkalifornee says : Well …. There goes your homeowners insurance…..they will need to 4x the cost of coverage for….uh….. some reason or other…..🤔>> <<@mk1479 says : A storage unit fire takes several hours to put out? 1) Either firefighters have become pansies or 2) The story is bogus.>> <<@groundcontroltomajornong8085 says : why do i get the feeling the infamous ''Lith Ion'' is involved in this..>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : LOL this is Storage Wars next level>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Nice reporting. Where's the footage of the flames?? 7 hours and no video of the "huge inferno" .🤔>> <<@monicakieck7501 says : Sabotage???>> <<@MattyEngland says : Drama Queens gonna Drama... I've had bigger fires in my garden.>> <<@NewsCambodiaOfficial says : A huge fire?>>