<<@alexandracarvalho5760 says : PS: a sugestion: maybe the music can be kinder on the events that are being shown = if the events are aggressive or troublesome the music can be lighter (allows a greater engagement from the viewers 😃>> <<@alexandracarvalho5760 says : What is going on that is keeping the viewers from being able to listen to the news on time and until the end?>> <<@2000murthykk says : Why does news end abruptly even while the reader is readying to speak?>> <<@izzadeencassim9724 says : You lies>> <<@Greatnorth483 says : Natenyahu can say whatever he wants, his words are irrelevant jist like him Palestine has been recognized by many countries so let natenyahu bark as much as it like>> <<@user-cm2lu1lc4q says : Peace in the world , islam must go. Otherwise, its breed terrorist groups or haters again & again.>> <<@leninfrancis461 says : Egypt shouldn't enter the palastine, i suggest soudhi Arabia should takeover the country for their betterment and reconstruction if they willing to help. the country which doesn't allow them corrupted country allow all smuggling is Egypt . people wake up>> <<@mathanmikasar6552 says : Im not hasbula...., please...>> <<@chasaresudano3689 says : USA can't stay out of because AIPAC influence Our Legislative body..Help Gaza Palestinians that's the issues>> <<@Vorname_Nachnahme says : Please. Stop this loud background music! It doesn't help with anything.>> <<@alianord says : Bull !>> <<@buddadavid480 says : Netanyahu is a war criminal him and is friends and family>> <<@allanflowers says : Hi molly>> <<@logicalthinker8696 says : That's the problem, the US needs the stay out of that situation completely. Why in the hell does the US has to be in every one's business? Smh damn>> <<@mustaphaBulamafugu says : One sided news, why wouldn't you pronounce the casualties Israel faced>> <<@SiretWilliam says : Egyptians should not be allowed in Gaza for they're behind the formation of tunnels across gaza>> <<@SiretWilliam says : US should keep off from nagging Israel for any truce on Gaza why? Israel is fighting the present war course of such agreement of 1979 urssured by US>> <<@rolfustroli7170 says : A Gaza deal MUST be without Hamas. Teaching hate in schools must be banned. Should be 1 country. Israel!>> <<@kuthbudeenmy4841 says : Present Palestinian Authority is puppet for Nethanya and America is playing role for in their own benefits Is Nethanyahu will be agreed>> <<@asadrahman.3486 says : Do Egypt and uae have the courage to enter gaza ??>> <<@ShimonCleopas says : How FOOLISH are ANALYSTS/LEADERS: a ComeToJesus FAIR RETRIAL gives INSTANT VICTORY not just to ISRAEL AND ENEMIES! Another URGENT open letter to Joseph Date: Jun 28, 2024 Boss: 1. To FREE all nations from DECEPTION, INDIVISIBLE God devised PASSOVER CODES; eg:  "IUDAS" for "SAUDI", "MARY" for "ARMY". 2. The Saudis are Iudas's descendants; hence, Israel's JEWISH CLAIM is VENOM. 3. Rev 2:9 "I know the BLASPHEMY of them which say they are Jews, AND ARE NOT." 4. The CREATOR chose Israel not as "Jews" but as SERVANTS: to CREATE MARY, OUR MOTHER! 5. From Oct 7, 2001 America WASTED troops, limbs and trillion$ due to CONVENTIONAL response to 9-11: MARY's Rosary, celebrated every Oct 7th, is the ANTIDOTE. 6. MARY chose JOSEPH and SIMEON to help bring forth EMMANUEL who will presently REDEEM Israel, while FERMENTING genZ EXPERTS. 7. Actions requested: a. Declare ceasefire, b. Ask Bibi and Abbas to march down the aisle" (Jn 2:1-11 Wedding at Cana), c. Ask Blinken to invite leaders to witness SHOTGUN WEDDINGS: Mt 22:1-14, d. Ask Capitol Hill to break MARY's 5 loaves: "Jesus Christ FAIR RETRIAL NOW!" 8. MARY trained this sMoL UberEats driver to ESCATHOLOGICALLY defend Jesus, GUARANTEED: Resurrects Jesus as God (Jn 20:28), Delivers MessianicAge Third Temple (Jn 2:19), Glorifies Israel, DOGMATICALLY INGATHERS holy combatants, Fish TKOs Antifish (Gn 3:15), eAutographs the Bible, FORGIVES ALL SINS already PREPAID by CRUCIFIXION, EndWars/FreeCaptives, Reunites Abraham family, Calms climate, TheDayAfter: Millennial Kingdom, Etc!!! 9. MARY warns: BOOMER EXPERTS "have no more wine." Jn 2:3. 10. Just like CREATION, REDEMPTION will only take 1 BIG BANG moment: God's SIGNATURE! 11. To baby-step Israel in GOSPEL STUDY, God's T-enth R-ed H-eifer (TRH) is as OBVIOUS as God’s THIRD TEMPLE! Prophet Simeon Junior, Curia Secretary-Woman of Revelation, President-Queen of Peace, @ShimonCleopas.>> <<@ExcitedWindowTulips-tc8ll says : Hi Molly Good Evening!As always it's time to get across the World what's going on!🙏 Wonder,where Gaza war's heading to?Proxy groups as Hamas,Houtis, Hezbollah must stop flaring this War !!Why OIC isn't acting?,it's threat to Peace n Progress of Global Community !!>>