<<@BUBKA-kh9yu says : US is over>> <<@mckoylach1622 says : Biden please step down to save America from collapsing,when your term comes to an end…..>> <<@Mwaller4413 says : Let's go trump!>> <<@jibinjohn3989 says : Modi is too afraid to do this in India with Rahul πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ modi for sure know that if he does a debate his mask would be gone in seconds .>> <<@yorkshireman1437 says : πŸ˜‚ Yeah Trump looks very fragile and weak πŸ˜… Trump looks more like a Superstar and Champion ❀>> <<@tlewisin says : Call back Barak Obama...😊>> <<@user-tc5ru7tb8g says : Trump did a great job all while fighting against the media, his cabinet, democrats …. Yet he managed to prove to the world that there’s potential of our country to provide world peace and prosperity. He was attacked and accused of nonsense from all sides. The democrats are ripping apart our country to fill their pockets. Vote Trump and save the world.>> <<@djoys7738 says : Difficult to select one when both sides with tainted guys, which is reason for drift in democratic values. Wish to see better quality leadership for world largest democracy.>>