<<@EtoumanGuillaume-qp6rz says : Ask carissa Ward if he is a genuine journalist or a undercover agent in the media. The fact is that he got caught trying to get classified or info related to Russians national security, reveal that he was in russia not to cover news but do what the cia asked him to do. He better be meditating, he gonna need it and you'll see at what speed the US exchange him for Russians. Plus he is not the only American in Russians custody so what make him so special?>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : But it was ok for the West to witchhunt Assange.>> <<@Warriner.com.au-LiamLloyd says : He is a criminal. Screw sky news. He was there to lie about Russians and stoke the war. Lock up all of washington post.>> <<@StuartTurner582 says : the double standards here are shocking did you speak up for julian assange ???NO because you are a very weak man im sure your wife and children are embarrassed by you because if you were my father id never speak to you again you weak worthless tool>> <<@StuartTurner582 says : why care about him other journalists have been jailed and died in Ukrainian prisons but you puppets only talk about Russia give back our country you weak globalist scum your pathetic no one worldwide believes the media lies theyve lied about everything 911,covid ,trump ,russia ,Ukraine, isreal, Palestine,vaccines ,big pharma ,big food ,big technology we the normal people of the world refuse to believe your lies we want our countrys sovereignty back we demand it back right d fucking now scum stephenovic your a weak minded puppet who speaks lies and propaganda on a daily basis you are a discrace to the country like all media ,fuck off you lying tool of globalist propaganda>> <<@eb2505 says : Should we just take Gersovich’s , the US’s and his employer’s word for it that he is innocent?  Why wouldn’t Gersovich go on trial if you have concerns over espionage?  The same would or should happen in any country. What the MSM should be demanding is a fair trial.>> <<@jessebonds1014 says : He's probably Cia.. just like in Bolivia, africa, etc>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Talk about Simeon Boikov & how the fascist regime of Australia is treating their citizens, he's been like a prisoner in the Russian consulate for 2 years now just for being an independent Journalist>> <<@optimumperformance says : Innocent CIA operative>> <<@telmagarcia4620 says : C en iminales>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Sky nazi news are criminals, how much they love defending the criminals, he's not a journalist, he's another CIA spy>> <<@Conky769 says : How do we know he isn't a paid cia spy? Is that because 'russia is bad', and 'Ukraine is good'? Who can believe the media?>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Fck YouTube censors, bunch of cnts.>> <<@rashedprime says : They pretty much destroyed Julian Assange's life for exposing the truth, and now they cry about Evan Gershkovich lol.. Double standard anyone?>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : President Biden 🇺🇲 V The convicted felon of Mara Lago..... 😴 11am 🇦🇺 😆😆😆....🍿>> <<@mk1479 says : Ah, if it comes from the Wall Str. Journal , it must definitely be the truth..>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : SKY MODERATOR--> : In case you didn't know: **Russia is now one of the most dangerous places to practice journalism, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data collected by Reporters Without Borders. Nearly three dozen journalists are in Russian prisons, among the most of any country.**>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : There are so many levels of hypocrisy here it's sad. Something seriously wrong with the Western media.>> <<@atillathehungry3145 says : There is absolutely no doubt the US and other countries have spies in Russia. Some of the people Russia accuses of being spies are in fact spies. This guy I have no idea.>> <<@blitzerblazinoah6838 says : No such thing as an innocent journalist. The West are getting a dose of their own medicine for the way they have treated Julian Assange, David Menzies and Tommy Robinson.>> <<@Jani4i says : Cette discussion est vraiment captivante ! C’est comme plonger dans un bassin de connaissances et de sagesse.🍒>>