<<@Blazer3434 says : this is hilarious>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Was the survey done on how many live in tents?>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : For those aussies moaning about the high cost of housing in these cities….these are the reasons. There are loads of people outside Australia looking in and wanting a piece of the lifestyle. Those aussies still dreaming of a cheap house WILL ALWAYS BE DREAMING. Get real…..save some monies, cut the traveling, bars , dining out …..and buy yourself a property. The days of being able to surf, laze around ,blow monies on bars and eating out and still buy a big house is long gone ( unless you have a rich parents ). Australia is a highly desirable place to live and it commands a premium price. Get used to it. Unless Australia cuts out loads of immigrants…….then shits will fly. Economy and housing will go down …..the currency may depreciate slightly also.>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@DanielSMatthews says : Cities aren't particularly liveable.>> <<@mikespike2099 says : Melbourne 🤪 … go there on a Friday night and try not get shanked by druggies!>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : 😂😂😂 yeah if you don't Mind crime, drugs yep definitely>> <<@stevep9041 says : If Melbourne is 3rd how low was the bar? Melbourne has become an awful city to live in.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : A fascist third world prison colony shithole just keeps voting itself as most liveable shithole, while 10s of thousands of people are fleeing it every year>> <<@michaeldamiani3436 says : LOL. U have got to be kidding. The home invasion capital of the world, Melbourne is most liveable?>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : The 'economic intelligence unit'. Sounds straight out of '1984'.>> <<@Charlie-hz3tk says : the women in both cities are despicable, in fact most Australian women are so masculine, it would be like dating a bloke>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : The rest of the world must be crap then.>> <<@mk1479 says : I wouldn't call any city in Europe livable.. Let alone "most".. This is another load of crock. Talk about the US warning its citizens about what's about to happen.. And what is Au doing? Nothing as usual..>> <<@darkalpha2011 says : Sydney is having a crime wave at the moment thanks to the Labor Party’s immigration policy to accept criminals into the country under the disguise of requiring skills. These criminals are still fighting and killing the established criminal gangs for dominance. Bystanders and gang members are dying in the crossfire between these gang fights in droves. How is this city liveable?>> <<@shellyaus says : no greater enjoyment of life then to be locked in your house and injected with a foreign substance>> <<@lispyDribbler says : How much did Jacunta Allan pay for a spot on that list?>> <<@m66clientvideos32 says : What a joke… lol>> <<@GreyManTheory says : How can a failed country have livable cities?>> <<@weatherlou says : I will never get to visit AUS… but you seemed like a tyrannical hell hole during the plandemic…worth avoiding…like so many American cities…>> <<@GLEN-ys7qt says : The lie continues! Travel the World and you will see how much of a scam this is!>> <<@markfitzgibbon8367 says : this says more about the state of the world than it does Melbourne and Sydney>> <<@pittuk6500 says : even more livable than Portland and Seattle??? hard to believe>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Most unaffordable but most liveable 🤔>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Melbourne 4th --> LIBERTARIAN anti-vaxxers have melt down.>> <<@BlueBlayed says : Expensive City>> <<@markbigelow7565 says : How are they liveable if housing is unaffordable? For the wealthy it's great, the peasants can't live there.>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : Ya If You Like Living In Commie Shitholes...😶🧂>> <<@shannonwilson1416 says : That's why their all leaving Melbourne>>