<<@donaldwayne4219 says : So Anz closes so many branches but buys a Bank that has a lot of branches?>> <<@sim007123 says : So Greg did u negotiate how long branches will stay open .hopefully it's 20 years 😢>> <<@StuartTurner582 says : glad i dont bank with either of these scumbags we are losing competition and we will all suffer for this>> <<@StuartTurner582 says : wheres my job wheres my house cock sucker>> <<@StuartTurner582 says : more power to the banks is something that Australians dont want we want a choice not a fucking monopoly, we dont want our country to look like the USA all Australians will be screwed by this you watch>> <<@info88w11 says : GUTLESS WIMP DIM SIM JIM SNAKE CHALMERS TRAINING WHEELS TREASURER FAILURE ......MAKING THE AUSTRALIAN BANKING INDUSTRY EVEN MORE CONCENTRATED IS INSANE AFTER LABOR HAS WRECKED ECONOMY AND INTEREST RATES ARE EXCESSIVELY HIGH - COMPETITION IS ESSENTIAL TO REVIVE THE MORIBUND ECONOMY !!!!>> <<@micphoenix8200 says : Proudly brought to you by the Royal Society of putting things on top of other things>> <<@serviusm9523 says : Didn't the ACCC say it would harm competition? If so, the treasurer is a fool>> <<@penbee9316 says : Less competition puts wealth & power in the hands of a few.>> <<@Selena8s says : Le niveau de réflexion dans ce fil est inspirant. Il est clair que tout le monde ici prend la recherche du savoir au sérieux.😘>>