<<@NenneSez says : Speaking as a person with a disability, the whole scam is a major rort by NDIA (the private agency that runs the NDIS) and provider companies (I wonder who owns these), with people like myself left out in cold.>> <<@randallpether3547 says : Then they need to stop wasting money in other areas, NDIS spending needs to be increased massively, even if it costs Trillians it still needs to be improved.>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : Labor wont investigate everyone who is ripping off the NDIS. Most of the NDIS clients - don't understand how it works. And they get approached by people - who tell them they can get them money. That's the sales pitch here. Labor wont make the NDIS providers register - around 97% are unregistered providers. And a lot of coordinators - who work out what services their client needs - are over billing the NDIS - are fraudulent. And labor can't say. We need to ensure all providers are registered - or you can't - work in the NDIS sector. All all client agreements are reviewed. Just like labor lies.>> <<@anthonyhills2024 says : After 2 years in office to fix it, why the bill, Bill?>> <<@darkalpha2011 says : It’s obvious that Labour and their union supporters benefited from this scam. It’s exactly like the time when Obeid and his cronies bought cheap land around the NSW Labor government’s proposed mining areas under the guise of farming. Note that none of them have any knowledge or experience in farming. Then they sell the land to the government for ridiculously high prices for the mines.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : It needs to be scrapped and go back to ISP packages>> <<@JoannaLisby says : C'est inspirant de voir à quel point cette conversation rassemble des gens de tous horizons. C'est un véritable creuset d'idées.😚>> <<@jg1091 says : Our first female prime minister gifted us this. Great>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : The NDIS continues to be the most rorted social welfare scheme ever! Far too many bludgers milking the system for all it's worth........and the government let's them!>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : The ALP SMH 😆😅🤣😂>> <<@Wipeyourmouth says : Defund the govt>>