<<@TheJohnswa says : With all the products available on the market to prevent an unwanted pregnancy why are there so many unwanted pregnancies? Abortions should almost be an unnecessary issue.>> <<@TypeOneg says : Lifes what you make it Trinity evangelical project and the moderators were not asking about the cost of fuel. We're going to be able to get the Tempus number for goodness. Free channel didn't have any plans to play goner games with the cartwheels team.>> <<@thedarkninja2000 says : They definitely weren’t “forced” into getting pregnant, so now they’re being forced to live with the consequences. 😂😂>> <<@captretired159 says : 😂 and the sly is green and the grass is blue because thats what unrealistic democrats want it to be. Why live in reality when you can live in fantasy land.>> <<@ChadGpt369 says : 50 reasons you may wish to reconsider voting for Donald. 1. Impeachment History: Twice impeached by the House of Representatives. 2. Capitol Riot: Incited the January 6th Capitol riot. 3. Election Claims: Promoted false claims of a stolen 2020 election. 4. Business Failures: Multiple bankruptcies in his business ventures. 5. Conflict of Interest: Failed to fully divest from his businesses while in office. 6. Tax Records: Refused to release tax returns, raising transparency concerns. 7. COVID-19 Response: Widely criticized handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. 8. Health Care: Efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. 9. Environmental Policies: Rolled back numerous environmental protections. 10. Foreign Relations: Strained alliances with traditional allies. 11. Trade Wars: Engaged in trade wars, notably with China, affecting global markets. 12. Military Decisions: Questionable decisions regarding military strategies. 13. Racial Tensions: Accused of exacerbating racial tensions in the U.S. 14. Immigration Policies: Controversial immigration policies, including family separations. 15. Ethics Violations: Numerous allegations of ethics violations. 16. Legal Issues: Facing multiple legal investigations and lawsuits. 17. Free Press: Attacked and undermined the free press. 18. Education Policy: Criticized for policies impacting public education negatively. 19. Cybersecurity: Questionable handling of cybersecurity threats. 20. Climate Change: Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. 21. Economic Inequality: Policies criticized for increasing economic inequality. 22. Veterans Affairs: Mixed record on handling veterans' issues. 23. Police Reform: Lack of substantial police reform policies. 24. International Agreements: Withdrew from several international agreements. 25. National Debt: Increased the national debt significantly. 26. Infrastructure: Failed to deliver on major infrastructure promises. 27. Judiciary: Appointed controversial judges to the federal judiciary. 28. Corruption Allegations: Numerous allegations of corruption within his administration. 29. Science and Research: Undermined scientific research and agencies. 30. Economic Policies: Policies often favored the wealthy over the middle and lower classes. 31. Women's Rights: Rolled back protections for women's rights. 32. LGBTQ+ Rights: Policies seen as harmful to LGBTQ+ rights. 33. Healthcare for Veterans: Criticized for not adequately addressing veterans' healthcare needs. 34. Transparency: Lack of transparency in his administration. 35. Civic Norms: Eroded traditional civic norms and democratic principles. 36. NATO Relations: Strained relations with NATO allies. 37. National Security: Questionable decisions impacting national security. 38. Public Trust: Significant erosion of public trust in government. 39. Public Discourse: Toxic influence on public discourse and civility. 40. Legal Pardons: Controversial use of presidential pardon power. 41. Foreign Interference: Accusations of soliciting foreign interference in elections. 42. Healthcare Policy: Lack of a coherent healthcare policy. 43. Trade Deficits: Increased trade deficits despite protectionist policies. 44. Education Funding: Proposed cuts to public education funding. 45. Judicial Independence: Attacked judicial independence and integrity. 46. Public Health: Undermined public health officials and guidelines. 47. Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric: Harmful anti-immigrant rhetoric. 48. Ethnic and Religious Minorities: Policies and rhetoric harmful to ethnic and religious minorities. 49. Federal Workforce: Criticized treatment of the federal workforce. 50. Global Standing: Decline in the global standing of the U.S. under his leadership.>> <<@mrwonderful2142 says : Forced pregnancy? Nobody forced you to spread your legs 🖕>> <<@MapleBar777 says : Notice YT attached to this video states: “An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy.” Correction: Birth ends a pregnancy. Abortion ends a life.>> <<@rickoom3081 says : At least it's not a dumbass definition from Wikipedia under the video>> <<@garyjonjon says : Call out liars to their face! They crumble every time!>> <<@larrybanta8858 says : Wow that's crazy and scary>> <<@larrybanta8858 says : Wow that's crazy and scary>> <<@larrybanta8858 says : Wow that's crazy and scary>> <<@James-pd5fh says : 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.>> <<@EllieMaes-Grandad says : RC Church could command the moral high ground, were it to publicly excommunicate Biden and Pelosi, prominent 'cafeteria Catholics' who not only tolerate but advocate abortion. Alas, that would be tantamount to an endorsement for Trump. A preference for generous federal funding of NGOs is the name of their game these days!>> <<@EllieMaes-Grandad says : VP speaks of "healthcare decisions women can make", “reproductive freedom”. Both translate as unlimited access to abortion, until full-term too. US voters want to kill their own children? Really ? “Reproductive Health Care” ~ a euphemism for abortion.>> <<@EllieMaes-Grandad says : Pregnancy is a possible side-effect of sexual activity. That is the point at which you have "your choice". It is never your choice to end the life of another.>> <<@jeffjohnson122 says : Dems care very little about the fetus vote, it's up to moral people to speak for the life of the speechless.>> <<@kevinjenner9502 says : Reuters. 6/25//4. “Philippines seeking US clarification on anti-vax propaganda operation”>> <<@stevelucier8346 says : As a ( US Thalidomide Survivor ) I can say birth defects should not be a death sentence. Most Thalidomiders are happy and contribute much to society in amazing ways. Billy Joel's song - We didn't start the fire, the line "Children of thalidomide"? Look us up! "US Thalidomide Survivors".>> <<@eddysgaming9868 says : "... study shows." Yes, this activist organization has issued a study. Based upon flawed and deceptive analysis of cherry picked data. Trust "The Science."/s What would our society be like, if more had to take responsibility for their personal behavior?>> <<@sirmitch495 says : It's not forced pregnancy. Call it forced not allowing me to kill my baby safely and legally with a doctor. But it's not forced pregnancy unless you were raped. Nobody made you lay on your back have sex and do what it takes to get pregnant so it's not forced pregnancy, get it right. 🤨>> <<@Endlesspathable says : The DNC - the party of extremist hypocrisy and institutionalized, industrialized election fraud. Truly Orwellian of 1984 repute.>> <<@ididntaskyouropinion says : 😂😂 "Forced Birth" is their fake way to claim we are "enslaving " them by making them carry until the birth. True forced birth is giving birth before nature intends to. So ABORTION KILLS THEN BIRTHS A DEAD BABY.>> <<@stepkycopky9354 says : “Forced pregnancy”….. WTH is that???>> <<@bluesky4568 says : Abortion is murder,>> <<@wms72 says : 51 Experts said Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation, too. Experts said the vax would stop COVID. Experts said the Covington Catholic boys were harassing a native American drummer. All these LIES were promulgated by "experts" who were WRONG.>> <<@mya5980 says : SHAMEFUL PRIORITIES>> <<@starlite556 says : We have birth defects because of satan not because of ALMIGHTY GOD.>> <<@starlite556 says : They are calling good evil and evil good. The HOLY BIBLE warned us about it.>> <<@christaldaughtery2849 says : The Associated Press gets more and more disgusting. Just quit listening to them... gas bags.>> <<@deucedeuce1572 says : Talk about gas lighting and double-think.>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Do not Touch Gods Children✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Lady GAGA is a serpent 👺>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Trump 2024 🇺🇸🤍💙💯🇺🇸✝️>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : President Trump Crushed Biden in the Debate today. Trump 2024 ❤️🤍💙💯🇺🇸🙏>> <<@jpmorphhilson says : Even though im on your side as far as beliefs, you PERSONALLY are so dumb!!!>> <<@earth9531 says : Classic Satanic inversion.>> <<@mnro123 says : Do Not Fear The World Around You>> <<@mnro123 says : Do Not Fear The Lord>> <<@mnro123 says : I’m Not Laughing About The Whole Entire Thing 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐>> <<@elizabethkim3740 says : God bless and protect Father Frank Pavone. Pro-life !!>> <<@curteknoian1032 says : FJB>> <<@markh4926 says : The truth is a lie! Good is evil and evil is good!>> <<@ChristineHannahs says : Are the numbers taking into account that TX has an extensive illegal population? Dealing with people that didn't get to see a doctor until until they gave birth here? Would y'all feel better if those children were aborted instead?>> <<@becca318 says : Muzzies say in Canada they'll be soon taking over in about 30yts because they're having babies and native Canadians aren't. Sooo think hard people,.>> <<@eddysgaming9868 says : Serving the needs of the selfish.>> <<@janicekern5318 says : Huh?>> <<@travelnc2g says : Correct. Disgusting>> <<@eileenmccarthy8507 says : Sad>> <<@CyberTrump-co1ml says : Kara you look beautiful. 🌻>>