<<@skewedlines says : This is the comedy I want to see. The media pretending that Biden is present.>> <<@kr2934 says : joe has been taught to always no matter what to use the dead son sympathy card. beau wasn't in iraq for 12 months. only 7 and daddy had to go visit him twice and beau flew home to daddy once. beau wasn't near no burn pit. and he didnt get brain cancer from Iraq. beau had a single room dorm with heat/air t.v. refrig, bed, pillow, sheets, blanket, food, warm shower, had access to captain club bar, swimming pools, tennis, theater, shopping, restaurant. All beau did was sign his name to legal documents. he was just another attorney getting in the way. DJT never said anything about beau except that he never knew him. beau campaigned in 2015 for homosexual and trans to play house with rights. beau was all for kids getting transitioned. like father like son. there was no connection between beau and brain cancer being linked to burn pits. several medical experts already debunked Joe's theory years ago. sympathy votes. Joe always uses dead son during a speech or in this case getting slaughtered because his handlers couldn't save him but CNN did. Joe's face and the look of his eyes when Trump spoke about jan 6th. Biden looked like he was going to cry. one member in every Biden generation dies from brain disease.,>> <<@williamcromer9281 says : He calls men who were killed in battle, suckers, and losers. Well, at least he didn’t cry about a bunion on his toe because he didn’t wanna go to war. What a pussy.>> <<@3Ddude101 says : I've been waiting 3 and a half years for Biden's promised beneficial changes to take place. I still haven't seen a single one materialize. All I've seen are much higher prices on pretty much anything you can think of. The only thing that didn't inflate were paychecks. I've never seen any president mismanage the economy the way he has. But the wide open borders are just inexcusably insane. Millions and millions of illegal immigrants costing us billions and billions of dollars with an estimated 10% felons & hardcore felons flooding our country with drug cartel gang members,  traffickers of women and children, thieves, gun runners, sex offenders,  terrorists,  child molesters,  drug smugglers,  rapists, and murderers. What kind of person or party allows that to happen? I was a Democrat for decades but I can't deny that Trump did a much better job running this country than what we've seen from Biden. It's a rough pill to swallow but honestly Biden gave us nothing he promised while Trump gave us even much more than he promised during his first campaign. Treasury Department facts & figures give proof of that. It is obvious now Biden is not running this country. Whoever it is it's extremely bad everything they're doing and I've lost my trust in the Democratic party. They're taking us to a very dark place. Our current government is seriously corrupted and what we've got to have now is the best man to straighten things out. We all know who's the top man for that job and no matter how else you might feel about him he's one helluva fighter and knows how to win. If you bought into the media's scare tactics of dictatorship and democracy destruction don't let them fool you.  Neither will take place. The bogus felonies are just as irrelevant. Trump could be living on an island avoiding everything, but instead he's fighting for all of us. That's not a selfish man. But he's got to win in a landslide or they can cheat the ballots. We can't give them that chance. So this election our slogan is..."Too Big to Rig". Just keep in mind, we may have disliked our vegetables too,  but we knew they were good for us.>> <<@paulaitix77 says : even john bolton, who despises trump, stated the supposed quote about soldiers being suckers and losers never happened, he was there>> <<@terrywilson3066 says : One guy says he said it vs more than a dozen others that say he bever said it. Only a lefty would be gullible enough to take it as fact>> <<@byronlazo says : This was already debunked Trump never said this. Joe Biden tried to bait Trump but failed like an idiot. L>> <<@dtmyco1044 says : Cope harder liberals. Youre getting daddy Trump for 4 more years. 😂😂😂>> <<@aliceslab says : Its not an accusation when trump literally insulted pow's. But trump cult will say he never said that with all their little hearts and little smooth brains>> <<@Chino-ogLa says : People's gotta learn how to tell Lies from Truth. Look into their Eyes while they're talking and You'll see.. Biden's being controlled and it's Obvious.>> <<@greenjayltd736 says : Anyone can give speeches>> <<@JR-mm5xz says : I like my Presidents to not be a felon. #45UrGigIsUp>> <<@tonyam3898 says : Biden was very rude in this debate. Like he was sundowning.>> <<@withoutpassid says : If Hunter is not, maybe his father is 😊>> <<@Andrewbutler97 says : A sad debate, good job on trumps part, Biden got plastered all over the walls and ceiling but mostly from himself. Also McCain always was a weak, whiny loser as a person which has no relation to his war record which he partially made up>> <<@randomstuff2607 says : So one son died of cancer, not during his service in the military. And what about you other POS offspring. You should talk more about him.>> <<@jamesford2192 says : the way he does that fake angry face😂 -“clap for that you stupid bastards”>> <<@michaelmontgomery727 says : What about Trump's opinion about John McCain? He was crass enough to say it on film after Senator McCain had passed.>> <<@user-fx4nn4dl7c says : Biden crapped his pants in france and crapped the debate. Pathetic. Get rid of this failure and vote Trump '24!>> <<@tiagobaptista6449 says : Biden —> Woke mindset>> <<@tiagobaptista6449 says : Trump for president>> <<@tiagobaptista6449 says : Trump for president, Biden don’t even know where he is, shame>> <<@graz9372 says : sleepy joe big mad 😂😂😂😂>> <<@michaellovett8773 says : He just can’t get through a conversation without his son Bo’s cancer story. How did a President’s son get placed on garbage burning duty or quarters placed directly down wind?>> <<@unakelly2318 says : Either way, it was painful to watch. Presidents, as well as former Presidents/heads of States ARE representing their country and should conduct themselves, at all times, with integrity, good grace and respect. The world was looking at that debate and, for many, were left shaking their heads. It's a shame.>> <<@alexstewart9068 says : Nothing you say to Trump's uneducated lynch mob will make any difference to them.>> <<@chrismaxfield5484 says : Trump lies like a rug. In point of fact this tool is echoing exactly what HIS father said about the military 😡>> <<@hauntedhose says : Biden is the only loser on that stage….and you know it 🫵🏻>> <<@stevenrethemeyer2106 says : From what I remember Trump's comment was supposedly about the French troops that capitulated to the Germans without a fight. They were also burried in that cemetery. Trump refused to name McCain as a hero. He said McCain was shot down and captured. That doesn't make him a hero just a bad pilot. There was also the Forrestal incident. McCain was responsible for that and so he shouldn't be thought of as a hero.>> <<@stevekeitges370 says : Biden lost so bad he should not have even come to the Debate! It was much more like one of Dean Martins old Roasts with Biden Roasting Himself! TRUMP 2024 Y'ALL!>> <<@lizapapadatou-papavramides7525 says : This ex businessman and President is a proven liar REPEATEDLY! It is not surprise at all that here he tries to deny his OWN words who have been horrendous! Everybody KNOWS HIM!! A man with NO ETHOS or MORALS! Whom his Democratic country allows him once again to campaign for President!!!!!Although he is a convicted felon, and tried to overturn the LAWFUL ELECTIONS RESULTS in his country! UNBELIEVABLE!!😮😮😮>> <<@CaptainCEJ says : Even CNN said Biden should step down and retire after this "debate" if you want to call it that. I think Trump went easy on him because he knows Biden is near his end with dementia. I honestly think Trump feels bad for Biden, as do I. What they did to this man should be considered elder abuse. Trump will be elected president again in November, and we can finally get this country back on track. Can't wait. Hopefully, Biden will retire, get the medical care he needs, get as much ice cream as he wants, and get to hang out with his grandkids until he passes on, and I really mean that! Trump 2024! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤>> <<@CaptainCEJ says : Trump will be elected president this November, and we will get things back on track, and the libs know it! That is why they are shaking in their boots. Telling Joe to step down after his disgraceful performance so that Michelle Obama can take his place is next on their crooked agenda. Old Barack has really been calling the shots these last four years. Biden was just the puppet. I will say this; I really, honesty feel really bad for Joe Biden. It actually breaks my heart what they are doing to him. He has dementia and has no idea what is going on or what his power hungry wife is doing to him. Just let him retire. I can tell Biden wants to retire and just chill and eat ice cream and hang out with his grandkids for the rest of his years. Let him do that. I am 100% supporting charging anyone who was involved in forcing/allowing Biden to debate Trump the other night. Its fucking elder abuse. Shame on you.>> <<@kimdresser7739 says : Man, anyone that votes for the top guy there needs help. Serious help. At this point, it the lesser of the two evils. If abortion is your main focus, well, that’s on you but realize in a communist country , you have no choices.>> <<@scarecrow953 says : There are more people commenting here than actually watch CNN.>> <<@OnePump-RockstarrClarke says : Which never happened. Looks bad on Biden.>> <<@johnc8399 says : Old and crazy or old and senile. The choice is yours 2024.>> <<@Colin_1977 says : Man...Biden is an angry old man. On top of that, look at his face when Trump is talking. He's lost his marbles. In fact, he's about as sharp as one. Regarding respect to service members, Biden was the one checking his watch as the caskets of 13 dead servicemembers from his Afghanistan departure were escorted off a plane. Idiot even lied and said no members died under his watch. What a disgrace to those families.>> <<@CapMan1249 says : Why is Trump just denying this now. That's not a recent comment.>> <<@blakeprice3107 says : Make America Great Again!!!2024 Trump>> <<@shannonmagann9009 says : thats such a chump move to go to he said this and that.>> <<@user87523 says : Soldiers can be losers and suckers if they acted like Hunter Biden who tested positive on drug test. Yes, your son is one of the losers. Go figure.>> <<@angelf3365 says : Enough with your son Joey . Stop using his memory and stop telling people he died in Iraq .>> <<@paulettefearon2057 says : AS A Independent I Have To Say That Want To Be Is Such An Extra Ordinary, Do You Know How Many Times I Am Watching News, And See Most Of What He Is Saying Is The Opposite? That Man Is A Decent Liar. When A Person Is A President They Will Do And Say Anything, Even If It Means Lying To Win. All I Can Say Some People Just Know How To Sell Cheap Lies And The People Them Just Keep Buying, Because They Are So Fearful, And To Know That They Are Not Even Correcting All His, That Is So Disgusting, But Don't Worry Because If He Wins He Will Just Come Right Back To Bite Some Of Them In There Face. Because They Said That A Leopard 🐆 Never Loose It's Spot 😅>> <<@JasonJimenez-qy3ii says : Says the guy who looks at his watch and yawns.While he's at military funerals he's trying to see how fast he can get out of there>> <<@ginaandadamsilvestri9716 says : Trump2024!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@haydenhilton says : I haven’t seen the whole debate but Biden spoke very eloquently in this clip. He’s right too.>> <<@princeofbrunswick says : Mr Bone Spurs would definitely say that.>> <<@johnnyzeee5215 says : Biden is a weak leader, who has turned our military into a weak laughingstock around the world. Trump will make the US military great again>> <<@johnnyzeee5215 says : Yeah, same Biden who has let nutcase liberal woke nonsense take over our military leadership, and placed our ladies and gentlemen in uniform in grave danger.>>