<<@tessakaname5233 says : Women has every right to abortion is she wants to keep it or not. If the female doesn’t want a child u can’t force her to keep it or have it for 9 months it her choice so why against abortion having a baby is like 18 years of your life>> <<@hotchihuahua1546 says : Any way you look at it ! Life is something at any stage of conception ! Many of us wouldn’t be here today if we had been carried in the womb of a woman with an easy abortion mentality !>> <<@DrinkingmeadwithsamAdams says : I think it’s too late to abort Biden , he is full term.😂🤣😂>> <<@wellsaid7192 says : We want jobs, jobs, and more jobs in America. Inflation sucks and Joe Biden is corrupt liar!>> <<@wellsaid7192 says : This is purely elder abused. Why was the most powerful leader in the world is reading a script/his notes. Joe Biden can’t defend or debate Trump with his OWN POLICIES. The world is literally watching Joe Biden mumbling words and reading notes to answer questions from the CNN Commentators on national television. You can’t make this up! Thank you CNN for showing the world Joe Biden declining mental state.>> <<@pauljanssen7594 says : It's a shame set the Democratic party is used in the murder of unborn children to get their votes, when modern science has proved that a baby has a heartbeat at 6 weeks old, there's no excuse for sloppy sex abortion as birth control.>> <<@stephencollins1568 says : Maybe if the Dementiacrats hadn't aborted so many millions of innocent babies over the last few decades, they might just have more voters today?! "Finkin" sure isn't their strong point!>> <<@FireflyHomestead says : It didn’t work -Trump gave a reasonable answer>> <<@weeknders says : Trump is an idiot for doing this. He was ill prepared. Sojnded like an idiot. Could have went for the kill on Biden multiple times. Never did. He is the ufc fighter that wins the fight but his face is battered.>> <<@donotcomply665 says : That's sick>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : IN THE DEMOCRAT'S AMERICA THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE FOR A CHILD TO BE IS IN ITS MOTHER'S WOMB.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ABORTION ON DEMAND IS BARBARIC. BEAR IN MIND THAT THE POLITICAL LEFT IS ALSO PUSHING FOR P0ST B!RTH AB0RT!0N. 5ATAN!C.>> <<@ScottM5xm977 says : BIDEN2024🇺🇲>> <<@laryjohnson5736 says : brandon can't run on ruining the country or lying.>> <<@ididntaskyouropinion says : 😂😂ofc they are. They dont have a SINGLE THING TO SELL except dead baby parts. The idea that women are "free" to frolick in the sheets and a "medical procedure" will "end the pregnancy " she doesnt want known bc she doesnt know the father...😂😂😂 Abortion=LEGALIZED MURDER OF UNBORN/PRENATAL BABIES!>> <<@penbee9316 says : Sick of Australian politicians following this stupid corrupt country down the rabbit hole.>> <<@hmasyarra says : Trump is flogging him.>> <<@goosecouple says : "Why does a father, who wanted the fetus be aborted, have to pay child care ???  She said it's her body, her choice.">> <<@398robin says : I am watching the debate and Biden belongs in a memory care unit at a nursing home. Let him ramble on. This is what you want for the next 4 years?>> <<@mk1479 says : Postmortems are usually performed after the entity has passed.>> <<@tuna_water says : FJB>> <<@walteropanasets9178 says : FJB>> <<@nursejulie3636 says : Wow old man is going to replace by greasy Gavin newsman 😊>> <<@peekaboo6622 says : The FBI has been warning of an imminent terror attack more serious than 9/11. Does everyone have their head up the same place? There are pro Palestinian/Pro Hamas protesters at the venue, as we speak - how was this permitted? Illegitimate debate. It's a pony show. No audience? What a perfect opportunity for AI, or something to be done to Trump with no live audience. "Trump's people will be there..." The players in this international competition for global domination leave no witnesses. There are solid reasons why the Federal Election Commission refuses to sanction the event. The GOP, Trump campaign, news outlets and "influencers" that loudly profess election integrity, appear as hypocrites. By reporting on this set-up with breathless enthusiasm you are legitimizing a fraud, and surrender your right to criticize the 2020 election, or claim you love this republic. By promoting the event, knowing it's not above board, you partake in CNNs sins - whatever they choose to do or say.>> <<@TheBmco99 says : Now now you’re talking about them most lying babbling idiot in history Joe 😂😂😂😂Biden the Babler from the west>>