<<@countrygirlxo7188 says : Like a witch with her claws dug into him, sucking his soul and happiness.>> <<@odapty says : Meghan’s illness>> <<@cdaffern4707 says : "Look at me, look at me." Checking her reflection in every available surface, puckering her lips, fiddling with the typical basic slightly curled hair on the sides or back, but straight on top, same highlights with blondish overtones, same generic contoured face, unnatural facial expression for cameras. Everything that is nothing to do with her, is a photo-op or content for her.>> <<@smiley2477 says : I’m a woman and I typically side with other women and try to lift up women….but HELL no! This Paige chick and JLO are both narcissist. This poor guy needs to find a more humble family oriented woman. And this Paige chick needs more therapy. I’m glad she has survived creep Armie Hammer but there is something wrong with her that she was attracted to a guy like that in the first place.>> <<@whateverwhaatever9611 says : Why say Meghan Markel smh. Those women are referred as WAGs thats what they do.>> <<@warriorclass1040 says : He chose wrong.. as many will.. save yourself and focus brothers.. we must stay focused.>> <<@arohanui922 says : That seems to be what men desire.>> <<@mischa6688 says : Yuck.>> <<@feroldreymichaeloregencia3344 says : Hahhahahhah. Who is this woman? Hhahaha. She just wants to get some views and become viral!!! Hhahaa. A narcissist woman who wants to take advantage of Paul's triumph so she can be talked about!!! Hahhaha. Stupid girl!!! Hhahaha>> <<@janieromer2907 says : She’s doing a Markle>> <<@grafxgrl8030 says : This girl needs to get out of the shot all together.>> <<@LesleyRhodes says : She was pulli g his neck tjerefore is head towards her. Easy to see he didnt like it either>> <<@Malenasib says : Another JLO🤮🤮🤮>> <<@aayy6689 says : The Claw, part 2. 😂>> <<@mattcarlos8184 says : Another perfect example of dudes letting their dick do the thinking for them>> <<@marilena7848 says : I have one word for Tommy Paul, one word only: RUN.>> <<@heatherhensley9183 says : I don’t think those seats are economy Look bit posh>> <<@heatherhensley9183 says : Seems like megain 😂>> <<@anisedocherty7846 says : What a bimbo!>> <<@sarahberry6080 says : Okay, yeah, she comes off as another Meghan Markle? but it’s the Armie Hammer connection that is seriously worrisome. If half of what was printed about her and Armie is true, I would have expected her to still be in high intensity psychoanalysis, not acting super creepy at a pre-Wimbledon tennis match. The tennis player is lucky she didn’t give him whiplash. He needs to run for the hills posthaste. stories are true, it was some>> <<@marilynyoh7951 says : She cooked for him and made him happy so he won>> <<@sarahberry6080 says : O.M.G. At the same she’s caressing his neck, she’s jerking his head towards her for cheek to cheek moment. Then came her name and I immediately thought Armie Hammer. The tennis player needs to run, not walk. This is so creepy on so many levels.>> <<@nightmareoracle says : Meghan Markle 2.0>> <<@magdacristina3572 says : This tennis player should get out of this relationship or as soon as possible. It is well clear what commands nessa relationship>> <<@dvldg271 says : Eeewwww 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩>> <<@ConstantlyRepeatingMyself says : What a narcissist.>> <<@malailal1663 says : Like someone we know... Who is that?>> <<@shirleystein6521 says : It's totally toe curling.>> <<@abab9622 says : As far as Jlo goes: Thats business class 😂 Its been debunked that its economy.>> <<@sabitakoirala1028 says : This remind of Megan markle>> <<@andydio4825 says : How cringing to watch.>> <<@gpr13martinez88 says : Aprontá>> <<@blanchedevereaux5403 says : Run, run, RUN away from her!>> <<@M_butterfly788.-tf8bd says : lol Meghan Markle 2.0 😆>> <<@danistyles85 says : Random… that’s bizarre behaviour…. Why is she clawing at him>> <<@kayb4995 says : Get her out of there>> <<@lillshowerbomb839 says : Has she been watching Meghan Markle?>> <<@pennreelfishing says : He a Puppet on a String. She put her hand at the back of his neck and moves it around like a puppet . Lucky for him Biden’s wife is doing worse than her and he has Nuclear Weapons in his hands. From a Aitutaki Cook Islander>> <<@Mk-yg4vf says : That seat on the plane is not economy… the seat next to her is unoccupied, leads me to believe she paid for BOTH seats>> <<@ChanelCoco-pk7mp says : She practically disconnected his neck, the way she grabbed him 🤮 ugh cannot stand women like that. She didn’t do anything to earn the trophy, so why is she allowed to hold it? It should be his coach or parents holding the other side of that trophy. Ridiculous>> <<@BluebonnetShelley says : Wow! So cringey!>> <<@NobodySpecial509 says : BETA!!! *said in my best Jesse Peterson voice… 😂>> <<@ericb8413 says : Narcissist alert!!!!🚨>> <<@Agent77X says : Tommy needs to find a better girlfriend here! She is so narcissistic and try to take the spotlight!😂>> <<@joseph_mta5840 says : its his girlfriend, not even his fiancé. sit down and clap.>> <<@davidfairgrieve8508 says : Get rid of her>> <<@davidfairgrieve8508 says : We have a new markel,>> <<@gennaCarr10 says : Well when you date vanity- what do you expect you’re gonna get??? Maybe he should humble himself- because she’s definitely not!>> <<@user-dw1ls3rp1l says : Give the man some space. Holy crap. He's clearly stiffening up when she tries to pull him in.>> <<@avayu2289 says : It’s truly pathetic when one partner rides on the coattails of the other’s accomplishments. 🙄>>