<<@goatielocks404 says : Unless your Megan she did that twice at polo>> <<@EamonThePhilogynistWalford says : Once Travis Kelce retires, he'll turn to acting, and his first film will be called The Pussywhipped Mr. Pfizer. 😛>> <<@Amaz1ng9 says : Where’s Kate?!>> <<@Nadezhda1932 says : I don’t get Taylor Swift fans never liked her or her music.>> <<@Joseph32547 says : This is just the warm up for her next album. Most of her songs are about her dating failures.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ''NEWS'' ? VVANKERS>> <<@vincentthao3497 says : Tavistock in all it's glory>> <<@rgroppi1305 says : Toilet Swift cleans up>> <<@shereenadvanceyourlife5729 says : TW stages all events>> <<@nisa3695 says : She still can't pick the right men... 😂😂😂>> <<@JuTtLlA says : Yeah its a flipping JOKE go poster BOY GO go poster BOY GO !!!>> <<@angee1906 says : We real Americans DON'T CLAIM THEM>> <<@inthekitchenwithlynn says : Great…just in time for the upcoming Football season…Ruin another season>> <<@johnskelton5683 says : Taylor Swift like others in the entertainment profession are media whores, many when they don't have to be! 😮>> <<@EmpressEnergy1 says : She is passed her prime to be a mother. Soo. Yeah. Thats a pipe dream. 😂😂>> <<@johnskelton5683 says : This girl, Taylor Swift, wearing a bathing suit meant for swimming at the beach or in a pool, why is she wearing it at a concert? I wonder what is she thinking when deciding to wear such at her concert, if she feels she must to attract a male audience, if so why? Too many girls fall back on what their sexuality is rather than than what they have to offer beyond that. I see her as a girl that's really insecure , notwithstanding what she would believe in herself and say! 😮>> <<@SardGuard says : julian assange will start wwiii>> <<@ab-gail says : I hope so. Let’s get some grown up Taylor music finally!!>> <<@whisperingsquid5630 says : I’m not even interested in Taylor.>> <<@nikitopi6324 says : How was the animated intro created for this video?>> <<@Patrick-yh5yd says : An NFL player to much for Taylor. She needs a nerd like me!!!>> <<@kenthynes315 says : The swift creature is disgusting, totally all about herself. I wouldn’t even date her, or a female like her.>>