<<@robertcunningham35 says : the question that should be asked is do you want an unriliable wind and solar that could fail within 10 years or a hail stones on the solar panels or a nuclear power system that runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week and would last up to 80 years that would supply power to your great grand children>> <<@greynomad7497 says : This bloke is full of crap๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : ALL LABOR ACROSS THIS COUNTRY ........OUT ....GREENS TEALS LIBERALS .....OUT ........ONE NATION ........IN>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Negative incentives such as austerity, Robodebt and PwC create aspiration ?>> <<@grumblesmudie3141 says : It's so funny that the progressive left can't move past 1986 .>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : When will I be asked>> <<@gregorymcleod says : He is so wrong on all of my groups people see the dead end on renewals like the cement footing never getting removed or never recycled how can you keep building Wind when these cement footings left in postion. He is obviously only looking at inner city groups.>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : Labor are gone no one cared what happened with the grubs death threats they hate the prick so much>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : We need peter dutton....to lead Australia....Labor government has destroyed Australia>> <<@baronvonaux8294 says : LOL LOL LOL. Aspirational voters are going to g to vote for a hardcore conservative led coalition. Yeahโ€ฆright.>> <<@gemini2261 says : Go Pete ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ>> <<@rodneywatson7855 says : They can build one in my street if they want to, I don't care. Better than the alternative.>> <<@richarddobson4marrickville says : RedBridge is a Labor-aligned outfit. This guy was not impartial in the slightest.>> <<@carolyndedes9002 says : Back to what !? ...... You mean More misery& Disaster with Dutton's BS .>> <<@paythepiper6283 says : People who don't do their own research have been deceived by those arguing for renewables.>> <<@YvonneCrean says : Go Dutton ๐Ÿ‘>> << says : If Peter wants to win take note of Farage and Trump WIF a hat ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘ if he wants to demolish Albo's little zombie cult .>> <<@DJ-yj1vg says : As a retired engineer, I'm convinced we live in a technologically dumb country. Australia is one of the most abundant countries in the world in terms of access to cheap energy (coal, gas and uranium). Yet we continue to find all the reasons why we CAN'T take advantage of that natural prosperity. I've given up feeling sorry for anyone who complains about their bills, because they're usually the technically and mathematically illiterate fools who have voted for this joke of an energy system to begin with. I'm hoping that bills continue to rise, so that people can finally join the dots in their own mind as to why this is happening. Hint: Economics is about the wise use of our resources, to maximise the benefit to society. But I think I'm dreaming, which leads me back to Labor's energy system. What a nightmare.>> <<@johntomasini3916 says : Why would aspirational voters return to the Coalition, what is in it for the average Australian? If the Coalition thinks that the Nuclear Energy aspiration will pull voters back to them, your kidding yourself, forty years too late. I'm an ex Coalition voter, if you want my vote, increase Taxes on the wealthy and Corporations and lay off middle and lower income earners, Pensions are not keeping up with the cost of living, Public Hospital waiting lists are way too long. I know it's a stretch for conservatives to put people first, but there are more people in need of help, and Corporations are raking in big profits help the inflationary trend, Get your signals and act together if you want people on your side of politics.>> <<@driftke70 says : labor is just criticism criticism criticism but never deliver anything. Their green plans are completely uncosted and they dont reveal to the public the true scale of transmission lines etc that will be running all around the country.>> <<@Leo-vk6qm says : I wouldn't consider the liberals good for aspirational voters, they serve the super rich and happily wiped out middle Australia when they were in power. Judge them on what they do not what they say.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : All the news is about an American debate - Trump & Biden - but here we have to concern ourselves about Dutton & Albanese. Biden looks like a shot duck. So we here have to be concerned about the performance of our current PM. To help with that here are a few of his quotes we should never forget . When I get to be PM everyone will get a $275 relief on their power bills ( I've forgotten how many times) - I was travelling in the car - I didn't see what happened - we have been left with all the problems from the previous government - I like weddings - vote yes - nuclear energy will cause 3 eyed fish - nuclear energy is more expensive than renewables - this is the stupidest fantasy from the opposition I have ever seen - renewables will fix the cost of power now and nuclear won't exist until the 2040's - these quotes are just the few I can think of now - Dutton's quotes appear much more sensible to me - Albanese makes Joe Biden look normal - so vote Elmer and the Disneyland Party out next election.>> <<@Nutta1 says : Anyone scared of Nuclear โš› should never travel to Sydney let alone any other G20 Nation.>> <<@user-nd2hl4qr1z says : Target Tuck friendly Albo and Bowen are giving each other a renewable enema. Bend over Albo, no you go first Bowen, yours is bigger.>> <<@fifitrixibelle9279 says : My Wordy Lordy we have>> <<@jamesgreig5168 says : To Simon, and any one else who says nukular, say CLEAR 10 times and then put a new in front. NUCLEAR. A nucleus is the centre of an atom and nuclear is the energy we get from making that nucleus split.>> <<@jennymills3147 says : GO, !!!! Peter Dutton.>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Unchecked immigration is far more of a threat to Australia than going Nuclear.>> <<@pacnbeans says : ALP Grubs !!!>> <<@BrainsIntoMonumentsisaPussy says : Intelligent Australians know that Labor are eithet hypocrites or just full of it.>> <<@bestestusername says : There is no hope under Labor, just misery. They say one thing but people's reality is another>>