<<@itsme2be says : De-sinification will be reversed.>> <<@arthurdanielles4784 says : Always the same. The USA, its puppet stooges, the UK, Europe and NATO warmongers.Stirring up trouble nothing new there. Telling others to clean up the mess in their backyards is the biggest example of their hypocrisies ! You do not want to have a look at the USA and its gun toting kid killers, its drug infested streets, vandalism, thieving. Ah to be an American.>> <<@michaelp9061 says : 绝大部分台湾人更相信他们是日本人的后裔。绝了>> <<@shafaietunnur7716 says : Conflict and strike can arise for election in Iran.>> <<@tkh2944 says : 🎉>> <<@tkh2944 says : Despicable to erase one's own history & culture to pander to self serving interests hand in hand with nefarious foreign interests !👎👎>>