<<@BellaCroyda says : He did say demonstrate peaceful and patriotically march around the capital building. Its recorded. But the DNC and media falsely reported that he INCITED RIOTING. He did NOT.>> <<@rzone1286 says : It doesn’t make any sense. How can Pelosi be responsible for Trump supporters breaking into the capitol over a lie and Trumps ego? She may have just wanted a safe protest. Her mistake was that she underestimated Trump supporters being disrespectful enough to break into the capitol and abuse the officers while Trump did nothing for three hours. Trump has to be questioned what he was doing for three hours while the capitol was being attacked.>> <<@rzone1286 says : Yet Trump still did nothing for three hours during the capitol attack except tweeting that Pence let him down>> <<@DragonmasterCire says : For someone who is a Journalist Jake Tapper is terriable at doing research. The riot started about 30 mins before President Trumps speach ended>> <<@JaapFeitsma-qi8ct says : No Donald, you called for an insurrection, no more no less.>> <<@melissagoldie17 says : Brilliant!>> <<@KathyrnShirey-xo8hd says : Anyone doing there own research knows what actually happened on Jan 6th. MSM controlled by antiAmerican globalists.>> <<@colettekleinman6514 says : Age is just a number. There is a reason Biden won't be checked for his cognitive ability. He is unwell physically and mentally. Trump is healthy mentally and Biden isn't.>> <<@whatcousinsplay3255 says : The DC guard reports only to POTUS. Regardless if they wated they wanted them or not he should've activated them like he he just said he knew they were needed. Anyone can claim that responsibility but that power of activation was soley on him. He was and is responsible for not having the guard there.>> <<@whatcousinsplay3255 says : I like how none of you talk about how he doesn't answer the questions.>> <<@TreeDancingCloud says : After learning his call to action was responded to with violence, Trump stayed dug in and silent watching TV for many hours. After the violence failed, then he marched out and said the magic "be peaceful" words to pretend he was not responsible. Idiots pretend to believe him.>> <<@shaynejones7653 says : LET'S GO BRANDEAU>> <<@user-ef6ub8ob6v says : I watched the speech trump gave on jan 6, and nowhere did trump incite violence, videos show capital police letting people in, plus i knew people who were there and that's what they saw>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : Well that went well CNN, you exposed the President to the world.>> <<@KDMURRAYSR1 says : Frickin pitiful>> <<@cemetarygates2800 says : Mic drop!>> <<@czarcastic1458 says : Just the other day angry and ignorant AOC kept using the word FIGHT. If Trump uses that word he is bashed by the Dems.>> <<@Backtothehat says : He did not specifically address the question… even when the question was reiterated.>> <<@unsatisfied99 says : Almost looks like the intent of this debate was to have a reason to get Biden off the ticket.>> <<@vickipeno7886 says : Im so sick of Ytube....if your comment is in anyway in defense of Trump, it gets taken down. So sick of it! What is a comparable alternative platform....anyone?>> <<@maxpowers4767 says : TRUMP: Fight like hell or you won't have a country>> <<@samright4661 says : Trump flipped that script!!>> <<@IMO447 says : If Trump is personally responsible for Jan 6th , then Biden is personally responsible for the pro - ham-as , pro- pal , college riots.>> <<@shawnamccormick8562 says : How dare people blame President Trump for January 6th 2021. The “Legacy Media” Democratic run media is a huge antagonist who wipes their hands clean of doing any antagonizing. Trump was merely refuting their antagonism and said clearly to those people “Peacefully and patriotically”. Trump is the sound of reason while this Democratic run media like MSNBC has been the sound of deception and chaos. How dare they flip that around on him and wipe their hands clean as a major participant in cultivating the energy surrounding that event. The Jan. 6th rioters are the tip of the ice berg of people who have had to deal with the constant onslaught of watching their President be attacked for 4 years. Very unfair, Obama was never attacked the way Trump was attacked. Obama was never attacked like this for 8 years.>> <<@Wizardof says : Here's the gist of it: This place is deteriorated BEYOND reasonable/allowable fixes. And the next day is worse than today. Our society is rotting from the "American household" upwards, into our jobs, other family households, we carry that rot wherever we go. And it started MANY years ago, and NOT caused by a SINGLE person or group. I guess it helps companies make more money and that's all that matters to everyone. We whine about the past. But we continue to let things get worser. We have to get managers to do stuff in these businesses or places of services because people don't care for whatever reason. More hoops have to be jumped thru. You tell me I can't fix my OWN TV or my own machine? That's not how it works. You let your kids take phones into class and you wonder why we can't read. You want me to have a subscription to buy ink for a printer? NOPE. You let the man get away who hit and run my truck? NOPE. We treat criminals better than law abiding citizens because they fund the courts/jails with their mischief. I could go on but the point is IT WILL NOT EVER BE FIXED. None of these issues will be fixed. Do you what you can get done before it's too late. You sit and post laughing emojis because they are incoherent or a felon but it's not funny. Not at all.>> <<@handy-capoutdoors4063 says : I want to watch the whole thing because Biden reaction shots are hilarious.>> <<@markchavarria5187 says : Just keep watching Joe. It’s hilarious! He’s on another planet! 😂😂>> <<@kylekeating8186 says : January 6th was a Democrat set up>> <<@jeffreyfailing3183 says : Biden is just staring into never never land🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@jamesswain2465 says : Best way to rest all doubts about January sixth is to just release the whole tape.>> <<@catbirdseat4849 says : Joe Biden's pop up timer just went off....Done!>> <<@AlfredeBlome-df3sg says : And if you actually watched his speech that day, you would know that this is exactly what he said. And let's not forget the fact that FBI and other alphabet agencies said there was no insurrection, so go kick rocks with your BS about Trump inciting an insurrection>> <<@sionemataele7900 says : Did you guys see the crook corrupted liar’s face, he was trying to tell the moderator please stop people will know the truth, please help interrupt President Trump he is telling the truth about me and I don’t want to hear it, just like the saying, what’s goes around, comes around, he is done, look like he just saw a ghost>> <<@swaziland-dd1vv says : FACT CHECK T-RUMP: 30 plus lies! 4+ years of incarceration and he can take his project 2025 and tariffs bs with him! was melanin too busy with the pool boy to attend? they should have fact checked the felon in real time, seeing how everytime he opened his mouth he lied, the feral alley cat!!>> <<@moshebenamram6020 says : *On point and sharp!!! And there is plenty of footage that shows Trump said it clearly as daylight*>> <<@FrankGallagherr says : So now the democrats are going to fraudulently try and install Gavin Newsom who utterly destroyed California and will continue Biden in finishing the destruction of America..>> <<@DanA-os7pq says : 🎤 drop!!>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : You couldn’t fix America, especially today, your worse than a police state, or any Banana Republic>> <<@xrayandy4770 says : All they can say bad about Trump is he lied ? Can you please tell us what lies ? Do you really think that Trump would tell Lies in front of the whole world and risk his run for president ?>> <<@CarolABlack-ic1hs says : Did Joe adjust an ear piece in his right ear while Trump was talking ??>> <<@kevinprouten5741 says : The verdict is in, and trump is guilty>> <<@kevinprouten5741 says : It's funny the crowd just heard fight like hell>> <<@blutomindpretzel1735 says : Pelosi may have admitted to that, but if you ask her about it she will deny everything.>> <<@benbedell2944 says : Hey Jake tapper... i hope that finally answers your dumb a$$ question once and for all?>> <<@Brian80813 says : Trump 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'>> <<@of6131 says : Wow he is the men!!!!!>> <<@maniacsurfer7922 says : You said "Fight like Hell" ,it's on video dingbat.>> <<@stv1559 says : Watch. @ 1:32mins , Did beden have in inserted earpiece? I like how trump answered this corrupted Biased CNN activitist>> <<@milsurprifles6346 says : So when does Nancy Pelosi’s Insurrection trial begin?>> <<@RayBolden-hv7iz says : trump lying about nacy polosi lies trump was the president he supposed to take care of that lies he was the leader of jan 6 fact check 💙🇱🇷>>