<<@the8419 says : Actually he did well today assholes>> <<@johndebord3957 says : He may have landed in north carolina but i bet he has no idea where he is>> <<@Bronnysux says : FJB.>> <<@hilwaamanamankiyar-pp5bf says : NEWS>> <<@RalphIrvine says : A waste of jet fuel.>> <<@erickriebel4366 says : PRESIDENT BIDEN HAS DEMENTIA AND DECLARED BRAIN DEAD. NOW A WALKING CORPSE IN NC? WONDERFUL NEWS>> <<@rh5597 says : Yeah, the SH1T always comes to N.C. Cooper is like a pile of dog crap drawing all the green flies to my state!>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Was the actor putting on his Biden mask.>> <<@user-ns6uf4rc2i says : This guy had to close the door so no one would see Joey stumble!>> <<@tomhanna8994 says : He always uses the BABY STAIRS now BIDEN IS A DISGRACE>> <<@genrevcarnivore2952 says : 15000 jobs created when he meant 15million.đŸ¤”and many more mistakes and lies.The debate was child abuse.>> <<@planetmikusha5898 says : Biden lost his train of thought? That train derailed and there were no survivors!>> <<@thereasonableconsumer says : He will be back in seclusion for a while. Probably needs alot of sleep.>> <<@yodaz101 says : Biden leading us all into WW3.>> <<@greenie43 says : Wonder if his arms were tired?>> <<@yodaz101 says : Biden is that deranged old man that murmuring nonsense to himself. He's done. Step aside..not even making sense anymore>> <<@AICali707 says : Its like watching a funeral>> <<@TomFlori-bs2vp says : Robinson For Governor! Trump Landslide! Red Wave 2024!>> <<@nurs1mate says : How many were here to see him stumble down the airplane stairs?>> <<@kcperformancehorse says : This man has literally leached off the american taxpayers money And lined his families pockets Disgraceful man in all respects While insulting the american people Trumps right in saying the world does not respect these people at all>> <<@lukeh3201 says : Did he debate the stairs?>> <<@Want0nS0up says : He could retire tomorrow. That’s what the rest of us would do. It would be for himself his family and, unfortunately, for the country.>>