<<@rolloman667 says : Biden and the Democrats had over 3 years to charge, litigate and put Trump in prison. They only got around to it 5 months before the election. They knew Biden's cognative abilities were going down as well. So who is to blame for where the Democrats are today? Only the Democratic Party themselves. Biden's ego and the Democrats have put Trump into the drivers seat and he is laughing as he drives to the White House.>> <<@bettyscott4461 says : TRUMP SHOULD DROP OUT AS WELL. HOW CAN A FELON RUN FOR THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE US. If A FELON CAN RUN FOR PRESIDENT, WHY CAN'T PRISONERS VOTE?>> <<@amandagoodrum9708 says : Economy off the charts!?? 😅😅😅>> <<@ThickBanana says : The US is a generally strong economy that has performed well under both Trump and Biden. Index fund investing over these years has been nothing short of phenomenal.>> <<@nicholasreyling1278 says : Economy off the charts.... But i cant even move out of my Parents house with a full time job>> <<@dt8762 says : Are hope is not in communism or democracy. It's in Jesus Christ and the kingdom of heaven.- Billy Graham>> <<@tommartin5667-dt7ny says : Donald Trump loves this country and this country needs him as president>> <<@user-zs8qb1je5m says : So it didn't take MSNBC and CNN to start drinking and pouring the Kool-Aid. "Oh he had a cold". "Oh he had jet lag". Why can't you folks admit it. Briben has dementia. Yes, he probably is a lovable grandpa type to the grandkids he admits to have. But when he says he cares about us it is unbelievable. Because of him and lunatic administration gas has increased over 35%. Eggs have increased over 25%. Home mortgage rates have increased over 4%. I haven't seen one item in my grocery buying that has gone down even a penny. I buy the same items every month. Before Briben took over I spent around $250/mnth. Now it costs me around $350/mnth. Consumers can not eat out without seeing the affects of this administration's policies. How much has the federal government spent on the failing prosecutions of Pres Trump. Sure would like to see that total. "We beat Medicare" he says. No he hasn't. I've been on medicare over two years now. My costs have gone up. I have to fight to get RXs and sometime procedures my doctors say I need. So you keep drinking that Kool-Aid. Put some ice in it. Enjoy.>> <<@frankandrews580 says : This guy is completely delusional.>> <<@markhall6306 says : This guy is lying fraud Biden he never lost any soldiers tell that to Gold Star families who had loved ones die in Afghanistan>> <<@markhall6306 says : Joe Biden has never created any jobs new government jobs is not creating anything but expanding the government>> <<@user-mq1ue1mp9t says : Joe's Endless Presidency: Endlessly higher gas and food prices, Endless wars, Endless stream of illegal immigrants.>> <<@WhiteMousse1980 says : Joe Biden has Blast Processing. Donald Trump DOESN'T>> <<@TomZart says : BIDEN, TRUMP & TRHTH = 2024 ?? Most of the time as a politician stands up Along with the truth, their brain sits down. Promising anything and everything to anyone While posing to the public, to be on common ground. The higher the office the greater the corruption As candidates compete for those dead presidents of green. While we're taxed to death to fund their pork Our cost for everything has become obscene. Thank God there are some better than most Not squeaky clean, but more honest than others. Regardless of party, they deserve our vote For they share our thoughts like sisters and brothers. Politicians who wish to be revered by history Must earn their fame by living the truth. Any who continue to mislead and deceive Must be shunned by the voter at the booth. Worrying about crime, taxes, border and terrorism Infectious disease and paying next month’s bills. Saving for college and our own retirement It's no wonder we drink, smoke, pray and pop pills. By Tom Zart! Most Published Poet On The Web! George Bush Tom Zart>> <<@Rock-sg2go says : Biden/Harris have aided and abetted millions of foreign invaders which is TREASON! Sabotaging Americans National Security!endangering the lives of Americans!>> <<@jintsfan says : 😂 She’s absolutely gobsmacked ! Completely thrown by this BS !>> <<@davidtaylor43 says : If Trump wins, The blame will be squarely on the media for being a bunch of sensationalizing idiots trying to drum up easy content instead of being a stop gap to dangerous retoric.>> <<@franklee1550 says : That’s funny, nothing Trump said has been deemed a lie by any fact checkers, but plenty of what Biden said has. So the people who have lied about everything from Russia collusion to Biden’s acuity are now completely truthful? Please!>> <<@KateLopez-wr6nx says : It's been a week and all the talk is about Biden, when there's a criminal undermining our liberties. When has he been assaulted like Biden?>> <<@CatholicChickAZ says : What a joke, cope, cope , cope>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : 👎👎👎CNN new Biden Alzaheimers health Long ago, CNN lies to the followers! 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸CNN new how bad long ago, And now CNN is playing they just found out 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@nanettefranco6617 says : They knew all along wake up.. Five days later they're still lying to you. What do? You think we've been telling you for the last 4 years... And the left just called all Trump supporters liars. Conspiracy theorist.. And other names , which I can't remember because I don't care. I hope he does run because trump is going to win..>> <<@kevinhawley8724 says : Yes, at this moment all of America is concerned and is praying for Joe Biden, not because of Joe's physical condition, but because of his verbalized hatred for Donald Trump. Joe knows ALL hatred is wrong and that nothing good comes from hatred. America, please join us in praying for the Commander in Chief.>> <<@rafk7027 says : I am saying Joe is racist. Prove me wrong! Debate me!😮>> <<@cjstory4442 says : Look at him trying to make us do the “less of two evils” lmao 😂 RFK 2024>> <<@jamesgarrett2129 says : Why should Joe step down? Look at the country, what can be screwed up that Joe hasn't screwed up?>> <<@user-bf6bf6be5o says : Joe never back down ima pray every night because you did a lot for USA 🇺🇸 and micelle Obama and mrs Obama gave you the highest votes mrs Obama is the most educated classy powerful woman we all rooting for BUDDEN let’s go>> << says : CNN=FAKE NEWS!!!>> <<@malcommckay2571 says : Dimentia is part of staying with the Democrap Party of Pervs 😮Go Woke Go Broke FJB>> <<@user-gr9te4or4q says : Biden’s can’t get away from these msm cannibal’s>> <<@realitynow4342 says : I can remember watching the movie The Exorcist back in the 1970's. I was kid and believed in God. As I got older and saw evil as a cop, and studied psychology and genetics. I realized it was all science from the beginning. Then the 2016 elections came and passed. Then COVID and the 2020 elections passed and CNN and MSNBC backed up and LIED for the EVIL SATAN DEMOCRATS. What a F*CKING Insane Shit-show put on by Democrat News and Hollywood. Mabe Spiritual Evil Does Exist.>> <<@realitynow4342 says : Democrats have been liars and cheaters for decades. Using Race to pit American against each other: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. The two PIMPS of racial hate used by the Democrat party. Though he represented Nevada, Key Denton Pittman was originally from Vicksburg, Mississippi. Seeing the potential in the gold and silver minds out west, he moved to Tonopah, Nevada in 1902. Pittman and his wife, Mimosa, lived at Mizpah Hotel when they first arrived, and by 1908, the couple had built their own home on Prospect Street across from the Tonopah courthouse. Thus, it would make sense that on the eve of the 1940 election, Key Pittman and his supporters were holed up at Mizpah Hotel, preparing for the next day’s festivities when Pittman would, hopefully, be reelected. As the story goes, Pittman tragically suffered a sudden heart attack and died that evening. In an effort to ensure that Pittman’s seat remained Democratic, his supporters' kept his body on ice in one of Mizpah Hotel’s bathtubs, formally announcing his death five days later on November 10, 1940. The story quickly made the rounds, gaining further credibility when it was repeated in the sensational national bestseller, The Green Felt Jungle (1963). However, this spooky story is nothing more than a folk tale, likely resulting from an odd statement made by one of Pittman’s handlers. According to journalists Barbara and Myrick Land in A Short History of Reno (1995), "One political reporter, it was rumored later, asked one of Pittman's handlers why the senator was making no campaign appearances in this important final week. The handler replied 'We're keeping him on ice.’” While Pittman’s team may not have hidden the senator in an ice bath, they did deceive the public into electing a dying man. According to an interview with Pittman’s personal physician, Dr. A.J. “Bart” Hood, the senator did suffer a heart attack on November 4, 1940, but he did not die that night. Dr. Hood told Pittman's political lieutenants that there was nothing he could do to save Pittman. Quietly, the senator's associates moved him into Washoe General Hospital. A coronary disease specialist who was flown to Reno from San Francisco concluded, once Pittman regained consciousness, that death was imminent. On November 10, 1940, United States Senator Key Pittman passed away. His supporters plan worked and Governor Edward Carville appointed Democrat Berkley Bunker to take the late senator’s seat.>> <<@CrazyAboutVinylRecords says : If these morons end up getting their way and convince Biden to end his campaign it will be the last straw for me as a democrat. I swear I will vote for Trump. Screw it.>> <<@michaelgreen776 says : Kamala Harris should replace Joe Biden as the first Indian (female) president.>> <<@dannyeverette4551 says : THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR HIM , THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY AT ALL...YOUR DESTROYING DEMOCRACY>> <<@phillipharris7285 says : I AM VOTING FOR BIDEN>> <<@phillipharris7285 says : Joe Biden should stay on the ticket or we will lose. Democrats always fvck up stuff up!>> <<@georgedakoglou2930 says : ΙΠΠΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΑΚΟΓΛΟΥ Ο ΣΟΦΟΣ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΛΓΕΒΡΙΚΗ ΛΥΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΕΙΟΥ ΘΕΩΡΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΕ ΤΗΣ ΤΡΙΑΔΕΣ ΔΑΚΟΓΛΟΥ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΤΟ ΕΤΟΣ 1987 ( ΠΟΕ3 ΧΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΟΔΟΣ 2912-2013) ΕΠΙΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΟ ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΕΙΟΥ ΘΕΩΡΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΑΠΑΝΤΑΤΑΙ ΟΧΙ ΜΟΝΟ ΣΤΗ ΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΙΑ ΑΛΛΑ ΣΕ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΚΛΑΔΟΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ.ΣΤΟ ΑΡΘΡΟ ΑΥΤΟ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΑΝΑΔΕΙΞΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΑΡΙΘΜΗΤΗΚΗ-ΑΛΓΕΒΡΙΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΤΥΧΗ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΔΑΚΟΓΛΟΥ ΕΝ ΖΩΗ ΤΟ ΕΤΟΣ 2024 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ>> <<@Beantowndude says : Lmao now you want to replace him but it’s too late in 3 states so far more to come, democrats will automatically lose Wisconsin Nevada and Georgia as of right now good luck giving republicans 22 free electoral votes 😂😂😂 dam>> <<@johnmartin3735 says : Biden brought this country outta the gutter period‼️‼️🇺🇸🇺🇸🔱🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@bobsamuel1567 says : Biden has Parkinsonism, a neurologist tells The Free Press: On yesterday’s (July 2, 2024) Front Page, Emily Yoffe called for the president to address questions about his fitness for office by undergoing a medical assessment conducted by a group of independent doctors and making the findings public. Dear Ms. Yoffe, I read your piece in The Free Press on President Biden’s obvious neurologic illness. Neurologists frequently make diagnoses by observation. In fact, most movement disorder diagnoses are made by direct observation or description by patients and families. Mr. Biden has Parkinsonism, an umbrella term that refers to neurologic conditions that cause slowed movements, rigidity, and tremors. By observation, he has a masked face, reduced blinking, stiff and slow gait, hunched posture, low volume voice, imbalance, freezing, mild cognitive disturbance, and difficulty turning. I have seen one video of tremor. All these diagnose Parkinsonism. He would need further investigation by experts to determine which specific disease within the broad term he has, such as idiopathic Parkinson’s disease or another specific disease. While there is no cure for the many conditions comprising Parkinsonism, there are effective treatments for many of the symptoms. By failing to get a diagnosis, the president is denying himself such treatments, and so worsens his own situation.>> <<@blt3120 says : Hell yeah keep Dopey Joe the clown on the ticket. Why wait until January 21st just put Trump in the Whitehouse TODAY!!! The threat to democracy crap they’re spewing = keeping the swamp. The swamp has to be drained! It’s coming baby.. hear that Trump train rolling down the tracks.>> <<@michaelk2535 says : Dementia and physical weakness are now considered a style 😂>> <<@Marie-pw8dl says : Biden must stay in the Presidential race. He is a million times better in everything compared to Trump. 1 bad debate does not destroy his ability, credibility and personality. democratic members should not be worried Bout Biden and should not be trapped by their negative thoughts that Biden is no good. Democrats shd lift up and support Biden instead of pushing him more down and destroy him in the media. By doing that...they are helping Trump to win in the next election. look at Republican...they stick through thick n thin with Trump even though Trump ran the country in a very chaotic way and lies a lot about the election without any evidence. He can do that again in 11/2024 especially that most of the SC JUSTICES ARE TRumps appointees and no matter how bad d public look at them as TRUMP'S JUSTICES, still Republicans is supporting him. There are 2 choices only for the race, 1 lier and leader of MAGA n the other is a leader of Americans. Easy to choose...Biden! So Demokrats should making noise bc this is damaging Democratic Party. .>> <<@michaelpruitt34 says : You want to by a bridge? They said Joe lyed equally>> <<@TheMediatorOfChaos says : Biden needs to be replaced ASAP>> <<@TRUMP-2024-MAGA says : This guy as the rest of them are scared crapless. MILITARY TRIBUNAL starts in 2025...😂😂😂>> <<@user-jz8bv7dh7k says : 😂 karma>> <<@irmabrizuela1293 says : The Debate.. “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” I assume that you know this story about two weavers who promise the emperor a new suit of clothes that will be invisible to those who are stupid or unfit for their positions. While they in reality do not make any clothes at all, they make everyone believe that the clothes are invisible to them. When the emperor parades before his subjects in his new “clothes,” no one dares to say that they do not see any suit of clothes on him for fear that they will be seen as stupid. But finally, there is somebody who unmasks the truth –– (spoiler alert!) –– a child who cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!” "The Emperor's clothes were not invisible; they were simply nonexistent this debate captures the essence of this classic tale. It highlights the deceitful nature of our current situation. Mr Biden is the Emperor….>>