<<@mikeanderson9266 says : Does this mean that Democrat that donated to Biden can get their monies back via court if he gets fired? I think so...feel like we were all lied to maybe more lies that Biden will stay in the election?>> <<@charliegermany9449 says : This will NOT get better ! Does anyone think he can get better over 4.5 more years>> <<@charliegermany9449 says : This is horrible - The DNC failed America protecting him>> <<@dobermanpac1064 says : Obama orchestrated this coup>> <<@goldennugget1014 says : Please don’t go Joe.😢 Trump needs you on the ballot! 😁>> <<@LoiceOchweri says : Ageism aka OLD is NOT a character flaw all of us if we are lucky will get there....the other guy😢 well...>> <<@tomhogue3921 says : New York time - what a joke>> <<@tomhogue3921 says : Those deep state bastards will be held accountable - Trump will be president>> <<@VegasViki says : Who allowed Hunter to be in meetings, writing speeches for Joe? Has Hunter been the force running gov for his dad? Someone should kick the whole bunch out! Governors should do this to protect our country. Forget congress they only worry about their pocketbooks.>> <<@carolprice1389 says : I wonder does anyone who watches this video know what is at stake for all Americans???A bad Debate doesn't matter when we have a president who knows how to do the job as president!!!Joe Biden is a best hope to stop a con artist who's a want to be dictator getting back in the white house there is no one else who knows how to do the job and unlike Donald Trump joe Biden cares no matter what party you vote for Joe Biden knows that we are all Americans no matter what politics you agree with we are Americans and that is what counts to joe Biden he said as much when he became president of the United States of America!!! From the get go this is how are president is!!!Now think of the opposite of joe Biden do you want your children and your children's children have there lives be considered to be worthless because the only people that Donald Trump think is important is the wealthy the 4% and do you think that your children will be able to see a doctor??? Only if they are in the 4% even the people who do what Donald trump tells them to do there lives are worthless except for Donald Trump to use and throw away because they are not in the 4%All education will be destroyed in America by Donald trump and the Republican party it will be like it was in the dark ages of England people who don't have a education arr easy to control because they won't know better because they will have no education Ask yourself is this the future that you want for your children and your children children's??? Stand up not for the political party but for the freedoms and rights that your children won't have if Donald trump gets back into the white house it's as simple as that chose and know what the ramifications of that choice is going to be!!!>> <<@naoquerotercarteiradetrabalho says : gente não sei porquê mas adoro ver o jornal dos estados unidos, mesmo não entendendo porra nenhuma eu acho muito chique>> <<@jackbraddell1124 says : He couldn't pass a job interview for a janitorial company.>> <<@zanzikar7 says : I hope Joe stays in. It's not fair to those who voted for him to have him drop out, but when are the democrats ever fair. Also, it's not the person, it's the policy. So they can run Michelle Obama and it wont matter because she would enact the same policies as Joe Biden would, if not worse then his policies.>> <<@claudemarchand1196 says : he is ripe for maggots>> <<@masterspud777 says : Age doesn't matter amirite?>> <<@BentoDeSago says : Biden is not with all faculties to be the current President , leu alone the next one.>> <<@dsadik666 says : No one should take this propaganda Network or New York Times which is a DNC Democrat propaganda company serious. Remember a week ago they said Biden was fine. They've been lying and gaslighting to you since 2016.>> <<@billpriddy9326 says : NO! Please stay in so Trump can wipe the floor with him.>> <<@GregoryFranzoni-cc9dt says : Here’s the question of the day for President Biden that he walks away from whenever it is asked … What makes you think that you are capable of discharging the duties of President of the United States when you haven’t made a decision in many months? Only the Democrats push the so-called “Threat to Democracy”! We live in a Republic, not a Democracy, and anyone who believes otherwise is stupid.>> <<@greathenares says : New York Times, et tu Brutus? Why did you sink a dagger into democracy’s heart?>> <<@armandodejesus3060 says : Biden will still win by a landslide. Debate is not the job of POTUS, yet a President must be a law abiding citizen, not a criminal.>> <<@lavendereucalyptus3225 says : At this point, anyone supports Biden is supporting elderly abuse. Biden’s families should be ashamed! They don’t seem to care about his well being and they hope to keep him in the position so they can continue reaping money and power pouring into Biden families. It’s a family empire business. These politicians don’t have an ounce of patriotism, it’s about building their own power and wealth, not about building the country!>> <<@CaptainMiiiidnight says : Unnecessary- knee jerk over reaction that has set a dark tone where there needn't have been one. The headline SHOULD HAVE BEEN - Convicted Felon & Sex Offender Donald Trump LIES for 90 Minutes Straight 🤬✌️>> <<@monkeyboy4746 says : Joe, ignore this MAGA newspaper, it's only good for lining pigeon cages anyway.>> <<@rogerpierce8200 says : Biden has a great history of coming back from setbacks. Don't count him out.>> <<@rogerpierce8200 says : CNN has no credibility left, they are nothing but propagandist. Bye, bye CNN you are done.>> <<@katykristensen302 says : https://youtu.be/_f2Z30j61aw?si=LH0I5eOc0J4qxxRx>> <<@pierredm says : Oh, they finally get that the democrat narrative is broken and can’t win.>> <<@djtherock7062 says : everybodys gettin excited about Trump they will be able to pay rent and Buy food again>> <<@LightweightTrojan says : This clearly shows that any of these so called “journalists” at NYT, ABC, CNN etc are not real journalists. They are protesters with a microphone. The writing has been on the wall for years now. Any real journal would have investigated this.>> <<@AM-nx2vm says : BOYCOTT THE NY TIMES AND CNN.>> <<@AM-nx2vm says : F THE NY TIMES AND CNN.>> <<@AM-nx2vm says : DROP YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NY TIMES AND CNN. TRAITORS.>> <<@mikethespike6304 says : We don't know if he can make it the next 4 months never mind the next 4 yrs .. Hey Dem's how about a replacement ? MAGA>> <<@ReneeJoan says : Well, well, well. Hey, NYT Editorial Board. Trump’s pocket Supreme Court has now given him License to Kill (as long as it’s an “official act”). Still think Biden should exit the race? Still think the ONLY candidate who has EVER beaten Trump in an election should simply bow out and leave Trump to run unopposed, Putin-style? I used to look up to The NY Times as the standard-bearer of ethical, trustworthy journalism. After yesterday’s editorial, I haven’t been so DISGUSTED by The NY Times since Walter Duranty denied the Ukrainian Famine in 1933, denounced and ridiculed those journalists who DID cover and expose the Famine, and by default acted as Stalin’s stooge and Press Secretary. Who bought you? With today’s Supreme Court ruling giving Trump absolute immunity for his “official acts” (um, has Maggie Haberman managed to get her hands on the Supreme Court’s List of Official Acts so we all know what the President is allowed to do and not allowed to do? Will Joe Biden be given the same immunity if HE calls on the Navy Seals to “take out” Trump Bin Laden-style?), and your call for Biden to drop out of the race, I guess you’ve decided to adopt Fox’s role in the media before Trump comes gunning for YOU. Trust me, Trump/Robespierre has his sights on the Fourth Estate. It’ll be a hot day in the Ninth Circle of Hell before I will trust anything printed by anyone at The NY Times ever again. Or before I drop another penny on a subscription. Will tomorrow’s Opinion from the Editorial Board be a defense of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, an endorsement of Trump’s plan to hand over the entire territories of Ukraina to Moscow, and the genocide of all Ukrainians? I guess we’ll find out tomorrow — on Fox News — what the Editorial Board of The NY Times supports now. I think I’ll start getting my news from David Pecker and The National Enquirer. At least THEY can be relied upon to always give you the truth: If the NE prints X, “not X” = The Truth. Not only do I feel disgusted, I feel betrayed. By you. The Great Grey Lady of New York. Oh. But I hate to criticize without offering some avenue for reform and redemption. Why don’t you send Maggie Haberman to investigate whether or not Biden WAS on drugs the night of last Thursday’s debate? Don’t overlook the obvious, and of course, keep in mind that old journalist’s adage, “Follow the Money.” Trump has been loudly “trumpeting” for months that Biden would be on drugs at the debate. Might that have been a “tell”? Is it possible that someone drugged Biden somehow so that he would be uncharacteristically confused, tongue-tied, forgetful, and low-energy? I hate to impute the honour of the Secret Service, but while even I find it unlikely, I still admit that it is POSSIBLE. Especially when THE NEXT DAY, at the rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, he was the same old Biden — articulate, sharp, as full of “p*ss and vinegar” as always. Why is the Editorial Board buying into Trump’s propaganda that Biden is a washed-up, brain-rotted, old fuddy duddy doddering around like the reincarnation of Reagan’s final year in office — when Thursday night’s debate was so clearly NOT Biden’s usual demeanor at all? Why not dig a little deeper into why a man who is normally energetic, sharp, articulate, and quick with accurate facts to support his statements suddenly so “off” and then back “on” the very next day? Everyone knows that Trump a) lies, b) denies everything, even when millions of people watched it live on camera, c) and accuses his rivals of the very behaviors he himself engages in. I was a little surprised that Biden refused to take any drug test before the debate. I figured he would, and that he would then double-dog-dare Trump to take a drug test, too. But guess Biden thought it would beneath his dignity to acquiesce to such a demeaning suggestion — on par with the Town Lothario demanding that his bride publickly PROVE she’s virgin on their wedding night. So, instead of Biden calling Trump’s bluff, he left himself vulnerable to Trump bribing someone to introduce some drug into Biden’s food or water somehow. And, of course, now it’s too late — all the evidence would be metabolized and eliminated. And, of course, Trump will deny it, and of course, I’ll be accused of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” and of engaging in the same idiotic conspiracy theories as the MAGATS. Well, I’ll cop to TDS. But as the Great Sherlock Holmes/A.C. Doyle would say, “When you have eliminated the probable, the remainder, however improbable, must be the TRUTH!” My goodness! Don’t they teach anyone to read these days? (That’s from C.S. Lewis, by the way, for the illiterate among us.)>> <<@jasonjohnson3119 says : A dozen little nerdy writers shouldn't have any say on our democracy to ask POTUS to step aside after one debate. Idiots! 🇺🇲>> <<@Melrose51653 says : Call for Trump to give it up. Have you watched his last dozen public statements? CNN enabled Trump by allowing his usual diatribe and not insisting on the exercise be an actual debate. How weak to assume Biden is not capable of holding office.>> <<@niltomega2978 says : I feel that Biden is the perfect leader for the Democrat party. He's old, irrelevant, incoherent and out of touch>> <<@kdc-nb5fw says : No! Biden must stay.>> <<@nataliemills6644 says : Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Biden is the same capable, confident man he was the day before the debate. I blame whoever the hell it was who prepped him for the debate. They obviously didn’t understand how to engage with a psychopath. If I was Biden, I would have replied to everyone of Trump’s 99 second spews of lies with Gee how am I supposed to respond to 20 lies in 90 seconds? Here let me pick one.>> <<@michaelbaker7021 says : Biden won the primaries! Now the FAKE news that cover up all his mental issues for 4 years is acting amazed.>> <<@flourchylde says : For years CNN has been gaslighting us about Biden's condition. Now, they are changing their tune. I am so over CNN.>> <<@eggshan86 says : TRUMP 2024!!!!!!>> <<@georgegeanon3226 says : According to Hillary Clinton Biden is the best debater ever! It is political suicide according to her to debate & WIN against Donald Trump. Why is Jill Biden pushing Joe Biden to move forward with his candidency isn't that elderly abuse?>> <<@reaperdragon1 says : Yet another example that things only matter when the oligarchs say they do, the people dont matter in this "democracy">> <<@reaperdragon1 says : Crazy how it took him embarrassing himself in a debate for all of these oligarchs to realize what the people have been saying for months>> <<@MrPatgiard says : This flawed democratic process will again result in US citizens electing the President that they deserve. Democrats were most responsible for electing Trump in 2016 when they chose to run the wife of a former President as candidate, rather than bringing in fresh talent. The stubbornness in refusing to recognize Biden's senility will be causing a lower vote turnout for Democrats.>> <<@user-vz4eg6pc5m says : Question— When has The NY Times called for Donald Trump to drop out? After any of his criminal convictions? When he spent 10 ranting about electrical boats and sharks? After the debate when every word out of his mouth was a lie and he refused to answer even 1 question? Perhaps the Democratic Party should call to oust the Board of the New York Times!>> <<@edriley2703 says : Joe needs to save what little legacy he has left and bow out stage left.>> <<@user-sp4gk4yt3p says : CNN, msnbc , liberal media's fault for covering up for the worse president in modern history . Had they told the truth a year ago , we wouldn't be in this situation . Democrat no more .>>