<<@PSUK says : Bit, late now CNN. Why didn't you confront the liar at the time of the debate???>> <<@user-bg9fs5xx6g says : CNN was fckd up. They let trump lied. Why didn't they interrupt knowing the fact that that idiot was lying. Fck cnn>> <<@espenthoresen998 says : Joe biden didn’t lie what a joke 😂😂😂>> <<@conradsunkiojack7428 says : And you CNN never shouted from the top of your lungs about Trump's lies. You're all sickening.>> <<@SeveroDavid-gm6pl says : It was Biden caught lying the whole time! And you guys are pathetic. 😢>> <<@robthom09 says : I heard trump lying about every 15 seconds>> <<@dereckbrannigan6195 says : Jennings looking for his next job. Deplorable>> <<@davidwhite5438 says : FK CNN.>> <<@cheeseman417 says : CNN - Corrupt News Network>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Apparently trumps cult want to see our national debt by trump previously had risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office. That's cult fans is nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country. Cult fans know not what thev do.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Benito Mussolini created the world's first Fascist dictatorship not just as a counter to the powerful Italian left-that's a well-known story-but also as a desperate act to avoid prosecution," explained Ben-Ghiat, author of Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present, in 2018. As they were grasping for power, Mussolini and his fascist allies used pardons of supporters to strengthen their position.>> <<@annieh5479 says : Gish Gallop: spewing lies so fast the opponent has trouble keeping up.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Judge a man by his deeds and the merits of his character. Biden has a speech impediment. —-Key Fear Of Public Speaking Statistics Around 15 million people deal with glossophobia (fear of public speaking) on a daily basis. 75% of the population has a fear of public speaking. That means more than 200 million people feel nervous about talking to others. 40 million people in the U.S. aged 18 or older suffer from different forms of anxiety when it comes to public speaking. 89.4% of patients with social anxiety disorder have a fear of public speaking. 90% of the population reports some "shyness" when it comes to giving a public speech.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Burgum confirms Trump is a habitual liar and lying is what he's good at and being a liar to the American people is nothing new.- According to the ultranationalist 'The Hill, "I think that the whole manufactured thing this morning of that Donald Trump has said something that he hasn't said before - I mean, everything that he said on Thursday night, he's been saying before. I mean, so this is not news," Doung Burgum the North Dakota governor, was responding to a question on whether Trump should stop repeating false information, as he did on the debate stage Thursday. -CNN, which hosted the debate Thursday, made clear at the outset that moderators would not be responsible for live fact-checking of the candidates' statements. Still, the more than 30 false claims Trump made during the debate prompted criticism among pundits and the public.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : So let me get this straight: The so-called "originalists" on the Supreme Court have essentially given the U.S. president the power of monarchs. Just days before the 4th of July, mind you. The hypocrisy is staggering.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Pope Francis had a perceptive take on the necessity of humor while hosting an audience of popular comedians, stating, "How much we need to learn from you!" he said, saying, "The laughter of humor is never 'against' anyone, but is always inclusive, purposeful, eliciting openness, sympathy, empathy." — donnie's cult are you listening? The pope said it is also possible to "laugh at God," saying, "this is not blasphemy" but involves teasing God "just as we play and joke with the people we love." "It is possible to do this without offending the religious sentiments of believers, especially the poor," he said, and urged comedians to "Continue to cheer people up, especially those who have the hardest time looking at life with hope." Donnie's cult are you listening?>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Trump is the Fibbers Epicenter of Hogwash, unfortunately he's the Republican raging prevaricator who is financially benefiting from foreign funds who are supporting pro-Russian, anti-Ukrainian military forces, pro-Dictatorship regimes, anti-democracy Republicans, and Trumpian pro-Authoritarian policies.>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : A bad day doesn’t mean the overthrow of a democracy by a 100% fibber who fibs every breathing moment is in our best interests. Absolutely appalling to not remember Biden’s deeds and forget Trump’s lies. Like they’re in a parallel universe. Apparently, far left democrats are on the same ladder as the far right republicans going up and down without any direction what’s rightly going up and what’s wrongly coming down.>> <<@user-zi6vb6sq6i says : wtf happen to this guy he don’t have a scheme for liars in life tv>> <<@H.L.-fj6zd says : Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens, but also political candidates like JD Vance in Ohio and Joe Kent in Washington and Representatives Madison Cawthorne, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar and Wisconsin's Ron Johnson. For the most part, these are Republicans, yet there are those who identify as left-leaning or are registered Democrats who strongly support Putin. One of those is former Representative Tulsi Gabbard.>> <<@joshuawarner3448 says : Its so easy to fact check tRump in real time. HE ONLY FN LIES!!! No matter what he says, u can guarantee it's a lie. Biden expected "we the people" to know this by now, some 50 million tRump lies later and climbing. It's so obvious tRump cannot tell the truth. Biden shouldn't waste his limited time pointing these lies out. We all know tRumps words are lies. All baseless in fact, reality, and sanity. Taking that into consideration, I think Biden did great. I'd rather vote for Biden if he was in a wheelchair and half brain dead than vote for a wannabe dictator that wipes his a** on the constitution, and the American people on a 100x daily basis. Which is the only real surprise, since he wears diapers.>> <<@pauladixon7725 says : 🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘⚘>> <<@jlkaraoke1 says : Andy Beshear for president and save our country.>> <<@celisachoo7900 says : Wasn’t trump under drugs?>> <<@patriciabeck7293 says : Americans need to wake up and rèalize we're not getting enough from our news programs. They all need to be more aggressive on the home front. Americans need to be informed about Project 25. We are not being educated by our news sources. Americans are in trouble and we need your help. Americans need to be told the truth about trump's lies. Our Supreme Court is no longer governing for our countries resident's. Americans need to pay attention to the horrendous ideas and lies coming out of the mouth of a fascist wannebee leader.>> <<@cafl9844 says : Yes Trump did constantly lie so the question is why didn't you CNN do your journalistic job and correct him on these lies?>> <<@deiettramalone7796 says : CNN has gone to the dogs!>> <<@JaapFeitsma-qi8ct says : A lie is an official act, of course.>> <<@francisyu2790 says : Biden's fumbles or infirm poses do not cancel out his strengths. Sure, his presentation was poor. But whoever sold his policies like a reasonable adult was definitely not Trump.>> <<@nathangros7492 says : In Switzerland we have a political system with 7 people representing the country instead of 1 president. If one is a liar or has Alzheimer, we have 5 others to represent the country. Maybe the USA need this …>> <<@dorischong4781 says : CNN is a sham.>> <<@tommyswan1413 says : TRUMP WAS THE TERROR FOR THE FOUR MISERABLE YEARS HE WAS IN OFFICE >>>>>>>>>>>>> >:O>> <<@eiteluwhat says : Left wing nuts in this thread, hilarious.>> <<@lorrainevezeau-kq3jg says : I don’t watch CNN Anymore you guys have gone with trump. You guys are afraid of trump just like the others 😂 i hope there are less coward than brave Americans because otherwise you are in trouble with trump and the rest of the world>> <<@user-cx2tg7um7e says : CNN DID NOTHING TO CORRECT TRUMP'S LIES!>> <<@willardnieman9269 says : Biden just needs to slow down. It looked like he was trying to cove to much, to fast.>> <<@archangelvvv says : Not only did The 34 Felony Convicted Criminal Con Man Trump tell a lie every 100 seconds, to date he has told more than 50,000 LIES! He simply can't stop LYING because it's the only language he knows 100% IDENTICAL to the Devil!>> <<@NavCom209 says : And we're talking about replacing #PresidentBiden. Sick>> <<@Bidensucks-wk3ux says : Rightt!!. Illegals arent taking jobs from Americans.>> <<@roberthoeller5516 says : Better as sleepy Joe than a tyrannical and lying Trump.>> <<@richardhamilton2490 says : Trump lies from sun up to sun down everything he says is a lie HELL at this point I think him and Putin are tied for telling the most lies.>> <<@collettejackson-fink1867 says : What about fact checking Biden? He lied too. CNN we already know where you stand.>> <<@febianphiri3823 says : Leadership is consistency>> <<@courtneybrubaker9738 says : We are up for blue the next four years. Anyone but Trump>> <<@courtneybrubaker9738 says : Where is the outrage over trumps bshit???? Seriously>> <<@jefferyfite7122 says : Scaramucci doesnt really have much creditbility. Just another disgruntled fired employee. Of course hes going to bash his ex boss.>> <<@eddieoriordan4002 says : Why did CNN not fact check Trump....disgraceful from the hosts>> <<@user-re3nl6oy9r says : And “the Big Guy” collecting 10% in Ukraine is clean as a whistle. Only in America! 🇺🇸 😂>> <<@widowmaker7462 says : Hey Scaramucci Trump's performance was way better than your sorry performance on the Special Forces show. What a poor excuse for a man you showed. Little 21 year old girls lasted longer.>> <<@thejediway says : What? We don't have to watch Trump's rallies to know what is a lie and what is the truth. In fact, those who don't listen to Trump's rallies know the difference between truth and lies. Those who watch and attend Trump's rallies obviously don't know the difference between truth and lies. She really got that wrong!>>