<<@The.jokes.on.you1997 says : It’s hard when trump acts like a child and especially being 80 the fact that this is what we have to represent us is sad. We need a younger man to lead a generation of young people not two old men who both act like kids.>> <<@FRAME5RS says : Not explainable? Two words...speechwriter and teleprompter. Speaking off the top of his head? His brains have turnwd to applesauce. Not acceptable>> <<@zemorakeller6725 says : What about the 25th Amendment?>> <<@peteradams8096 says : The doctors got his drug cocktail wrong, sometimes they get him up and sometimes they don't. Blame his wife, she should take him home and make him a cup of tea, this man is unwell>> <<@DottieA says : People have listed 15 lies Biden told. The Dems keep saying Trump lied, but they don't say what lies they claim he told.>> <<@stevenbutcher4177 says : President Biden is putting the USA at risk, he must step down!! Lots of wars under him Americans being killed by Biden’s Open borders!!! Put Americans first All Americans reporters Good to see you asking real questions! We’ve been lied to for 3 years!!! Help us, reporters Keep asking for truth and transparency!!!>> <<@jaxgeomapping says : We need Obama back>> <<@sharmaupendra6266 says : Robert Wolf you are like all Dems who harp on that Trump lied all the time without ever giving a shade or an ounce of proof while in fact....Let me ask you where were you? perhaps smoking or sniffing when your Hero raising his voice said not a single service man died in Afghanistan under his watch. You are buddy with Joe and must have played golf .Hurry up to tell the world when last week you played golf and how Joe finished par - 48 like Jong Yung Jill the Korean Dictator who jointly holds the record in.......”You know the thing" . Pathetic, good that you never hear you talk.>> <<@DavidHancock-fw7tt says : Robert Wolf is a perfect example the democrats & hate w they don’t think. He didn’t mention that CNN was going to fact check Trump’s lies & then declded not to. I know why.>> <<@rodyep3136 says : This has very little to do with Biden, the people that are pulling the strings behind his administration don't want to lose"their" power.>> <<@miltonlewis7230 says : As planned>> <<@Wizardof says : Yes he does. And he's got something planned. And they are OFFICIAL acts. 😊😊😊>> <<@stevenhall9349 says : It’s quite obvious that Mr. Wolf don’t give two hoots and hell about America or it’s people all that matters to him is power>> <<@IanG66 says : Dems vote the party line, no matter how ridiculous or disgusting their platform is. Brandon is simply not fit to be the president of our country, yet these people still vote for him, knowing that he can't lead! In fact - this is the performance we all expected from him in the 2019 debates, but at that time the cocktail of cocaine and Adderall worked. This is not a one-off for slow-Joe - this is really him full time without the drugs. BTW - Trump should have asked Joe whose cocaine it was they found int he WH??????? LOL>> <<@georgestockdall1566 says : They will replace him last minute with someone new to the scene and the new guy syndrome will kick in>> <<@joerichardwad1645 says : The fact that the polls are still this close, shows how terrible both these candidates are.>> <<@diehardeaglesfansince1994 says : What happened was you werent able to hide him in a dark corner of the White House when it came time to debate>> <<@HR-nl7fc says : Yes, Robert, with his finger on the trigger, it is HIS decision. . . .you don’t find this worrisome?>> <<@TheTeach56 says : Biden is straining to listen to the whisperer in his ear ... watch his strange facial expressions - that's why they insisted on turning the opponent's mic off...>> <<@craiglittlefield9956 says : Trump 2024 👍👍👍>> <<@Floki-b8x says : Biden moves like a sims character & sounds like one too>> <<@forrestmonarch7577 says : Wolf lives in delulu land. Apparently jobamas handlers mixed up the hypodermics and injected him with the sleepy time dose...>> <<@dsellers4003 says : Biden didn't get his drugs.....>> <<@snelgrave101 says : If there is a debate in September, does trump get to call the shots on how it's moderated? Every part of this debate was in joes favour, venue, moderators, no audience, mic cutting capabilities, probably even questions.>> <<@americanatheart110 says : This Dem guy is delusional>> <<@user-si5dn5gf8b says : I believe Biden was over- medicated , which would explain his incoherent speech !!!>> <<@brettalan3209 says : teleprompters is the difference maker. He needs puppeteers and teleprompter.>> <<@matttrafton2725 says : Biden is determined to go down in flames. i guess>> <<@welcomeranch says : Unbelievable! This man does not care for our country.>> <<@sandrabarnette5996 says : Did Biden have an ear bud in his right ear during the Debate. He put his finger in his ear. Was he adjusting it? What about the drug test. What’s he afraid of?>> <<@dinavereecke192 says : You don’t know what happened do you people live under a rock this man should have never been allowed in office and now he has declined to the point he is no longer in charge and a wife that is in charge that should terrify you>> <<@markduncan6690 says : Biden has His Party’s Faithful! That won’t save him though!>> <<@SemisiTuineau says : Biden is non coherent and sold America too China because China has got documents about Biden>> <<@gailmcbride6333 says : This is a guy who doesn’t care anything about our Country, this guy is in lala land, Biden is the same bumbling guy he has been through out his Presidency, where has this guy been.?>> <<@mrazyone says : I am sorry this guy is a bed wetter. Rhetoric y It's pretending nothing happened in this debate. All is well nothing to see here>> <<@user-ef1nq2fd7p says : This guy is not for America. He will vote for any democrat.>> <<@usethetools says : STAUNCH DEMOCRAT???? SOMEONE NEEDS THEIR EYES OPENED... NOT ALL REPUBS ARE GOOD GUYS AND FEW IF ANY DEM ARE.>> <<@JohnDoe-ex5en says : Biden was simply intimidated by being on the same stage with Trump, he melted like a popsicle, did you see how fast he recovered after he left the stage?>> <<@SB-ju8ki says : Wolf is crazy…he knows Biden is incapable of running this country!>> <<@tornadochaser1969 says : Liars.trump 2024 maga>> <<@stevelyons2744 says : What are those people smoking? They would vote for a bowl of pudding if it were democRAT. Can you say "cult", boys and girls?>> <<@billanderson2217 says : Biden has singlehandedly Collapsed the entire Democrat Party. They are living in futal denial.>> <<@fredtorns5632 says : Now that Jack Smith is unemployed the RNC should hire him to go after Joe and everybody in the White House LOL>> <<@jimtruscott5670 says : The same person was present in both events: one appearance drugged,one not.>> <<@williamfiederlein790 says : Fox, you forgot about Tower 22, Jordan, ( 28 January 2024) (3 U.S. soldiers Killed, many injuries 20+. They were not added with Afghanistan withdrawal 13 killed Biden said none on his watch in debate and Biden and you forgot about the three on Tower 22. Ty>> <<@pamelasuzetterogers9908 says : Why should they have to be prepped for a debate President Trump wasn’t>> <<@robertunterzuberii8122 says : This guy is delusional>> <<@maC2much459 says : This is just wrong. We see what happened when the Supreme Justice didn’t step away while Obama was in Office. So we have a sad Supreme Court. Now we see Joe as an old, decrepit man will continue to fade out. Dr. Jill needs to stop being so selfish and tell Joe the truth. Step down, think of the country not yourself.>> <<@SIBk11228 says : so full of BS!! Wake up people!!!>> <<@aleksandarskular6760 says : You are in denial, not disbelief!>>