<<@user-zn6gz4ub7w says : What Trump and Mike Johnson has planned to do first thing will result in every family in America paying an extra $5,000 per year just to pay for basic needs. Go ahead and refuse to believe me. His plan for another tax break for the wealthy and HIMSELF on top of an international 10% tariff will set the economy on fire. Trump is an evil con man. Figure it out. By the way he plans to increase taxes on the non-wealthy.>> <<@Osamaa-sm5cf says : This could backfire>> <<@escribed2575 says : Who the heck wants an authoritarian america. Take away rights that's already underway, disbanding of the states and the govt, one ruler autonomous, the homeless gets arrested yay, all looks akin to russia and north korea, hey you'll get that New World Order strengthening ties with the two, fun. Read project2025>> <<@banditva8040 says : Biden now can claim trump is a threat to the US and have him assassinated..Legally.... Biden if dont like election results. He can tell poll workers you don't make the vote i like want. You will go to jail. Legally.>> <<@edwardausmus6907 says : So Biden now has immunity. He should have trump and the g.o.p. Arrested on being traitors. We no they are guilty we have been watching the trump soap opera for car to long. Vote blue.>> <<@FC-rg1vk says : Corrupted supremely dysfunctional court love how trump will assissinate all dissenters !!!!! Fascism in the U.S. !!!!!!! Love it!!!>> <<@ocean694 says : With this immunity, Biden could send trump to jail for national security reason.>> <<@adelaalcala1616 says : You people better wake up! trump is going to take this USA straight to hell!!!>> <<@bionicman1921 says : KING BIDEN.....PLEASE RESTORE WOMEN RIGHTS.....>> <<@gustavomagana2281 says : Go ahead and do what you want Biden you have full immunity for the next 4 1/2 years. 👍🏼 😅>> <<@iosca40 says : I LOVE IT - TRUMP MY FOREVER KING>> <<@user-kz5cw2gj3w says : Pres. Biden, here is your chance to show that two can play this game. You can now trump Mr. Trump by exercising this ruling and have him arrested under 'threat to national security' laws. You say we must stop him. Well here's is your chance to prove you mean it!>> <<@brettricia1 says : Parallel -> Germany 1933 - I prefer Democracy - What has happened to the GOP/supreme court?>> <<@its69degreesoutside says : Actually discussing this on tv means youve accepted the orange witch can do whatever and like that..its all gone...😂>> <<@ENZIO90 says : The Supreme Court made trump a dictator! If trump wins he will do what all dictators do. TRUMPS IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY FROM YOU!!!!!>> <<@PBAJ10 says : You know who else had presidential immunity? Hint: he had a tiny little mustache. We will regret this day in countless ways for many years to come.>> <<@bionicman1921 says : BIDEN MADE .....KING OF THE UNITED STATES....BY THE SUPREME COURT YESTERDAY>> <<@bionicman1921 says : KING BIDEN....REMOVE ALL REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS FROM OFFICE>> <<@dreamwell2020 says : Blood was spilled to free us from a monarchy, and enlightened intelects inspired us with their blueprint for self-governance. The MAGA movement is regressive in many ways, but mostly in its unthinking willingness to abandon that hard-won freedom. Waving the flag over this betrayal of our nation's fundamental principles adds vile insult to grievous injury.>> <<@kennethwilliams7337 says : This is the most un-american court ruling in our county's 250 year history! Presidents are not kings! Vote blue to save our democracy from an offical dictatorship.>> <<@bionicman1921 says : KING BIDEN... KING OF THE UNITED STATES FOR LIFE>> <<@bionicman1921 says : KING BIDEN ....REMOVE ALL REPUBLICAN APOINTED JUDGES>> <<@bionicman1921 says : KING BIDEN ......REMOVE ALL REPUBLICANS FROM GOVERNMENT>> <<@bionicman1921 says : SUPREME COURT....JUST MADE ....BIDEN KING .... PRESIDENT BIDEN FIRST KING OF THE UNITED STATES>> <<@TheCSTERN says : As a lifelong Republican I am appalled and ashamed that SCOTUS is no longer SUPREME , they are a biased group of tRUMP LOVERS they are telling us that there are people above the law and The Rule of Law. Impeach, Impeach, Impeach them. I was in Vietnam fighting for DEMOCRACY, SCOTUS just said to me, " if you have the cash I can be bought ">> <<@gregmijjares3725 says : Why ? Is presidenial immunity such a big surprise , its always been that way !😢>> <<@H00fhearted says : Trump is a lying rapist he will tear America in two and get richer doing it>> <<@MrBmc1966 says : Dark Brandon to Seal Team 6... "I just got authorization from SCOTUS. TAKE HIM OUT"!>> <<@inevitablesuccess6319 says : Biden: "call the seal team!" Trumpers:"Oh hell, I didn't think that one through"😂😂😂>> <<@mlk8429 says : The sitting president has a very limited and mostly ceremonial role in the process of the Electoral College, counting electors, and certifying election results. Here are the key points: Role of the States and Electors: The process begins with the individual states conducting their own elections for president and vice president. The winning party in each state typically appoints a slate of electors who are pledged to vote for their party's candidates. Meeting of Electors: On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, the electors meet in their respective states to cast their votes for president and vice president. The results are then sent to the President of the Senate. Role of Congress: The President of the Senate (who is the sitting Vice President of the United States) presides over the joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes. This session typically occurs on January 6th following the election. Ceremonial Role of the President of the Senate: During the joint session of Congress, the President of the Senate opens the certificates of the electoral votes and hands them to appointed tellers from the House and Senate, who read the votes aloud and count them. The results are then announced by the President of the Senate. Certification of Results: The President of the Senate declares the official results of the Electoral College vote. If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the decision goes to the House of Representatives for the president and the Senate for the vice president. In summary, the sitting president does not have any official duties or acts directly related to the Electoral College process or the formal counting and certifying of election results. The key role in the process is played by the President of the Senate, who oversees the counting of electoral votes in Congress.>> <<@user-yy3gk5eq3n says : I told you i like thai food . Now i'm hungry and eat fried egg stir fried basil leave . Yummy>> <<@DeathSong says : WELCOME TO RUSSIA>> <<@chillingwith84d says : Like Biden is not happy with the news from the Supreme Court... Lol... if you know you know...>> <<@JeffOliver-fw2hq says : When your king starts taking your rights away, you won't be able to blame anyone but the ones that voted this dictater into office. Trump will make your decisions>> <<@acrazymutha says : Biden said he would except what the courts find out about his son so what happened now with the immunity for a president>> <<@acrazymutha says : Biden even went on tv crying about the court's i thought he respected the law>> <<@user-ul8xu8sk5i says : So that means Biden can declare martial law, ban Christianity, and nuke the red states without consequence, right?>> <<@penny1186 says : Just remember that this ruling gives Biden immunity too. You can’t have it both ways no matter what you wish.>> <<@wc4319 says : trump is still guilty in GA, DC and FLA - Those ARE NOT Official Acts>> <<@marygilbertson9469 says : YAY !!! Think of the added power that gives Biden This is the best thing Trump has done for America 🇺🇸 ❤🎉>> <<@dr.johnpaul7374 says : Today the Supreme Court has put the burden onto the district court on deciding which is an official Act of the presidency and which is not. It would not be up to the Judge to decide, but up to the jury to make a decision based on facts and evidence if the ACT the president did was in line with his duty as president of his office or if he proceeded outside or beyond the authority of his office. So, each jury of each trial case will first have to decide if the act of President did was within his office Authority or if it was beyond his office>> <<@SOLDbyYOU says : Without an absolute clear definition of “ official acts”…. And therefore what acts are still prohibited even to the President…. Then we don’t have a President ..we have a King who is above …all….law.>> <<@SOLDbyYOU says : The great news is that Biden can have Trump disappeared and as it would be for the security of the country… it is an official act of the president… If the above statement is false… explain.>> <<@johntorres7220 says : Who's Prayer does GOD hear? The liar, the denier, or the oppressed and the poor😢.>> <<@johntorres7220 says : No One really believes T-rump is fit to run anytime but his mouth 😂He's a SAD EXCUSE of a Woman!😅.>> <<@JoeyNYSDnomad says : Case should have never been in the first place, only election interference is from Bidens puppeteers.>> <<@themayne6303 says : Finally a blatantly corrupt president that can do what he wants to do. What an awesome country>> <<@haydenwilliams1577 says : During the debate, Diaper Don lied 30 times and literally crapped himself while his mic was on.>> <<@tedrobinson372 says : Will this means that Trump inciting an insurrection will be declared an official action?>> <<@erniecope2093 says : Decision just made....CBS already putting their spin on what it actually mean and how the decision may be circumvented / or interpretation by some other moron>>