<<@MegaMark0000 says : Hillary Clinton won all 3 debates. One word. Wrong.>> <<@number4cat1 says : YES, and with anyone but the Cackling Knob-Gobbler.>> <<@etm567 says : And let's not forget his hand in the crime bill of the 1990s which put thousands and thousands of men of African American descent into prison for ridiculously long terms. He actually has bragged about this over and over again., and then, out of the other side of his lying mouth, he brags about how he is the ONLY man to stand up for African-Americans. Right, precisely after you have sent numbers of African American men in numbers never seen before and for longer sentences than ever used before. Thanks, Joe. That was fantastic. But again you outright lie and say you STAND UP for African Americans. Yeah, right again, 20 years after you made sure they went to prison for decades. Gee, I wonder why so many African American families are fatherless? Could it be because Joe R. Biden pushed through a crime bill that put those fathers in prison for decades? And then bragged about it? Oh, but, gee whiz, he only brags about this when his audience is mostly white. Never when he is appealing to African Americans. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black!" The astonishing hubris!>> <<@etm567 says : This little old lady voted for Biden because he was shoved down our throats. Now, I have left the un-Democratic Party BECAUSE of Lyin' Biden. And I would cut off my hand before I would vote for him again. AND BIDEN IS A compulsive liar, and always has been! He was forced out of his first presidential campaign BECAUSE OF HIS LIES AND HIS plagiarism! Media back then actually reported on his lies and plagiarism. That is what forced him out of the race. He said, "I've done some stupid things, and I'll probably do stupid things again." Yes, he has continued to lie, compulsively, all the time. But today's media would never tell the truth about him. They're not going to point out his numerous, endless lies: Just in the debate, he said no American soldiers had died during his presidency! That is either a lie, or a very faulty memory. 16 American servicemen died on HIS WATCH! Not to mention that he never met Mandela, much less marched with him. He NEVER marched in any civil rights march. His son did NOT die in Iraq. His mother was NOT the first woman in his family to go to college. He DID NOT graduate in the top half of his class; rather, poor thing, he graduated eighth from the BOTTOM. He DID NOT graduate with three degrees; he graduated with ONE. He was NOT NAMED outstanding political science student! NOTHING HE SAID to those journalists was true! But today's media, totally owned by the Dems, would NEVER report on Biden's lies. Oh, no -- Trump is the liar! "Joseph Robinette Biden is a man of honesty and integrity"! What utter BS! I would seriously like to know when he has EVER told the truth. Today's legacy media tell outright lies every day. Biden is ten times the liar Trump is. And when I see him talk about what a liar Trump is and how he, Biden, tells the truth, I cry inside because so many Dems believe him -- the absolute most accomplished liar I have ever witnessed. He lies absolutely effortlessly. Given that, which has been proven over and over again, how could you ever believe him?>> <<@reidnoseworthy-eb4cr says : Forget those stupid ridiculous polls and they should be abolished the poll that matters is election day>> <<@THEAdmiralXizor says : This "historian" guy is a partisan leftist. The end.>> <<@nenadpaldrmic says : Hilary won all three debates definitely a joke now and lichmann debunked forever to bias>> <<@aDogNamedCat714underdog-o7g says : If 34 felonies doesn’t cause one guy to step down, then a bad night shouldn’t either. These cry babies need to get over themselves.>> <<@aDogNamedCat714underdog-o7g says : They actually do have a track record, and it’s a losing record. Remember the red wave? Why are people so concerned about polls that have proven wrong time after time. Who’s answering an unknown number and answering questions about how they’ll vote? The polling is poor. If Biden stays in the race I am voting for him. If he chooses to step aside (and I hope that he doesn’t) I will vote for Harris (as she is the only other choice).>> <<@Cyynapse says : guessing 9 out of 10 coin flips does not mean your opinion is any more valuable>> <<@reidnoseworthy-eb4cr says : Biden as been a great president since Obama the country has moved forward why do we want to go backwards with the republican party>> <<@gretapantophlet9201 says : Humans are so disappointing, they blow up everything in the name of news. Nothing is wrong with Biden, he’s great at his job, just had a bad night. Stop this foolishness now about some 90 min debate, ignoring the facts that matter.>> <<@gretapantophlet9201 says : There is nothing to replace, Joe had a bad night, nothing more nothing less. Y’all should focus on Trumps’ lying from beginning to end and his project 2025, not a bad debate night, smh. Biden is a good man compared to lunatic Trump who is only for himself and ultimate power. Report things that matter.>> <<@Smackwater587 says : Thank you for sanity!>> <<@NadiaSeesIt says : Side note, the news anchor is stunning!>> <<@hebronharvester1487 says : He can take his keys and shove it... this election feels VERY different. His so-called keys may work for most elections, but this one is very different, and he's easily biased. He says the economy key is in Biden's favor, but not everyone thinks that... Biden could still win this, but it won't be because of his stupid biased keys. People will still mindlessly vote for a pebble since it's not Trump, and no logical key will support that>> <<@wdvest8333 says : This is a Russian bunch of shit. Trump is a Russian asset. Crickets>> <<@hollihawk1 says : I think that will be Lichtman's last appearance on TV, ever. Didn't age well😅>> <<@mrwho995 says : Litchman is a hack who got lucky. There's no deep logic or methodology behind his pseudo-'model'. It's just random guesswork. Have enough analysts make enough BS models and eventually one of them will get a good track record. Litchman is a hack and his 'model' has no logical basis beyond "I guess that feels right".>> <<@Kevin-oc2jb says : The "does not have dementia" key is the most important one this clown misses in his analysis.>> <<@user-vd6wb5ef8v says : Real time debates require quick thinking. This quick thinking does not need to be deep thinking, Shallow thinking will suffice. But this is not the essential skill for a president. On the contrary no quick thinking should be involved, It should be deep and thorough thinking, consulting relevant documents and experts. Therefore loosing debates does not tell much about presidential skills. But this debate demonstrated that Biden of uncapable of both types of thinking, being too frail.>> <<@doithimaceabhard7457 says : Lol, you don't choose to depart a king, even if he's assassinated that'll make Hunter the king.>> <<@Sam-db4mr says : There is ZERO correlation between debate skills/performances and the ability to be a successful president. This is a massive and dumb overreaction.>> <<@fryaxoof2521 says : Biden had to be ill.>> <<@catherineflemingbruceforun3157 says : More from Lichtman and other historians on presidential immunity here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOuV27dnLqo>> <<@fryaxoof2521 says : I was watching when Obama lost that debate, it was awful I didn’t believe he could get the nomination.>> <<@user-yh5gz2qr2n says : How about loyalty to your party leader.>> <<@jayacorn4719 says : To require the moderators to “fact check” Trump is ridiculous. That would have taken the entire 90 minutes while Trump argued that he was right and “didn’t have sex with a porn star.” Personally, I don’t care who a candidate has sex with. I do care about the non stop diarrhea of lying.>> <<@ralphvandergeest says : Should Clickbate Nonnews Network drop out of journalism? Hear what I think: Yes!>> <<@andylewis4898 says : what is wrong with CNN ? Just look at the woman's stinky face as they defend our president. and this is exactly why the dem party is spineless . elitist stinky face>> <<@shuth712 says : For F#€k’s Sake People… he had a little jet lag and was not feeling 100% for the debate! IT Happens to the Best of Us! He felt that way Because He’s Doing The Job of Running This Country Like NO American has Ever Seen Before!! Trump is actually JEALOUS of his performance especially under these circumstances and That’s Why he keeps Publicly Attacking him …haven’t you people figured out how Bullies Think YET??? Can we PLEASE just Get On with this thing already and Stop The Internal MELTDOWN?!? 🫵🏻😡 #Vote24JoeNotthePsycho 💙💪🏻💙💪🏻💙>> <<@GoldenEmperor5Manifest says : I mean, as long as we can defeat medicare finally. First the war on terror, now medicare.>> <<@doomtomb6522 says : *There's no way Biden wins in 2024*>> <<@monicapuspus2576 says : Thank you sir!CNN please stop making Trump great by being silent about what Trump did>> <<@thewiirocks says : These guys are smoking some strong copium. Ronald Regan was in solid control of his facilities and presented himself well in the debates. He never came across as a dottering old man with dimentia. Also, would someone please point out all these "non-stop Trump lies"? CNN had to do a fact-check on Biden, not Trump! I don't really want Trump as President again. But both the Democrats and Republicans appear to be trying hard to make it happen.>> <<@KingLouisII says : Of course there’s a double-standard here. But that’s just how it is. The difference between Trump and Biden are the supporters. Trump’s disfunction is what his supporters love. Sure, if anyone else said the things Trump said, that’d be the big story with everyone (even GOP) demanding his resignation. But that’s not the reality of where we are. At least 35% of voters are locked in to voting for Trump, with gusto, regardless of literally anything he does or says. Left/left-leaning voters are not so devout. We appropriately have standards, but some don’t really understand the dire stakes this election. We’re not trying to get new voters. We need our voters to actually turn up. I don’t think there is anyone seriously wondering which candidate they’ll vote for between Trump and Biden, but rather if they’ll vote at all. Since Trump’s cult will show regardless of anything he is, the burden is on us that oppose him.>> <<@doughnuts312 says : I honestly don’t believe that anyone younger could know and could deal with the problems President Biden is having to deal with. One of the major ones is Donald Trump so start talking about the good things he’s done and get off this boat.>> <<@doughnuts312 says : It’s embarrassing and shows lack of respect. It also shows how ignorant the American population has become, including the media who I just selling, listening time now, as opposed to reading time because the public does not want to read any more.>> <<@doughnuts312 says : you’re right being a good debater is not relevant being a good president and everyone can have an off day or off night. That’s apparently what happened here because the next day he was on fire you people need to drop this shit right away and find something else to talk about, what a liar and how crooked and what a convicted criminal Donald Trump is.>> <<@doughnuts312 says : screw the New York Times they’re editorial board includes people like George Will who is a conservative libertarian. What do they know they’re not doctors or even good judge of character? They’re trying to sell newspapers and keep their doors open so they’re looking for and telling things that will sell. Screw them!>> <<@doughnuts312 says : he’s exactly right and CNN and the other media who are questioning Biden‘s ability need to stop. You’re reporting fantasy.>> <<@SaguaroBlossom says : The commentator comparing a politician's bad debate performance to a sports coach having a bad game is a terrible analogy. "If you have a bad game, are you going to ask the fans for advice? You'd be insane!" That's true, but sports teams are, notoriously, *not* democracies. But what we're discussing here *IS.* Democracy is literally the subject, last time I checked. I just can't believe these are our 2 choices. As 1 commentaror I heard put it (no idea who) "The Mummy and the Dummy." It's time to let younger generations, the generations that will have to live with the decisions made by these 2 geezers, take over. Legacy figures are NOT owed ongoing positions.>> <<@kobieventer9497 says : you are only as good as your last performance....>> <<@DemonDog444 says : No, do not replace Biden. He's our guy, he is clearly capable and mentally fit. He's the only one in the world who can beat Trump. He must not be replaced, he's our only hope. 😂>> <<@lindaturriff6010 says : Biden is making Progress for All Americans. He is working for Us🇺🇸 Verses Trump who is working Only for Himself!🙃>> <<@fiyum333 says : people really hate allen lichtman because what he has to say doesn't match up with their own personal biases, but his track record speaks for itself. in 2016, when he predicted a trump victory against the overwhelming majority of pollsters claiming an easy hillary landslide, he was lambasted by the mainstream media for being a trump-supporting hack, but he ended up being correct there. i see absolutely no reason why he would be wrong about this election and no reason why we should continue to buy into polling, pundits, and the news-media complex.>> <<@jesus85ize says : Delusional comments I see as far as exodus.>> <<@jesus85ize says : This man is full of it.>> <<@user-xr1wd5vy6e says : 4:51 is CNN the new Fox news and support Trump now>> <<@tgees8180 says : Biden won because trump answered zero questions>>