<<@AK-nx9lg says : De-Niel is not a river in Egypt.>> <<@hdtwal1den says : Polls in GA are most definitely NOT "neck and neck">> <<@carama3590 says : Better question is why in the hell would anyone on the globe vote for Kamala mala Dingdong? If Spicoli and Snoop Dogg had a baby that’s Kamala>> <<@aaronstark1969 says : It’s Joever>> <<@ericcleesak8074 says : Mike OBAMA has 6 % - the Dems should let him run !>> <<@steveboyd9320 says : Trump is a convicted felon,that was going to be their slogan,till trump said hunter is too and all of the sudden they stopped with that crap lol dems nothing is working out for you, your LOOSING>> <<@steveboyd9320 says : CNN is the only fake news outlet that would hire these ignorant people>> <<@GeorgeKafantaris says : It is too late to switch candidates now. And Trump knows it — which is why he wants us to go that route. But we absolutely should not. In the end we will be left fractured and diminished — and our efforts to attract the fickle younger voters would succeed only in alienating the true and faithful voters who elected Biden the first time. Besides, we already have a replacement for Biden — if need be. And she was there all along doing the heavy lifting. So let things be — before our well-meaning efforts end up making things far worse. Why take a chance when the future of our country is on the line.>> <<@bloodnthuner says : They just got a replacement for Biden: Donald Trump.>> <<@UoAUoA123 says : This lady is in total denial. That debate did irreparable damage to Biden’s campaign. It’s over unless Dems grow a pair and replace Biden with a candidate who can actually spar with Trump and speak coherent thoughts in debate #2.>> <<@xavierramos6651 says : Lisa sounds like a fair individual 😂😂>> <<@jjwalker3243 says : It's sad watching the democrats forcing Joe to stay in the election. We all know what we seen during the debate. An then they have the nerve to gaslight American citizens an say he's healthy it's just truly sad an uncaring. Vote straight republican❤❤❤.>> <<@devbandy9004 says : Is it a joke ? Now the Democrat leaders are thinking of alternate of Biden at eleventh hour.. May be it is too early . why not brainstorm a month before election This guy can't stand steady, stammering like a 100 years old man how can dem leaders approve him for a second term nominee ? This election will happen exact same like Hillary vs Trump. Ultimately Trump will come back to white house.>> <<@johnwhite5306 says : Democrats over looking Harris because she is a black woman. They got their old white man like last time and they are looking for the same again. I’ll be sitting this one out.>> <<@active1508 says : The NEW MAJORITY WILL NEVER vote for ANY candidate associated with AIPAC OR ISRAEL in ANY way, shape, or form! BEST GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS!>> <<@Wormhole798 says : Biden - No service members have died on my watch!😠>> <<@Wormhole798 says : I want Joe to stay in the race. He's only getting worse as the days go on. If you think he sounds like a blithering idiot now, just wait till he hits that inflection point! 😂>> <<@alexandermckown1409 says : Do really believe anything you have reported. Aren't you embarrassed about your bias?>> <<@pinedelgado4743 says : What are these SCUMBAGS talking about???? A fighter doesn't quit after his first fight because he got KO'ed in the first round!! Joe Biden is a REAL FIGHTER!!!!!>> <<@mysticman86 says : During the Trump reign anchors had money 🤑 in there pockets... Now 90% of them are broke.... Just flashy clothes but broke AF>> <<@undisputedtruth6176 says : Black Americans for Trump. Democrats are insane. Vote Trump save Black America from the massive illegal immigrant invasion. Insane democrats have sold out Black America>> <<@Skyhawk98 says : Biden staying in is the perfect scenario for Trump>> <<@sureshtharakan535 says : Itwascriminalofcnnnottohaverfkjnonthedebatestagecnnisworsethanaparthiedoldsouthafricaithaslostcredibility>> <<@b-i-b-l-ebasicinstructions5786 says : Jill Biden is hyper self-centered and diabolical on steroids. She will wreck the U.S. before she swallows her pride and recognizes that Joe is as big of a liar there is by his claiming and your claiming that he can do the job any longer. He can do the job if propped up continually and if he doesn't have to do any talking as the President of the United States. Good luck with that. Shame on Jill and Joe for not bowing out of the race yesterday!>> <<@lewisner says : Kamala as Presidential candidate would be quality entertainment.>> <<@haissem8 says : lol😂>> <<@athansky25 says : JoeBama stole the Election not once but Twice ! 👊>> <<@milademascolo9976 says : screw it PUT OBAMA IN THE RACE lol>> <<@milademascolo9976 says : Why are people acting like Biden hasn't BEEN acting like this? This is why they took away our primaries (a lot of us) because they KNEW we don't want this guy - or whats left of him-. BTW I don't care if he's "with it" or "sharp" etc during THIS time of day, or "off camera" or whatever. His job is THE most imp job, its basically a 24 hour 7 day a week job ....which also ages you more than other jobs-- like Biden can afford to age more than normal oh god.>> <<@ChrisAucoin1401 says : If we go into WAR...., will Mr. Biden depend on the TELEPROMPTER to know what to say and do? Ask yourself that question. And think about your children. This man is not fit to be president.>> <<@rich3154 says : Today may as well be election day, after that debate I think kamala would be the tougher opponent, so that tells you how i feel about bidens performance. And yes I am being sarcastic, biden runs he loses, kamala runs she losses. It a lose , lose situation for the Democrats. Thats why i say election day may as well been today. Make the white house strong again, not beining referred to as 1616 mockingbird lane.>> <<@ThePoopsnak says : The bus is gassed up and ready for joe to be thrown under it.....although risky the dems can replace joe at the convention.....it'll be a total mess and a royal pain..... and Joe has to agree to fall on his sword.....obama wants him gone and theyre workin on who will be the new stooge....dems will have to screw alot of people.......but that is the dems m.o.>> <<@puffito23 says : Have they tried unplugging and plugging him back in again?>> <<@CrazyGamingOnline59 says : The latest polls SINCE the debate in Georgia is Trump in the lead by 10 which shows they are still gaslighting...>> <<@CrazyGamingOnline59 says : This is a trainwreck and NOTHING can or will turn it around.>> <<@changeibc9599 says : Did you Democrats beat Medicare? CNN lol…..>> <<@lenovo7999 says : He’s such a pos but still better than trump>> <<@chrissysviews says : What in the hell are they talking about too late? First of all the election isn't until November and even though yes might be a little bit of a late start, but it is still probably very necessary to replace Biden if that is the case.. In fact, anyone who steps up is actually going to probably make a lot of headlines and get a lot of commotion which could end up making that potential candidate very popular actually...... so if you think about it, it would be very good if they are replacing Biden to do it as quickly as possible. But there's still definitely a lot of time and it would boost that new candidate.>> <<@tobywestfall2970 says : Bernie would make trump look like a monkey>> <<@tobywestfall2970 says : Bring back Bernie sanders>> <<@blue-12316 says : Maga tears🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@thepeartreeforest says : Almost.. but not too late.>> <<@michaelhill6451 says : "Don't give up Joe! We are counting on you to run against Trump!" - Trump Supporters>> <<@d3j4v00 says : it really doesn't take long to sell the public on a competent candidate who can speak to the concerns of the people. It would take way too long to gaslight bully and censor enough votes to push through another incompetent who has blue team bonefides.>> <<@d3j4v00 says : "Almost" means it's not too late.>> <<@ja4476 says : North American don't believe all lies from the left anymore...... Trump is going to win big..............>> <<@Flyerman777 says : YOU are the fake news.. you just backed this guy up. We KNEW this guy was too old, but YOU tried to hide it and now YOU are turning on him.>> <<@makingdowithwhatyouget.9188 says : EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN SHOULD BE AWAKE AND MAKESURE ON THIS COMING ELECTIONS, TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP, IF YOU VALUED YOUR FREEDOM AND PEACE AND EDUCATION FOR OUR KIDS AND BETTER ECONOMY. ON BIDEN ADMINISTRATION, YOU WERE FORCED LOCK DOWN DURING COVID. FORCED TO WEAR MASK, FORCE TO LOCK DOWN YOUR BUSINESS LOCK DOWN SCHOOL. GAS PRICING SKY ROCKET INCREASE, EVERYTHING MORE EXPENSIVE. WORST ECONOMY EVER. THEY PROMOTE WAR BY SENDING YOUR TAX MONEY TO FOREIGN COUNTRY AND FORGET ABOUT THEIR OWN CITIZENS WHO ARE IN NEEDS. HIS ADMINISTRATION ARE MAKING YOUR CHILDRENS CONFUSED ABOUT THEIR GENDER, IF THEY'RE ALIEN OR A CAT. AMERICA IS NOW A BIG JOKE AND A DISGRACE ALL DUE TO BIDEN AND HIS MINIONS.>> <<@WELL-WELL-WELL69 says : The democrats are done for>> <<@kevoreilly6557 says : NPR Host … that about sums it up It’s either throw in the towel now and stay with Biden and see trump get 350 seats Or go with someone that that is known, can debate him, and is an equal popularity and will win Gotta Call Bernie!>>