<<@coala1980 says : Stage of despair, just completed my personal and business tax forms. I have to pay 371 dollars personal tax and 41 000 dollars company tax bear in mind I have been away since November 2023 and my business in Australia is barely making 140 000 dollars after all expenses are counted. This is the sole reason most of my business moved to Singapore and keep just four workers in Sydney because I don't like living people with no income....>> <<@GRocvidz says : Australians shouldn't be paying anymore than 10% tax. Infrastructures, roads etc have been built and paid off. It's robbery at this point.>> <<@amandalee8803 says : Why can't women stay on hrt if they choose too ! It does make a big difference . Doctors quite it can cause heart attacks well stress from menopause symptoms can cause heart attacks too along with cancer. Women should be able too stay on hrt if they choose this as long as they want. It really does need too be addressed. There's some ingredients in dome menopause hrt brands that get used too treat other conditions and yet women in their 80"s & 90"s can take these every day. What's the difference. Stop women's suffering and let us choose. The tax cuts are just a kick in the face from the government. Who themselves are becoming richer everyday only because they work for the government Government salaries are way too high then there's the perks too go as well on top. Australians are over the government branches living the high life while we all suffer . Government needs too except their salaries are way too high and have too be cut. Women should be able too take her too what ever age they feel they wBt too stop. Nothing worse then a woman going too the doctors on hrt being told they can't take it anymore. It's criminal. Sex change people can take hormones all their life so why can't women if they want this. Menopause is absolutely horrible and it does basically shut women down too become more invalid we ith sickness and stress .>> <<@rustykilt says : What a joke. Government mismanagement and flawed policies have caused the cost of essentials to skyrocket. Power, fuel, food and interest rates are out of control due to Government policies yet the Government plays the good-guy by offering piddling tax cuts. And the sad part is many will fall for this handout.>> <<@addamr2052 says : Wow! Whoopy freacking do look at the miserable skint amount you'll get each week . What an insult .>> <<@williamcrossan9333 says : But eveyone is rich! In Perth, cheaper properties are getting 30 to 40 offers. Many without any conditions. Open homes are packed. Where's everyone getting the CA$H from?>> <<@lw1zfog says : you.are.being.mugged.off. again. the W.E.F. 6UILD 6ACK 6ETTER continues.>> <<@tgwcl6194 says : Satanism is destroying Western world. Pray daily the mega mighty holy Rosary!!!>> <<@tgwcl6194 says : End Times, say your prayers>> <<@peterbarnhoorn7879 says : May 2022, my interest rate was 4% less, insurances 20% less, utilities 20% less, food costs 25%..& Jim tells me we are better off..😮>> <<@vmura says : communists>> <<@lornacarlos says : No cut tax will compensate for the $30,000 a year additional expense slapped on ordinary Australians by Albo and the Labor. Party. It is stopping the costs of living continuously rising up which ordinary Australians are struggling to meet caused by this Labor government;s faulty fiscal policies.>> <<@diggerduckaussie6834 says : The parliament is robbing Australian's. Pure robbing our hard working money, are we working for a family or for the government. Looks like working to send money to terrorism, its the governments fault people are taking their life, and causing domestic violence. Yes thats out governments fault.>> <<@ElarMack-ci1of says : The COMMUNISTS GIVETH a little, and then THEY TAKE IT AWAY THREE FOLD OR MORE. ALBO has no idea and has never worked IN HIS LIFE. Always in a SHELTERED WORKSHOP OF UNION OR LABOR OFFICE. MUMMY Said, "Joint the Labor Party, like I DID, and NEVER HAVE TO DO A DAYS WORK and SPONGE OF SOCIETY all your life". THAT IS WHAT COMMUNISTS DO TO THEIR "SO CALLED" beloved people. With ABLASLEAZEY it is ALL SMOKE and MIRRORS, Mostly SMOKE to HIDE WHAT THEY DO, Not much MIRROR to reflect on the DISATERS THEY CAUSE OUR COUNTRY. It is the TROTSKY WAY OF COMMUNISM. GOOGLE TROTSKY TO FIND OUT HOW "NICE HE WAS". This is all from a POOR MAN FROM THE WESTERN SUBS of SYDNEY, who has MILLIONS of $$$$$$$'s. His MOTTO IS, "GET STUFFED YOU AUSSIES".>> <<@robertcunningham35 says : these tax cuts are going to punish the low income earners as when labor came into power ten million people were getting 1500 dollars which labor cut and now some tax payers are getting $800 at the bottom end that makes them loose $700 from the start when labor came in to power>> <<@womp6338 says : Boss babe who lives off government subsidies has a chip on her shoulder>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Dorothy and Mr Wong hate small business!!!>> <<@jennymills3147 says : Domestic inflation reflects Domestic monetary policy>> <<@Ex_877 says : Income Tax… Capital Gains Tax… Fuel/Alcohol/Tobacco Excise… Medicare Levy… Ambulance costs… Rego… ‘Luxury Car Tax’… Council Rates… Land Tax… Stamp Duty… Motor Vehicle Duty… Goods and Services Tax… (VAT) Payroll Taxes… Corporate Taxes… Inflation (hidden tax)… ‘Tax Bracket Creep’… Compulsory Super… Super Fees… Highest % tax brackets relative to currency value and income… And they talk about a 'cost of living crisis'? We have an excessive tax crisis.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Vindictive grubberment.>> <<@ianthompson3360 says : Its all nothing but a treasonous bribe coming from the worst corrupted politicians in Australia 🇦🇺 there whole design is to dissinfranchise Australians assets>> <<@smartgoku9048 says : as a guy i couldnt give a single a fuck if a woman is going through menopause. want to take a jacket off, take the jacket off, most offices have aircons and fans anyway. so i'm pretty sure the stigma was created by women themselves more than it was by men.>> <<@seanohartaigh2209 says : So when people go down the tubes are other people still goung to believe the stigma around these people. Yes is the simple answer>> <<@Babyfacenelson1981 says : 2 subjects... Business closing down due to unable to keep up finiancially. Women being told off to turn off electricity to save money for a business trying to keep upright? But they are now called sexist... keep going! the whole sex war is an embarressment and hindering western society.>> <<@jefftysoutube says : Stage one immigration cuts to bring levels down to Net Zero is what is needed. Increasing the deficit with tax cuts, $Billions in new housing just to keep the flood gates open?>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : Maybe not however they will drive inflation as the rich continue to drive demand and everyone else pays for it. Thanks liberals. Privatise wealth as always. Socialise those who pay.>> <<@jazzysnaps says : And the grub gave himself a massive pay rise .......>> <<@HonchHeado says : Stealth carbon tax, gillard krudd shorten all failed so the ALP will never mention the words again just tax the crap out of everything and call it a cost of living crisis.>> <<@blackcorp0001 says : 50 % of your audience just tuned out>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo is saying you peasents will suffer kneel before me>> <<@TAVOAu says : These tax cuts equate to the dollar value of me doing half an hour's overtime. Not life changing in the least.>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : They sound good, but will negatively impact inflation, those on the edge of the next tax bracket will lose out in bracket creep and energy prices will continue to increase under Laborgreen policies.. More smoke and mirrors with Albenese ( or at least those telling him what to do) imposing THEIR Socialist Green agenda upon us…>> <<@godoggies1249 says : So her answer is to "work harder?". She has no solutions so why is she on here? Thats right is the corrupt MSM>> <<@Lisahansen-ok4ml says : I think that's a great idea you said that Americans won't even notice the difference with the tax so that's great>> <<@srichards5042 says : Become GG and get a 200k pay rise - good one Albo>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : How many businesses closed and job cuts were there due to changed vape laws alone 🤔>> <<@jimmartin9704 says : No shit sherlock, but at least 14 million taxpayers get a bit more than your lot was giving this time. Why don't you lot talk about how your government's inability to do fiscal reform after all the covid payouts lead to where we ars now. It's not like Labor could fix it, damage already done by liberals>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : Close all the small businesses Only pushes more people to go online>> <<@UnknownUser-sc6jx says : Women having hormone issues is due to diet. If woman were eating more saturated fats and less carbohydrates they wouldn't be having hot flushes, having higher cholesterol means more sex hormones less hormone issues, eat more butter you'll feel better.>> <<@Berserker978 says : Crime rising. There is a direct link between this and the socio-economic state. Albanese Government are the cause of High Crime Rates.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : Stage 3 tax cuts😂😂😂 While they will get it back 50 times over from the other end.>> <<@UnknownUser-sc6jx says : What it will do is drive up inflation 😂 the rates need to go up and we wouldn't have high unemployment if we didn't have mass immigration of unskilled migration from the middle East Africa and South Asia.>> <<@user-rf2el4gh5d says : Albanese taking all the credit but the Morrison government legislated them years ago. Hypocrites the whole Albanese government.>> <<@ETERNITY777 says : 😡😡 HEY ALBO THE HOMELESS WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU WE ARE REAL PISSED OFF 😡😡😡>>