<<@ericbradley2010 says : Rev. Wright’s chickens are on the horizon.>> <<@countryslicker says : Wow! Democrats are against America>> <<@DemonHunter0069 says : They dont care either unless its money in their pockets>> <<@blumobean says : I want to see the figures. I call BS. It sounds like the "party" line. Far to rehearsed.>> <<@user-gs3zg1du7v says : Lord, Jesus, St Jude, Please bless this child, and her family. My prayers and thoughts are with you Sweetness 🙏 💝>> <<@kurtpace5333 says : They know..just denying it>> <<@SergioBehar says : Even Mexicans don’t like Biden ,These people Venezuelan don’t work , looks like they sent them from prisons and gangs , Trump 2024 ❤>> <<@eldonhoward7925 says : I'm so tired of the left defending illegal aliens!>> <<@user-cs3ub8bn8m says : Children don't vote😮>> <<@gdavis2018 says : They are thieves.>> <<@thomasmoore8800 says : Should convict politicians that allow open borders.>> <<@sarahgoss3859 says : That lady that lives in Pittsburgh needs to be fired or have a couple of violent migrants stay at her house these people are all disgusting>> <<@dennisbusha5032 says : Nasty people.....>> <<@user-vo5gi8pe1l says : The lie they tell you is Undocumented committed the crime already by being here . All they do is lie>> <<@tomjones5497 says : Where are they getting the statistics that illegal migrants commit less crime where are they pulling that out of>> <<@williamsweeney4507 says : Im from Pittsburgh... Pittsburgh>> <<@williamsweeney4507 says : What more proof is needed to convince you democrats can't be allowed to lead>> <<@kene5955 says : So what they should not be here in the first place. You idiots>> <<@user-dc4wn3zu6x says : They know, and they dont care.>> <<@MichaelMencher-mc4dg says : Nasty Human Being 🤬🤮>> <<@user-gl5gj4ln3o says : Look how different these people look. They are guilty of so many crimes. They pay after life, they are all EVICTED FROM SOURCE FOREVER>> <<@raymondjhaugenjr2165 says : The Democrats are the dirtiest political party our country has EVER HAD Vote Republican all the way down the ballot>> <<@bexarlyfishing says : Always the same talking points>> <<@deborahjonixon6967 says : Stupid ignorant Bomen. Figure it out 😂>> <<@priver9866 says : Notice the statistic that they always try to fob off on you "DOCUMENTED immigrants commit far fewer crimes". The problem is not documented immigrants, the problem is illegal aliens. There is a difference, one is legal one is not. I don't care that you don't want to call it illegal, it's still ILLEGAL.>> <<@jackshaw9637 says : Define "immigrant." As it applies today. I believe we ate talking about people who chose to become criminals by entering the USA illegally.>> <<@peterpidrak9501 says : That is a complete and total BS. I’m sorry but the whole point is if you’re coming into this country and we say who are you do you have a criminal record? Oh let’s see if if we should let you in OK you’re a good person. will let you in then that is better than just wandering into this country because you know there are parts of this country where you will not receive any pushback at all.>> <<@larryplummer9154 says : They made sure to say immigrants committ less crime than anyone else. That's crap, it shouldn't matter, hold them responsible for the 12 year old girls senseless tragedy or better yet let her parents have 5 minutes alone with all these liberal liars>> <<@sallysobstory7694 says : Hypocrite ! Lies ! and deceitful! Never fails !>> <<@Tankeryanker339 says : Well that happened in Texas so maybe justice will actually get served I hope they get the needle.>> <<@josephrhodes7083 says : ANYONE WHO CROSSES THE BORDER ILLEGALLY COMMITTED A CRIME. 100%>> <<@johncaldwell9842 says : Looks like Trump was right. The latin countries are just emptying out their prisons and sending them here. Thats old Joe.>> <<@johncaldwell9842 says : Jerry Naddler : Nothing to see here folks. This happens all the time.>> <<@HowYouMove says : The democrats are clearly anti American 🇺🇸>> <<@Mario-qw2fo says : Nadler, another senile buddy of senile biden….>> <<@user-ey7ez8mw8k says : Omg listen to these democrats care less about American lives ….!!! Unreal>> <<@jeffreylorenzana858 says : Wow, they don’t even know the girl who died by an illegal alien it’s because it’s their policy and they support the policy and don’t really care about Americans>> <<@johnnyamerica4336 says : They pull that statistic out a their dark stank hole, where most of what they spew comes from. Trump needs to clean nasty crooks out of the DC swamp and get some young, educated, and honest politicians in there (both Dems and Rinos).>> <<@shawnwheeler4633 says : Showing their hand. This is the new narrative. They are twisting the numbers to support an open border policy.>> <<@Didymus6 says : Maybe if they didn't come from prisons, insane asylums, and dems all saying the same talking point, I could believe it. They have no credibility.>> <<@steveocda says : And politicians are far more likely than anyone to lie, steal, cheat, enrich themselves through insider trading, etc.>> <<@troypaul3634 says : Most deep state are brain dead and will never take accountability of their actions.>> <<@debbiemac1950 says : I see they all got the same memo. Heartless.>> <<@kotv4342 says : It’s weird they all say the same buzz words.>> <<@judesharp6185 says : This F in administration does not care one bit about us Americans. Everybody should file tax exempt don’t give them anymore money>> <<@billwoods1192 says : 😡😡😡>> <<@adamweingart7570 says : Goes show who the scumbags are>> <<@adamweingart7570 says : They know exactly who she is>> <<@jasonkiomall-xh2wx says : These migraines are doing allot of killings…. They mustve told all the innocent people to cross our border can’t you tell>> <<@brunomckelvey3465 says : Bad>>